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Everything posted by Haitoku

  1. Hmm... Everything I've read so far suggest that they will come standard...
  2. It comes with a 60GB HD though, doesn it?
  3. Role-Player... You've made me install GTA:SA again. I got it as a gift and I never bothered to play it. Didn't know it had so much to offer.
  4. Didn't hear about this actually. Great news... I'm sure the system won't be 100% backwards compatible (just like the PS2 wasn't) but it will be close enough.
  5. Wrong thread Karka? This is a online shooter...
  6. I'm gonna pick up the game, now that it's $20. Despite being an ancient machine, the PS2 still has quiet a number of big hits coming. :cool:
  7. What's wrong with a standard keyboard for gaming?
  8. A few days early... Just purchased it... 3 hours of downloading until game time.
  9. This an actual fact? If so... The little bit of interested I had in Oblivion is officially gone. @ Topic - 3 more days, hurray! Battlefield 2 is in no way realistic... Tactical at times (when you aren't playing with complete morons) but not realistic. Which is what RO is aim at.
  10. Well... considering the vast majority of Japanese FFXI players use the PS2 and a good amount of NA players do as well... Also considering that FFXI really is only for the "hardcore" MMORPG crowd. I agree with you, but if something with the ease of WOW was released console exclusive, I say it could do fairly well.
  11. Because you are a different person and as such approach things differently. That'll be 10
  12. Are you running in narrow corridors in the forest and get beat up by random encounters every third step? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes yes, you don't like JRPGs, we get it. Just finished up SMT - Nocturne on HARD mode (went for the True Demon Ending)... My god, it was easily the hardest RPG I've tackled.... ever. Enemies are incredibly powerful and 1-hit KOs are too damn common. But I did it and now everything else seems like a joke. Started Magna Carta : Tears of Blood... Very interesting combat and party system. Story is pretty okay so far, hopefully it will pick up soon. The only real problem I have is how down right gay the main character looks...
  13. Yes, because if you remove the cross-hair, you immediately get a true-to-life simulation of the events that took place on the eastern front in World War 2. The amount of hypocrisy is staggering. Go go soil erosion. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Perhaps you should read up on it a little more... It's offering much more then that. Also, what is your problem with the game? You sound really angry...
  14. If it sounds like an RPG and plays like an RPG... then it's an....
  15. If you've played one CRPG Chosen One Must Choose protagonist you have played them all. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> At least Hades added "Emotionally troubled" this time.... He is learning!
  16. You hate Diablo. You are NOT going to enjoy those. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Dungeon Siege 2 yes... Guild Wars has an interesting enough story and the competitive aspects can keep it fresh forever (if that is your thing). Best of all, free online play. Now, that's interesting <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I never though it would happen... Certainly not 6 years later. I still got to get my hands on the first, but it looks interesting.
  17. I've been thinking about trying out the Shadow Hearts series... What are they about and are they all connected? Also... have you finished playing the first Persona? Or starting the second? (Persona 3 starts a 'fresh' new storyline, you can expect guest from the previews games though) I really want to buy this game... However, I already own the game... Dunno if the online play is worth the extra $30. Serious Sam is a good subtitute... even though it's such a blatant rip-off.
  18. It's 2006, and already see immense potential. After watching this amazing 17 minute trailer, Persona 3 is easily the game I am absolutely drooling over. I've recently finished Persona 2 : Eternal Punishment and it's easily one of the best RPGs I have ever played (clocked in over 100 hours ) and without a dout the best PSone (Yes, even ripping that slot from Chrono Cross...). I have extremely high hopes for this game... just reaching the US will be a grand task. Like most Atlus games, Persona 3 features incredibly controversial themes... In fact, the main characters summon their anima by shooting themselves in the head... The last patch of Atlus games made it here without too much censoring, I sure hope this holds true to Persona 3. Another game I am looking forward to is Xenosaga Episode III: Also Sprach Zarathustra. This games story is just epic. It easily has the most diverse and developed cast of characters I've ever seen. This game is the last in the series, hopefully it will rap up all the lose ends. Of course I am looking forward to Neverwinter Nights 2. After playing KOTOR 2 I've really fallen in love with Obsidian's storytelling style (It's the journey that matters, not the destination!). Though I have never had much love for games that follow the D&D style so closely, I am very optimistic about this game. Few others I'm interested in... Red Orchestra which is being released via Steam in a few days! I really love the idea of making an intense, realistic FPS. I've never missed a Final Fantasy title and I don't plan on missing Final Fantasy XII. Also, though I hate to say it, I am also looking forward to Oblivion. It's worth a shot at the very least. Anyways, what games are YOU looking forward to?
  19. That's the best we can hope for.
  20. Stop trying to get this thread closed... In any case, you guys keep talking about it like it needs to be an RPG. An action game would be pretty wild...
  21. Not really because Baldurs gate was a series of maps linked by a static world map. The world map in the FF games I'm talking about is a big open map which wraps around (like flying around the world) and it's all done in real time. FFX and FFX-2 would be very similiar to how Baldurs gate works. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I think this sounds more like a style of Oblivion than you'd like to admit. Or are you not actually walking on this map? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Um... No, Oblivion and FFXII are completely different...
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