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Everything posted by DigitalCrack

  1. So, which class best suits the pirate approach? Obviously the chanter. Since we all know pirates are loud rowdy types who like to sing
  2. Since its a bug someone suggested posting it in the "beta bugs" section of forums. Prob why he posted this since i was about to do the same ha! Either way, OE you can keep this bug in the game haha... or just make it a legit working feature.
  3. Its fun to use now even though its an unintended bug. I am all for pirate style revolution! As a side note they should make all guns effectively clubs at melee range, like how the sword is slashing/piercing.
  4. Yeah no arrows. Would rather have it be apart of talents.
  5. Paper Cartridges: reduced reload time for firearms. Alchemist: use of potions provides a small boost to the effectiveness of spells and abilities for the duration of the encounter.
  6. Well no matter what its cool that its an option to dual wield a pistol with a melee. It will be intersting to see how it will change and if its still effective when the beta is updated.
  7. I thought it would be neat to tie weapon specialization talents in after selecting the initial weapon grouping. Jagged Blade (prereq. ruffian weapons talent): You ground teeth into the blade of your weapon. Bleeding damage increased with sabres/Bleeding damage added to stilettos. Poisoned Blade (prereq. ruffian weapons talent): You coat your blades with poison to great effect. Stilettos now do corrosive damage over time. Blood Letter (prereq. ruffian weapons talent): Sabre's bleed damage duration is increased.
  8. Also I was running a resolve heavy chanter build which could have made the difference for why I didn't notice interruption.
  9. In this case, weren't you then standing in melee range while reloading the pistol? Didn't you take a beating / interrupts while reloading? yes I was but it never seemed to make a difference granted I had a fighter taking most the heat. So maybe if surrounded by multiple enemies alone it would have been a problem. No encounter ever came up that exploited the reload phase though so not sure.
  10. Here's a cool thought what if pistols could be a ranged/melee damage type. Upon entering combat you fire pistol since its pre-loaded then it would engage in melee as a sort of dagger version of a club?
  11. I hope it's not some kind of bug because that would be a pretty cool option to have. Especially if there are some talents to support it. agreed kind of makes sense to both be rolled as single weapons since one is ranged and the other melee. *crosses fingers*
  12. Honestly don't remember. A lot of the weapon mechanic feedback seems somewhat glitchy/broken. Honestly it felt more like each weapon rolled as single handed, due to how fast the sabre swung.
  13. I ran with a sabre/pistol combo that work pretty well. Basically when you targeted an enemy you would shoot first then attack with the sabre (at what felt like stiletto speeds) and then took one round to reload where you weren't attacking at all. However it never felt like that was crippling since I did so much damage on the round I attacked.
  14. You're right, I don't want to kill everything. But I don't want combat to be a pointless chore either. And happily it won't. Yes it will be. Combat in this game is a pointless high-risk chore that you are better off skipping. Having to grind encounters for xp is what makes combat a chore. The reward is in the potential for discovering some kind of loot/guarded secret.
  15. I feel like the attribute system would be better off without a damage modifier at all. Have might (reword if necessary) do something else and have all damage buffs come from selectable talents instead, like when you select the weapon group talent for say ruffian you now do more damage with that weapon set. Then you could have specific weapon proficiency talents of various effects (after the initial weapon group talent was selected).
  16. One thing i am not a huge fan of is having the combat feedback above characters heads or at least what they currently have is too much and should be a less is more. It takes me out of the game when I go into combat and all this crap pops up over everyone. At least you can turn it off, just figured if they are gonna have it, its too in your face at the moment.
  17. Its hard to say how it really feels since everything in general feels out of synch in combat. Really would like to see how it feels when its working (close to) how its supposed to.
  18. Which this might play into the reasoning why there is no xp gain for combat so people have the option for roleplay builds instead of straight up combat builds without crippling themselves completely for combat.
  19. People seem to think that PoE's world is somehow governed by all the same principles that governed BG's world. They created this world from scratch, as far as I'm concerned you can't argue that "because said system functions differently than BG's universe it must be illogical." It's crazy how insistent some people are about how PoE's attributes (or any element for that matter) must follow the logic set down by a completely different unrelated fantasy universe.
  20. The stat governing meditation is WIS, martial arts DEX/STR, and musical instruments, CHA. :checks back: No, you didn't. You made an assertion and then appealed to common sense. That's not an argument. Seriously, the "pasty bookish hunchbacked antisocial nerd flinging fireballs" archetype comes from D&D, presumably because its authors were pasty bookish hunchbacked antisocial nerds getting pushed around by the high-STR, high-CHA jocks and wanted a power trip. There's no cosmic truth to it. It's also one of the most boring wizard archetypes out there. Azar Javed from The Witcher was way cooler, as was Anomander Rake from the Malazan Book of the Fallen, or many others. I'd like to add, that a wizard's power can't come from meditation and martial arts, because we have a class in PoE for that. It is called a monk. As PoEs lore explicitely says (quoted by a user before me), a wizard is all about using magic books, mental discipline, lots of education. I'd like you to notice that I don't want a high INT low STR wizard. You can have you high STR wizard. But it HAS to be a high INT high STR wizard (as Azar Javed), because intellingence is EXTREMELY important for a wizard. No it doesn't because the attributes are essentially modifiers in PoE. The game works under the assumption that if you pick a wizard, by default, your smart enough to be one. Adding to intellegence simply makes you a smarter wizard. PoE attributes are not physical attributes, they are modifiers for a default physical assumption based on your class.I am assuming if the wizard is smart by default, it will pass all INT checks in game (dialogs and etc..).However he/she does not pass those checks if you don't increase his/her attributes. At least the attributes values and role playing options in game should be consistent. Being physically intellegent doesn't automatically mean your an intellegent conversationalist. Real life proves that. Does the INT (as a attribute in PoE) represent physical version for you ? Attributes in PoE are like modifiers for assumed physical attributes which are determined by class. Basically PoE attributes define how your assumed physical attributes react with and are perceived by the world. Another way to look at it is your characters ability to translate physical ability externally to his surroundings.
  21. The stat governing meditation is WIS, martial arts DEX/STR, and musical instruments, CHA. :checks back: No, you didn't. You made an assertion and then appealed to common sense. That's not an argument. Seriously, the "pasty bookish hunchbacked antisocial nerd flinging fireballs" archetype comes from D&D, presumably because its authors were pasty bookish hunchbacked antisocial nerds getting pushed around by the high-STR, high-CHA jocks and wanted a power trip. There's no cosmic truth to it. It's also one of the most boring wizard archetypes out there. Azar Javed from The Witcher was way cooler, as was Anomander Rake from the Malazan Book of the Fallen, or many others. I'd like to add, that a wizard's power can't come from meditation and martial arts, because we have a class in PoE for that. It is called a monk. As PoEs lore explicitely says (quoted by a user before me), a wizard is all about using magic books, mental discipline, lots of education. I'd like you to notice that I don't want a high INT low STR wizard. You can have you high STR wizard. But it HAS to be a high INT high STR wizard (as Azar Javed), because intellingence is EXTREMELY important for a wizard. No it doesn't because the attributes are essentially modifiers in PoE. The game works under the assumption that if you pick a wizard, by default, your smart enough to be one. Adding to intellegence simply makes you a smarter wizard. PoE attributes are not physical attributes, they are modifiers for a default physical assumption based on your class. I am assuming if the wizard is smart by default, it will pass all INT checks in game (dialogs and etc..). However he/she does not pass those checks if you don't increase his/her attributes. At least the attributes values and role playing options in game should be consistent. Being physically intellegent doesn't automatically mean your an intellegent conversationalist. Real life proves that.
  22. The stat governing meditation is WIS, martial arts DEX/STR, and musical instruments, CHA. :checks back: No, you didn't. You made an assertion and then appealed to common sense. That's not an argument. Seriously, the "pasty bookish hunchbacked antisocial nerd flinging fireballs" archetype comes from D&D, presumably because its authors were pasty bookish hunchbacked antisocial nerds getting pushed around by the high-STR, high-CHA jocks and wanted a power trip. There's no cosmic truth to it. It's also one of the most boring wizard archetypes out there. Azar Javed from The Witcher was way cooler, as was Anomander Rake from the Malazan Book of the Fallen, or many others. I'd like to add, that a wizard's power can't come from meditation and martial arts, because we have a class in PoE for that. It is called a monk. As PoEs lore explicitely says (quoted by a user before me), a wizard is all about using magic books, mental discipline, lots of education. I'd like you to notice that I don't want a high INT low STR wizard. You can have you high STR wizard. But it HAS to be a high INT high STR wizard (as Azar Javed), because intellingence is EXTREMELY important for a wizard. No it doesn't because the attributes are essentially modifiers in PoE. The game works under the assumption that if you pick a wizard, by default, your smart enough to be one. Adding to intellegence simply makes you a smarter wizard. PoE attributes are not physical attributes, they are modifiers for a default physical assumption based on your class.
  23. Yes they can becuase by choosing wizard in PoE works under the assumption that your already smart enough to be one and your attributes simply modify that assumption.
  24. People need to look at the attributes as modifiers not stat points. When you pick your class it essentially determines your physical attributes and then you modify that by spending points on six modifiers. Where as D&D you pick your physical attributes.
  25. Have you actually looked at the current attribute system? PoE allows for fighters who are intelligent instead of strong. And it works quite well, except for one small problem: The values have to be tweaked a bit. Also nobody's saying that the intelligent fighter should be as good as the strong one in every circumstance. It might be that, all in all, he's not as good a build. Nobody (who you should care about) wants perfect balance. But if I can actually roleplay as an intelligent leader instead of a dumb brute while still being quite good in combat situations, then that's enough reason to play this build. The point he is making: 1/ there should not be viable intelligent Fighter build (who is weak in STR, CON, DEX). 2/ There should be viable melee INT build, but in different class (BattleMage or Paladin who has spells (powered by INT) which benefit his melee focus). The very idea that class does not have bad builds is the problem. The goal that Josh is trying to achieve so badly. Might is power not physical strength in PoE. So a fighter will still do well in melee compared to non melee classes even without high might because his base class stats set him up to be so. Basically your working under the assumption that your already physically capable since you are a fighter.
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