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Everything posted by Kogorn733

  1. My tentative guess is that Obsidian will add a second expansion (something other than White March 1 & 2) that will give post-game content. But I wouldn't expect any announcements to their future plans until next E3
  2. I've actually started the expansion mid-game (soon after I got to Act III), and have really been enjoying it so far. My party is level 9. Once you get to the first area, you're prompted whether you want to upscale the encounters to be more challenging, and I selected "yes" since otherwise the expansion assumes you're level 5-7. Other than the first fight when you first get to Stalwart, which was easy, the rest has been quite enjoyable, and I really don't regret starting it at all. However, I have learned that I need to respec some of my party members because some of them (notably my Eder-tank) have become less effective since 2.0. Some of the fights so far have been brutal. Notably, the new four-armed lizard warrior things the expansion adds.
  3. I was adventuring in the new area to the West the expansion adds and cleared most of it. However, I eventually got to a fight that I haven't figured out how to beat yet. It involves some kind of lizard warrior brood mother, two other lizard warriors, and a couple of ice trolls. Anyone have any advice for how to handle it? My party is me (Wizard), Zahua, Kana, Sagani, Durance, and Eder
  4. Thank you! I may head over there then. Was adventuring in the new forest area to the West and cleared most of it, but now I keep getting my a$$ handed to me by these lizard brood mother things. May have to come back at higher level to finish.
  5. I have no idea how to predict the aoe of spells otherwise, and it's made me too afraid to use my wizard to his full potential.
  6. Yes, once you're past the "pit of no return," you can't go back and do the expansion unless you reload a save from before then.
  7. I haven't found the Devil of Caroc yet, but Zarahua (or however you spell it, the monk) is hiding in a fish barrel in Stalwart. If you approach the fish seller, you'll see him scream and run away. Examine the barrel and you'll find Zarahua. I'm being completely serious.
  8. I must be fed with knowledge about the new expansion! :D
  10. Nox was a fantastic game, and I think Obsidian could work wonders with the brand. Too bad its owned by EA
  11. I'm craving more information about the expansion.... Some other requests/inquiries: (1) will the expansion add respawning monsters, or at least a chance of spawning monsters in between areas/during a rest in the wilderness? It would greatly enhance the overall play experience, especially given the exploration-based nature of the game. (2) Will the expansion add bad the ability to craft figurines?
  12. So it seems some of the mechanics from the main game are being touched upon in the expansion, but is any of the story content from the main game being enhanced, changed, added to, etc.? What I've seen from a couple player posts suggests that they aren't, but I can't find any dev posts/articles online confirming the same. Also, are the new companions exclusive to the expansion content. I.e., can you only find and use them during the expansion content? or are they added to the main game world and usable for quests/adventuring outside the expansion campaign?
  13. I'd be happy with party AI, but the more pressing issue is with ENEMY AI. Right now the enemy is waaaaaaay too predictable, and other than shades, fampyrs,and certain bosses, none of them have ways of really challenging the player other than through increased damage.
  14. (1) More reactivity to your character's chosen race, class, background, etc. Even if it's just flavor (although preferably broader than that), it would really enhance the feeling of the game (2) As someone previously stated, more Raedric-style dungeons (3) More figurines/ways to summon other than through spells (4) more crafting options (5) weapons with more unique effects not otherwise attainable by the player. Loot is significantly more boring to get when you can just make the thing yourself (6) More wilderness areas off the beaten path, there purely for exploration/sidequests (7) More unique additions to companions (so far, apart from equipment, the only unique feature seems to be Pellagaena's godlike race) ( More unique quests associated with the stronghold (9) buffs to spirit shifting (10) greater variety of wizard spells. Where are the spells that do stuff other than damage/cc? I.e., summon magic weapon, goodberry, etc. (11) Familiars for wizards (12) Better enemy/party member AI (at least the latter seems to be incoming) (13) buffed/retweaked paladins, rangers, and wizards (14) Class-related quests (i.e. wizard class to acquire a staff; paladin quest to acquire a sword, etc.) (15) anything else that would make playthroughs more unique based on character, class, etc. I find stupid the expectation that any player should be able to experience ALL the content on one playthrough.
  15. Is something going to be done to enhance the overall reactivity in the game? Found it really strange how few recognitions there were in dialog for things like class, race (especially godlike), and homeland. This was done so perfectly in Arcanum, and I don't understand why few such dialogs are present in POE
  16. This might fall under the definition of some of the choices, but an interesting way to acquire a legendary item artifact might be to have the player create one.
  17. One of my favorite aspects of high level D&D play was the ability to create constructs of various kinds (i.e. golems). Is something along these lines possible in the game? It seems from the posts I've read about animancy that such a thing is possible in theory. A golem-ish type figure would be a very cool party member.
  18. Thanks for the input everyone! I still think I'm gonna wait for a dev response though before I do anything.
  19. As a longtime fan of crpgs, I'm considering donating some money to the cause, but at this point I have no idea what further monies will be going toward. I read from the News and Announcements section that the game is now "feature locked," which makes it seem as if any further monies donated won't go toward the addition of new features. Where then would the money go, assuming it still goes toward development (I don't have experience in backing these projects)? Would it be used to support debugging/testing? Thanks!
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