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Everything posted by Meshugger

  1. Funnily enough, Trudeau was heavily critizised for being too selective by the media in Europe and for singling out those most in need...."most in need" indeed.
  2. A similar gathering happened in Helsinki but they were stupid enough to share their motives on social media and the cops got them before it even started. That being said, this is a symptom of men having too little to do and are frustrated because of the lack of female companionship. I hereby suggest that we give them the utmost oppurtunity to go fighting in Syria and therefore give them some meaning in their lives.
  3. That analogy is super snappy but also has nothing in common with the current situations. Points for trying, though. It's called using 'colorful language'. Poets, musicians, painters, writers, artists and me use it. Join the club and become a winner like the rest of us. Jokes, aside i see it as a comparable euphemism since we are seeing a coalition of certain countries in EU trying to impose rules on other countries, which will, if handled foolishly, to similar scenarios. But i would be glad to be wrong in that sentiment, very so.
  4. I am happy that you guys are still discussing GG, it proves that it really struck a nerve on all these SJW hipsters who really hated games and gaming despite reviewing them (Hint: Roger Ebert, the best reviewer of movies might've hated a lot of movies, but by God, did he love and understand the medium). With that in mind, i will let the rest of the arguments slide. The EU on the other hand, it clearly shows how you cannot force integration from a top-down level on countries. It has to be cooperation, because otherwise we are repeating the same mistakes made in Versailles in 1919.
  5. They are even working with the U.N. through the Lucis Trust. Just like a lot of elites. Don't you guys want to join the big club? Right? right? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucis_Trust They sound like an organization out of a bad '90s World of Darkness supplement Hey, if you wanna LARP as a Ventrue in real life, you better do it with a laugh.
  6. No offense but to suggest "NK is a soverign state and we need to respect there rules " is one of the most frustrating responses a person can give The NK regime has never had a valid election and they have used there control of the army and ideological brainwashing and brutal killings of any dissidents to stay in power....they are not soverign by any respects I don't expect you to start campaigning outside there embassy or for the West to invade as I know the whole China dynamic but surly you can criticize them on a forum like this ? And its not like you don't get involved in other political debates so I do consider you informed on most global developments - "NK is a sovereign state!" - "Nu-uh, the state has complete control down to a micro-level, that's not sovereign by any means!" Bruce pls, you're drunk. Go back to bed. Actually its 3 pm in the afternoon and I'm stone cold sober And your reason for suggesting " NK is a sovereign state " is still factually incorrect I'm not sure what your definition of sovereign is, this is not a reason to say " we cannot criticize mass murder" ...its completely illogical Still not getting i see: sovereign [sov-rin, sov-er-in, suhv-] Spell Syllables Synonyms Examples Word Origin noun 1. a monarch; a king, queen, or other supreme ruler. 2. a person who has supreme power or authority. 3. a group or body of persons or a state having sovereign authority. 4. a gold coin of the United Kingdom, equal to one pound sterling: wentout of circulation after 1914. Check point 1-3.
  7. Why can't you guys just ditch the Buddist-hoopla and join the Theosophical Society instead? It's great! It's super-fun! It's awesome! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theosophy They are even working with the U.N. through the Lucis Trust. Just like a lot of elites. Don't you guys want to join the big club? Right? right? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucis_Trust See, Qistina? This is how you build up a narrative for a conspiracy: You let the reader get the information himself and build up their imagery around it. Just dumping video-links to RT and various news outlets by random is just lazy as the narrative is already framed without the agency of the reciever. You can thank me later.
  8. No offense but to suggest "NK is a soverign state and we need to respect there rules " is one of the most frustrating responses a person can give The NK regime has never had a valid election and they have used there control of the army and ideological brainwashing and brutal killings of any dissidents to stay in power....they are not soverign by any respects I don't expect you to start campaigning outside there embassy or for the West to invade as I know the whole China dynamic but surly you can criticize them on a forum like this ? And its not like you don't get involved in other political debates so I do consider you informed on most global developments - "NK is a sovereign state!" - "Nu-uh, the state has complete control down to a micro-level, that's not sovereign by any means!" Bruce pls, you're drunk. Go back to bed.
  9. Now, kiss!
  10. The financial and political elite couldn't care less about NK on how they treat their citizens, it's more about control. It's a sovereign state, for all the good and the bad it implies, and that concerns them greatly. Plebeian toughts like dignity and empathy, of which we hold, is sold for support and leverage against the regime in Pyongyang. That's why open trade and freedom of movement is currently off the table.
  11. Why is there a lamp-post behind Kylo?
  12. Your fascination with an (evil) outside force posing a challenge to the protagonists baffles me. It's hardly the only possible source of conflict in a movie. In a Star Wars movie, it makes perfect sense. It's also a story that has been told before in six movies! Switching up the formula a bit also makes perfect sense. Switching formula is all fine and dandy, but in this case they failed executing it properly. So you don't fundamentally disagree with the goal of creating a villain who's basically a poser and a wannabe? Not in principle. It would've been more believeable though if: 1) Kylo would've been just a leader of 20-30 raiders, terrorizing on one planet like a bunch of low-level bandits, or 2) He would've been surrounded by other competent, inspiring and charismatic leaders in the First Order But since neither situation is (or a better abbrivation of it) played out, we are left with a uncharistmatic leader with silly henchmen of a major faction big enough to build a death star with supposedly millions of followers, because reasons. Nah, failed execution i would say.
  13. Now, now, China is as open as the west. Not only you can own property, you can join any political party sanctioned by the state: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_political_parties_in_the_People%27s_Republic_of_China Isn't that wonderful?
  14. Your fascination with an (evil) outside force posing a challenge to the protagonists baffles me. It's hardly the only possible source of conflict in a movie. In a Star Wars movie, it makes perfect sense. It's also a story that has been told before in six movies! Switching up the formula a bit also makes perfect sense. Switching formula is all fine and dandy, but in this case they failed executing it properly.
  15. Your fascination with an (evil) outside force posing a challenge to the protagonists baffles me. It's hardly the only possible source of conflict in a movie. In a Star Wars movie, it makes perfect sense. Outside of that, it is just a matter of different taste.
  16. And I think that's ego-stroking wankery that feeds an unearned sense of superiority. Evil is small, evil is stupid, evil is petty. But we like to dress it up as something more than that, something that has a certain grandeur to it, because it lets us feel better about ourselves when we do small, stupid, petty ****, or feel like we fought off a real menace when we refrain from doing so. Evil is this: A frothing maniac with the world's smallest ****. Again, i disagree. If evil is something petty and simple, it's not frightning or something to be feared and thus, a very boring plot device in a movie.
  17. And that's exactly the thing I like about it! It portrays evil as something really, really petty and immature, kind of like how it is in real life? Then we have to agree to disagree. While petty evil, like simple stealing and bullying is a part of life, it is also the most easiest to resist, both mentally and physically. Evil done well, is when it is metaphysical force of nature with a philosophical foundation that weak men are easily succumbed to, thanks to either their fears and vices. I am thinking of the Sith Academy mission on Korriban in KotOR 1, as well as the arguments used in the original SW movies about order and the allure to power. Thus being a good person and doing good is inheritly more difficult to be, and more difficult to overcome, which leaves it much more gratifying when it prevails in the end.
  18. Well, based on this movie, one can easily say that the dark side, or evil itself, is not seductive, terrifying or alluring in any way. It's more like a ****roach; it's annoying, pestering and just don't go away, no matter how many times you want to brush it off. Such evil is empty of any foundation and thus as interesting as the motives of football hooligans. Heck, even the Wicked Queen in Snow White had more character and motives than Kylo.
  19. I don't know about you, but I don't think there's any difference here between TFA and the previous six movies. I don't remember thinking once that any of the villains in those movies "instilled true fear" or had a significant capability for "tyrannical power" that the First Order doesn't. If anything the FO has more capability of tyrannical power than the Empire (through Starkiller Base) which is quite a bit of a fail, since they are meant to be more of an upstart faction. That's the point. They have all that technology but still failed to convince me that they were a force to be reckonned with. **** characters in leadership positions and presentation, IMO.
  20. http://edition.cnn.com/2015/12/29/travel/stars-wars-force-awakens-island-skellig-michael/ Whoa, i have to go there sometime. Looks absolutely fascinating. As for the movie, a week after it has all sinked in; the movie fails on another level that i do not recall mentioning: The villains did not at any point instill true fear or were displayed as having the capability of any tyrannical power. They could've been as well a bunch of Mandalorian raiders shooting left and right with very big, big weapons. They reminded me more about hooligans that could be contained and jailed if you had the enough fire-power and Snook (Snoke? what a dumb name) as the angry grandpa leading them. It's more of failure of execution of than the base idea of a new empire rising with some omnious Sith working in the background. The only time it worked was in the beginning when Kylo stopped that blast in mid-air. That was a moment of power and control.
  21. I've heard that in Islam, all spiders are insects, but they are still spiders. Happy new year!
  22. If you do that I'll call you Lawrence Caesar. I changed my mind. I would pay for Lemmy's funeral. It would be the best thing ever. I must say Dark and Mesugger I would have thought you boys would have rather spent the money helping the Syrian refugees integrate into your countries ...as i would expect you to use all the money as dowry for your and Qistina's wedding. Chicks love to be spoiled, bruh.
  23. If you do that I'll call you Lawrence Caesar. I changed my mind. I would pay for Lemmy's funeral. It would be the best thing ever.
  24. +1
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