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Everything posted by Meshugger

  1. Just to remind you all that the democratic primary in 2008 had the following results: Obama - 1828 delegates - 428 superdelegates - 17 584 692 votes (47,31%) Clinton - 1726 delegates - 246 superdelegates - 17 857 501 votes (48,04%) So the race is still quite open.
  2. A local lady from Calais describes the current situation of her hometown: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UKAQX74yRyc As scary as it is, Oby has a point.
  3. Who on earth is this Kasich guy? No one on the morning news seemed to even agree on how to pronounce his name.
  4. Rubio is just hilariously bad. The whole package of trying to act tough with an effeminate voice, repeating the same talking points with zero awereness on how rehearsed it sounds and finally being verbally bitchslapped by a guy nicknamed "Christy Kremé" is simply too much. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_Gg6ggghoI
  5. Ok, so I wondered into /fringe/ for some material about these kinds of conspiracy theories, but here goes (please use the youtube-link below to get into the right mood): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HhwWAciO6F4 NASA knew that no human will be able to leave earth outside of the Van Allen belt, but still had pressure from the Nixon administration to do at least something. So when a group of propulsion engineers watched Stanley Kubrick's "2001: A space Odyssey", they instantly knew what to do. They contacted a three letter US agency in order to handle the negotiations as smoothly as possible; after all, they have had succesful operations on conscious and subconscious manipulation from before, which was outside of the expertise of NASA. Stanley was reluctant at first, but he was a smart man. He knew that they knew that his security would not be jeopardized due to his fame, but at the same time he knew that the information they provided him made him a serious security threat. Based on these cards that were on the table, Stanley allowed himself to perfom the task needed: To simulate through clever camera techniques a landing on the moon, which inofficially in the agreement was stated to be used during radio-silence with earth, but both parties knew the true purpose and kept it in silence as open secret between them only. As reward, Stanley was provided two unique lenses in existence, exclusively from NASA. With these, he could successfully shoot his movie "Barry Lyndon" in only natural light, which gave him the result he needed for his project: A movie that looks and feels like the paintings from the era it tried to portray. Thus, eventhough he was bought, he maximized his return of investment in the least obvious way possible. But Stanley got second thoughts when the reality on who he had dealt with came creeping back to him. He quickly moved away from Hollywood, even the US entirely, and settled in the midlands in the UK in order to satiate his growing paranoia. But that was not enough, as an artist, he had to express his anxieties and energies somehow, and if you look very closely, you will find a lot of clues in every movie made since "Barry Lyndon". The truth is there, you just know where to look. Finally at an old age, when his fear of death had been let go and he wanted to show the world on who the true masters of the three letter US agency he originally signed his deal with. He understood how the human subconscious worked more than anyone, except perhaps for his adversaries, so he wanted to go out with a bang: "Eyes wide shut". Even the title itself was a gateway for those who understood the esoteric message that it conveyed. But he didn't care anymore, he wanted to meet his maker with his conscience completely clear and did the movie. He tried to keep the filmprocess as a secret as much as possible, but it got leaked to the wrong kind of people and he was killed through cyanide posioning the eleventh hour. But the problem was that the movie had been announced as completed, which lead into a problem on what to do with it since it exposed them so clearly. The true rulers of the world had to resort to use their contacts at the movie studios in order to re-edit the movie to hide their true identities as much as possible. The result was 45 minutes missing and the worst edited Kubrick movie to date. But there was still enough for those with vested interest and knowledge into the ancient occult and esoteric societies to immidiately spot who those are, but they are too few to have any major influence and could be easily dismissed as conspiracy whackjobs. The deed was done, and the renegade prince of motion pictures was taken down, but his message stayed....if you dear to look after it. You will never look at a movie by Stanley Kubrick in the same way ever again. You're welcome.
  6. I think that this is in order: https://youtu.be/wptn5RE2I-k?t=92
  7. Do people make money out of claiming that the US never went to the moon? Well, there you have it.
  8. He admits that "Sleepless in Seattle" is his favourite movie on page six. So if my spidersenses are correct, the guy is a humongous fruitcake trying to overcompensate for his Cuban machismo upbringing. No wonder the guy is an easy target for various interest groups and unscrupulous individuals who has no doubt some interesting dirt on him.
  9. Good read, once again it becomes the womens problem...." you want to avoid Zika, don't fall pregnant " And the men are left alone to just have sex when they want and with who they want But no matter how you twist and turn it, in the very end it is the woman's decision on who to allow into her secret garden. Anything else is rape. You want to rob her of her agency to decide this for herself? That's quite misogynic and problematic.
  10. Already done.Bruce is more then welcome to correct but I'm pretty sure he is not a social democrat. He's mentioned a few times that his ideal is "a mix of capitalism and socialism like the nordic countries" which from what I've been able to understand is Capitalism with a welfare state. That's social democrats, or at least what they do when they're in power. Well yes in an ideal world I think the Nordic countries offer the best balance of socialism and Capitalism for any government But can a system like that be realistically implemented in a place like the USA? I doubt it as most Republicans are opposed to the concept of " big government interference" ....so even though I support the Nordic system of government it can't be implemented everywhere The Nordic model does not work in the US for the reason of it being Nordic, as in it is a natural extension of the mindset in the countries there. As in it is taboo show off your riches; when making important decisions you always discuss it with your teammates before reaching final decision, uncontrollable joy is only acceptable when being drunk and it's important to feel shame on others behalf so that they can be really ashamed of themselves. None of those traits exist in the US or even remotely exemplify the american way of life, and that's why you cannot just insert the same kind of system there and expect the same results, because you won't.
  11. Someone with good MS Paint skills replace "Bernie Sanders" with "BruceVC"
  12. To no one's surprise: Link to radio speech: http://www.deutschlandfunk.de/medienquartett-bitte-nicht-stoeren-hauptstadtjournalisten.1301.de.html?dram:article_id=343058 Link to article: http://www.breitbart.com/london/2016/02/02/top-german-journalist-admits-live-on-air-national-news-agenda-set-by-government/
  13. I personally find the push for Rubio to be ridicolously funny. The guy is the archetype of globalist, back-room deal politician that the establishment loves.
  14. Hahaha, what?! https://twitter.com/BronyPhysicist/status/694292280639770624?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw
  15. So Rubio and Cruz suddenly seemed as top contenders for the Republicans? Quite interesting, but i guess it so happens when one is married to an investment manager at Goldman Sachs and the other has them as their top donor; or that Mr. Rubio is a heavy supporter of the new H1-B Visa program of which was proved to be a manufactured crisis by big business (http://yro.slashdot.org/story/15/04/25/2219209/think-tanks-how-a-bill-gates-agenda-becomes-a-law) and they also happen to think that isolating Russia is the top priority combat in foreign relations. Not to mention the biggest billionare donors are for them are Sheldon Adelson and Paul Singer, who thinks that the US has too tight borders and aren't zionists for Israel enough. Finally, Microsoft just so happened to be the one counting the votes and also being the second largest donor to Rubio. But i guess it all comes together for the american voter that these are the positions that are in their best interests.
  16. A friendly reminder: Microsoft is providing the technology used to count the votes in Iowa. I wonder who they have supported financially during this election...
  17. Well... http://www.lgcstandards-atcc.org/products/all/VR-84.aspx Check the History-tab of the Virus and you will get the following info: Name of Depositor J. Casals, Rockefeller Foundation Source Blood from experimental forest sentinel rhesus monkey, Uganda, 1947 Year of Origin 1947
  18. Nah, what's really happening in the current age is that we are slowly and steadily entering the next stage of Imperium. The current candidates are only manifestations of the frustrations of the status quo: I am not saying that any of the current candidates are a Caesar in the making, but they are pawing the way for it to happen in the future. Besides, Cruz is another controlled opposition anyway. You can be anything but when you're married to an Investment Manager at Goldman Sachs who is also a member of Council of Foreign Relations. They guy is an investment, nothing more.
  19. https://theintercept.com/2016/01/31/the-bernie-bros-narrative-a-cheap-false-campaign-tactic-masquerading-as-journalism-and-social-activism/ Glenn Greenwald about false accusation tactics used by established journalists against Sanders, where something interesting popped up: Now, this sounds eerily familiar to how journalists handled another scandal in gaming, doesn't it?
  20. https://archive.is/Uj2mv Changing what the creators originally meant is no censorship, check. Writing in Ad hominems, check.
  21. It is not an impossible thought that either future presidents Sanders or Trump would throw Turkey out of NATO (Trump more likely), forge an alliance with Russia and Kurdish militias and we will have WWIII, ending with the newly appointed Orthodox Bishop re-opening the Haga Sofia Cathedral in Constantinople. The other Arab nations will complain, but they will do nothing as they all secretly hate Turks with a passion. Just my speculation, i could be wrong.
  22. What have the governor and his "own man" said to justify their actions?
  23. Don't worry guys. While you are musing in utalitarian policies, misplaced sympathies and justified murder, the Swedes are adressing the issue as swedish you can: http://www.breitbart.com/london/2016/01/29/daily-mail-articles-blocked-in-sweden-over-migrant-stabbing-court-case/ You see, Swedes should not read about speculation that the guy was actually much older than he is. Bad thoughts and all that.
  24. Back to topic. Britains former race equality chief has something to say: http://www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/news/politics/article4675392.ece http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3418620/Muslims-not-like-just-accept-never-integrate-says-former-racial-equalities-chief-Trevor-Phillips.html So why should they be allowed in if they dimish the cohesion of society and in the long term, the nation as a whole? Why isn't there instead a stronger coalition in building bigger camps in neighbouring countries? Why isn't cooperation with UNCHR futher developed? And finally, why is there no political pressure on Turkey to line up the smugglers and hang them by the rope?
  25. Exactly. Take this one guy who complained about how the budget was handled by the Fresno PD, now found brutally murdered and his house burned down after threats by the Police: https://web.archive.org/web/20160127055650/http://fresnopeoplesmedia.com/2016/01/2829/ Videos of unwanted surveillance: Those poor police officers, victims of society that created them
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