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Everything posted by Meshugger

  1. Actually, no. You don't need to have an entire population that's murderous - that's insane. It's much better to recruit those that are actually capable of doing the killing (which may account for about ~1% of the population in the West, I don't know over there), and then manipulate the rest into tolerating it. We invented that, as well. Hitler nailed it. I'm fairly confident that your average Saudi Arab couldn't cut your head off, even if he wanted. On the other hand, it doesn't bother him too much if another American Imperialist Pig is disemboweled. As I said, it takes a very specific set of factors to make a murderer, chief among them being victim of abuse as a child, but also neurological disorders. What the hell am I talking about anyway... I think were going a bit tooo offtopic here, yes I see your point there though. But we're debating from two different angles here. I claim that the scripture of the Qu'ran is like the bible, easy to interpret to "kill everyone that isn't a muslim", which is working against the mindset of any culture trying to evolve. You're talking about the social implications of what creates murderers and those who cynically can live with it.....i guess
  2. I think that most people who have read history are aware of that. Also, like any other kingdom or religion, they were conquered by the sword and not by the pen, reason or love. But what has that to do with the tenets of the Qu'ran? Some people interpret it more nicely than others?
  3. Ah, yes. The Truth is oh ever so clear when one has had the benefit of an education that fostered critical thought... Of course, it's always easier to blame bad stuff on the devilish possession caused by abstract totems, than to accept that it's just human beings merely less fortunate than oneself. It takes a very specific set of factors to breed violence within a person, and Islam is not one of them. It's like blaming school massacres on GTA. Oh, i don not claim that i have found "the truth". I apologize for that, for i am still searching for it. I doubt however, those who claim to have found it, like any religion would do. I have an idea of what breeds violence: 1) Lack of being able to forgive 2) Ignorance 3) Extreme sense of injustice 4) Failure to express and to communicate ones thought and feelings with words 5) Lack of Self-critizism 6) Supreme sense of self-rightousness 7) Lack of being loved or express unconditional love 8 ) Jaded and lack of empathy to others suffering, only seeing the suffering of oneself and ones brethren 9) This might be too freudian and controversial, but the lack expressing oneself sexually and be sexually satisfied That's all for now.
  4. Nope, never. Send the copy to Lucasarts, and hope that they're nice enough to send you a new copy. I bet on November 20th btw.
  5. My problem with Islam is that it doesn't seperate the state from the individuals relationship with their god. Also, it seems to have trouble with accepting other religions (paying a tribute and be more or less treated as second-class citizens) and the whole Jihad thing. Moreover, while the Qu'ran mentions that one thing can preceed another, there are writings of women are as good as pets or cattle, peace is when everyone is a muslim, and every non-believer is to be killed unless changing to Islam. This is also, like the bible, written differently in other parts, which makes it very confusing. And while were at it, and taking the Hadith's into consideration, the very prophet behaved very inhumane and was a barbarian at times. Not exactly someone who would transcend the ages. And ofcourse, the whole "while dying in battle for islam is great in the eyes of god" is mentioned a lot, which isn't exactly the religion of peace. Ofcourse there are millions of muslims out there that consciously reject those ideas, or being happily ignorant to them. People who want to eat, work, sleep and spend time with their families, you know, good guys. But since the clerics claim (yeah right) that the Qu'ran hasn't been altered in any way and is God's holy creation, it puts the normal person into a corner, and between a rock and a hard place. My take, as with every other religion, is that if your god grants the heavenly kingdoms for anyone fighting in his cause is not something of a divine plan. It sounds more like a s****y plan done by a mere mortal who wants to have a fun game with his toy-soldiers, which makes him an ass****. Humans are not ants for someones amusement, allowing them wage war against themselves and their peers in order to get into the heavenly gates just because the divinity "says so". It is a direct violation of any sense and reason. So, all in all, .case.fecking.closed.
  6. He had the wrong song playing in the background. He should've chosen this one, and everyone would've known who he is instantly.
  7. I'd just like to know what the actual focus of the game is in terms of tone. Light/mindless/humorous or mature/realistic/dark? I'd imagine this would be set in stone already, and it seems to me it's the type of thing you'd want to get out to the gamers in order to catch the attention of the customer base Obsidian is aiming for. Since they mentioned the story being in vein of Syriana, would i vouch for "realistic/dark".
  8. Wow. Do you make a point of thinking up new fallacies to post, or does it come naturally? Satirical quote of a satirical quote makes everyone a sad panda
  9. The A.I., voiceacting, size and dialogue were one of the lesser worries with Oblivion, since the damn gameplay was broken in the first place. I find it extremely juvenile in story and dialogue, but it fun as in re-watching all those He-Man or Transformer episodes. Thank some deity or Joe Pesci that there are modders for the gameplay though.
  10. Wise words. I still weep over Gravel never had a spot as the democratic candidate The man supports the free market on every front (except healthcare and education) and has a "live and let live"-attitude in social issues. I really like his "national initiative", but that's on a idealistic level.
  11. Who?! The Texas oilmen? The Mafia? The CIA? The FBI? The Dallas homicide squad? The Rockefellers & Rothschilds? The 13 overlord families? The zionists? The military industrial complex? The freemasons? The Illuminati? The Brandenburg group? The guys and gals at the Bohemian Grove? Who?! Anyhoo, it's good that that chapter is finally over. If Obama becomes the next president, he will have a lot of weight on his shoulders. As Gravel said: "A politician who rides on the promise of hope by the youth and ultimetely fails, will commit the worst sin a politician can do. He or she will create a generation of cynics"
  12. Considering that almost every second NPC in Oblivion was worried about the Daedra worship in Sumerset Isles, i instantly thought that the expansion would be set there. Well, that's my bet on ES V as well.
  13. Devil May Cry says 'hello'. But that is CapCom.
  14. Because the creator Itagaki don't want his creation altered in any way. Then Tecmo said "screw that, we want the money" and released Sigma and Dragonsword for the PS3 and DS (more to come). So Itagaki said "Well screw you, guys i'm outta here!", which he did and sued Tecmo at the same time. Yes, Itagaki has left Team Ninja and Tecmo and has sued Tecmo for 148 million yen. Altered? Connect an XBox 360 gamepad to your PC and essentially you have a souped up XBox. Altering isn't involved, I just want a competent port. He's an artist. Any sort of tempering with his creation is considered a travesty. And he is a rockstar too, with millions on the bank and millions of fans who adore him. ....or Microsoft bought the rights from Tecmo for a hefty price in order to keep it an Xbox360 exclusive.
  15. He wears sunglasses, leather jackets and jeans at ALL time. He is also a chain-smoker and spends most of his time at bars, drinking and playing high-stakes poker. AND he even has got a case of sexual harassment on him, apparantly he got little carried away while being sh*t-faced drunk and had to check whether those womyn at the bar really had those nice behinds of theirs. He IS a rockstar.
  16. Most shops where i have been to requires to show a personal ID on purchases over 50
  17. Because the creator Itagaki don't want his creation altered in any way. Then Tecmo said "screw that, we want the money" and released Sigma and Dragonsword for the PS3 and DS (more to come). So Itagaki said "Well screw you, guys i'm outta here!", which he did and sued Tecmo at the same time. Yes, Itagaki has left Team Ninja and Tecmo and has sued Tecmo for 148 million yen.
  18. going to melbourne to see them in september diary of dreams - the curse Saw them last year, and i will (hopefully) go see them in july this year
  19. ^Thank you Opeth - Coil/Heir Apparent
  20. "Haibane Renmei", what kind of anime is that? (without getting too much offtopic)
  21. Did i mention that Lost Odyssey has an amazing soundtrack? Well, it does. /hats off to Nobuo Uematsu Oh, and more proof.
  22. A simple but very emotional piece from Lost Odyssey. Taken out of context, it may sound like nothing special, but considering within the scene it was used, it is superb. All other soundtrack composers, take notes! A simple piano and a female voice can do a lot more than a bombastic orchestra. Yes, i am looking at you, Jeremy Soule and alikes.
  23. Oh, the arab and islamic world not only needs a cultural revolution, but a philosophical one as well. Someone like Kant, Sartre, Wittgenstein or Nietzsche is needed to challenge the very fabric of ones worldview. And it has to come from within.
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