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The collapse of the western civilization, part 2

Wrath of Dagon

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Meh I do not worry that much that I will see this in my life tme, but I will most likely see the start of big crisis and more small conflicts.


All great states and empires were built on ruthlessness and might and collapsed when their citizens became too rich, too lazy and generally too soft, the other spectrum has simply failed attempts, lie Nazi Germany. If they would not attack Russia in 42', probably we would be speaking now German all across western EU and Russian in Eastern EU and Balkans.


look at the beginnings of such states, like Macedon Empire, Roman Empire, Arabic Califats, even look upon what the strength of US was built. land grab and genocide + slavery. and then look what led to collapse of the previous great "states". History repeats itself and it will keep doing that until we will doscover that we are not alone in the universe or until we will find a way to colonize distant worlds.

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Hay guise, what exactly is western civilization? How do you define it? What would make it better? What would make it collpse?


Western civilisations are primarily your Western countries that follow ideologies like democratic elections


Hahahahaha! Every season the plebs are forced to choose between Statist A or Statist B. If you're in a parlimentary system, you might occasionally get Statist C. Nothing more satisfying than lending legitimacy to a false choice.



Hay guise, what exactly is western civilization? How do you define it? What would make it better? What would make it collpse?


Western civilisations are primarily your Western countries that follow ideologies like democratic elections, respect for human rights


Hahahahaha! Every State reserves the right to rob you and either throw you in a cage or kill you should you refuse to comply. The US government even reserves itself the authority to murder anyone on the planet at any time for secret reasons based on secret interpretations of unspecified laws. The British routinely throw children in a cage for thought crimes on social media. Many examples of other violations abound. Just because women aren't forced to wear burkhas does not make "The West" respectful of human rights.



Hay guise, what exactly is western civilization? How do you define it? What would make it better? What would make it collpse?


Western civilisations are primarily your Western countries that follow ideologies like democratic elections, respect for human rights  and Capitalism.


Bwahahahahahaha! EVERYTHING in The West is regulated and taxed. If it's not, then it's illegal and they will kill you over it should they find the need to. Who can make what, where, how, and sometimes even how many is ruled over. Even the who, what, when where, how, and even why are regulated when it comes to sale. This applies to everything from bubble gum to mammogram machines.


Hay guise, what exactly is western civilization? How do you define it? What would make it better? What would make it collpse?


Western countries are superior to other countries because they offer their citizens the best quality of life and opportunities to achieve economic succcess


We dont want it ever to collapse because of all terrible alternatives that exist like how Russia and some places in the Middle East are governed


After a certain point, it's hard to even cynically laugh. Russia & the Middle East are just slight more progressed forms of Neofeudalism. Russia actually has significantly less regulation and taxes, but corruption is open. The Middle East even more so. The main difference is that in The West corruption is codified by law, and shake-downs are done "for the good of the people".



But if you seriously wanted it to collapse you would have to bankrupt the Western banking systems to highlight how the system is fundamentally flawed..but of course this would lead to a collapse of the worlds banking system. But the result of this would be an irrevocable change of belief and loss of confidence  in Western ideology and many  people would look elsewhere for ways to govern there countries.


Which would not be difficult to do. Why do you think Ghaddafi is dead or Saddam Hussein? Gold. Oil for gold. That would crush the entire petrodollar system. That's why Iran is where all warpaths of the USA lead to. Any triggers of the Credit Default Swap system would cause every bank in the entire world to become insolvent overnight as well. They have hundreds of trillions in derivative liabilities, which is banking code for gambling on insurance policies for worthless collateral that you are not party to. The USA government and many of its lackey states in Europe would see the world bathed in nuclear ashes before allowing that to happen though. That's what this whole business about Syria, Russia, and Iran is about.



Mr. Magniloquent, I must apologize for not responding to you earlier as I notice you always go into relatively great detail with your posts


I'll be honest and I hope you don't get offended but I avoided debating with you in the past because you are such an extreme conspiracy theorist and we have so little in common, I know many people like you and we cant ever see any middle ground. But its nothing personal :)


You see all these strange reasons for Western intervention in world affairs and political developments, you believe things that just make no sense to me. I could dispute many things you post but I know it wont change your mind, and thats fine as  its good we all have our opinions  on things :)

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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Mr. Magniloquent, I must apologize for not responding to you earlier as I notice you always go into relatively great detail with your posts


I'll be honest and I hope you don't get offended but I avoided debating with you in the past because you are such an extreme conspiracy theorist and we have so little in common, I know many people like you and we cant ever see any middle ground. But its nothing personal :)


You see all these strange reasons for Western intervention in world affairs and political developments, you believe things that just make no sense to me. I could dispute many things you post but I know it wont change your mind, and thats fine as  its good we all have our opinions  on things :)


It's not a conspiracy theory if it's proven true; it's just conspiracy. My reasons seem strange because I actually base my views on what government do, rather than what false rhetoric they employ. It is correct that you don't generally respond to anything I post, though I sincerely doubt that you could--either on a factual or rhetorical basis. I imagine that you must go through an entire pantry of blue pills just to make it through the week. I find your lack of awareness genuinely terrifying. I have an incredible wealth of resources to share with you, should you ever be so brave to ask.

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American culture as gnostic conspiracy : http://thefederalist.com/2015/01/02/is-2015-the-year-history-rebels-against-progressivism/


Not sure I'm buying his entire premise, such as isn't the hero's journey supposed to be individualistic, while progressivism is collectivist?

"Moral indignation is a standard strategy for endowing the idiot with dignity." Marshall McLuhan

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  • 2 weeks later...

That chart is actually interesting. Good job, Oby.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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I would say that people were more communists back then, tr0lol0000

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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I'd be interested to see the source(s) for that chart as well as the methodology used in the polls.


Regardless, the polls aren't necessarily an indication of western propaganda (or eastern). Not to say there isn't a whole helluva lot of propaganda surrounding the history of World War 2, but a compelling case could be made for each of the nations in that poll in that they contributed the most to victory over Germany. But it really doesn't matter all that much either way, as the reality is that without any of them, that victory would not have happened.

Edited by Valsuelm
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The explanation is very simple, right after WW2 everyone knew exactly what happened, so they knew SU did most of the fighting. Now most people only have a vague idea, and they know France was liberated by Western allies, and of course they know more about the Western front, hence the result.

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"Moral indignation is a standard strategy for endowing the idiot with dignity." Marshall McLuhan

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Or the facts have been spelled out, people have done research, and the  history shows the truth so  the truth has been able to been shared more openly now than the past when the media wasn't as heavy into things and the facts were iffy.


It's all about spin when it comes to polls. Polls are almost meaningless trash when they can be spinned, controlled, abused, and tricked into claiming whatever the creator wants them to.

Edited by Volourn
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The explanation is very simple, right after WW2 everyone knew exactly what happened, so they knew SU did most of the fighting. Now most people only have a vague idea, and they know France was liberated by Western allies, and of course they know more about the Western front, hence the result.

Most people? You mean people like this?:



Seriously, you've fallen for Oby's propaganda. You're thinking exactly what those who made the infographic that he links wants you to think.


Polls are some of the most widely used propaganda tools out there in modern times. Are they sometimes useful? Yes. But quite often they are used to manipulate the public's perception of X. One shouldn't ever take any poll seriously without knowing who was polled, the methodology, or all of the questions on the poll.

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