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Hi my fellow PoE class builders!


Tomorrow, Tyranny will be out - and the official forums will not be hosted here (which is a pity) - so I fear this place will grow really quite.


Before the tumbleweeds take over, I wanted to say a few things:


First of all, I wanted to thank all of you fellows for your great participation in this subforum. I think you all did a great job. :) Not only were you creative, but also you colaborated and invented new things together, shared great ideas, discussed a lot of complicated and awesome stuff around the game, unveiled mechanics (and weird code ;)) and explained even the most obscure stuff in a way that everybody could understand it. And you always tried to help newbies and veterans alike.


Then I wanted to thank you all for the awesome atmosphere. You created a small but very valuable place in the internet that was (and still is) gentle, polite, most of the time objective, sometimes very funny, respectful, interesting, intriguing and warm-hearted. I guuess if all people on earth would behave like you in this forum, the world would be an even more awesome place as it is now. Sure, we had some small disturbances - but we solved them in a calm and polite way when possible. Totally hate-free it seems. And that is magnificent!


Then I wanted to thank all the people who contacted me directly via PM and wrote all those nice things (I don't want to go into detail). I mean seriously: nowadays, who takes the time and writes letters to a stranger with such nice and warming words so that said stranger sometimes struggles not to whipe his eyes with a napkin (yeah, I'm a sissy, I know... a big, bearded, 6.3 ft tall sissy that is ;))? Again, thanks for that. I really appreciate it. My wife just recently said "And you get all those nice letters because you write weird nerdy stuff in a computer game forum?"  :yes:


So yeah, that's it basically. I really hope somebody will stick around after tomorrow. I still have 2 or 3 builds to post. ;)

Fraternally yours and lots of love



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Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods


I personally couldn't care less about this Tyranny thing ATM. Been working on some sort of damage mechanics/abilities compilation post (probably no revelations for veteran players) and I might even publish it if I ever get it past halfway complete :) ..

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Posted (edited)

I'll be sticking around, I don't think I'll even install Tyranny for a little while - plus it's good when Obsidian gets it's first obligatory major bug fix patch out the way. I'm committed to seeing at least my unarmed Barb and almost certainly my solo Rogue I put in the provisional builds thread until the end.


Cheers to you Boeroer for your dedication to the game and making this forum a better place  :biggrin:


  On 11/9/2016 at 7:10 PM, Ben No.3 said:

PS: let's not forget Jojobobo and Andrea... You guys are the only Trinity I believe in  ;)

Why thank you, but I will say I've contributed far less than those two fine gents.


PS I did do some builds for Arcanum, once upon a time, if anyone new is ever tempted to play that game - you can find the thread here if anyone's ever interested in playing it. I think that's about the only other game I've done builds for, most of the time I wait until a late patched version on a game to come out and then I'm too late to the party ;) I'll make a new signature with the PoE and Arcanum links in, and make sure I use it when I use the Tyranny forums to drum up some interest.

Edited by Jojobobo
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Posted (edited)

I haven't really contributed much at all, especially compared to Boeroer, but I'll be sticking around for the foreseeable future. I have Tyranny preloaded and will surely play the heck out of it, but I have no plans to join the Paradox boards for the time being; 'sides, I'll keep playing PoE too ;)

Edited by AndreaColombo
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"Time is not your enemy. Forever is."

— Fall-From-Grace, Planescape: Torment

"It's the questions we can't answer that teach us the most. They teach us how to think. If you give a man an answer, all he gains is a little fact. But give him a question, and he'll look for his own answers."

— Kvothe, The Wise Man's Fears

My Deadfire mods: Brilliant Mod | Faster Deadfire | Deadfire Unnerfed | Helwalker Rekke | Permanent Per-Rest Bonuses | PoE Items for Deadfire | No Recyled Icons | Soul Charged Nautilus



What a nice post Boeroer. I wouldn't consider myself a fellow builder, having mostly asked for advice, but this forum has been brilliant. I plan to stick around since I am far from done with PoE and can't really justify buying Tyranny this month anyway (possibly not next either).

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This has been a pleasant place to come and discuss things in a respectful manner. Too bad more places were not like this on the net.


It has been a pleasure,


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Boeroer, your builds added hundreds (hundreds!) of enjoyment hours to this game for me. Thank YOU, good sir, for allowing us lurkers to find new and interesting ways to enjoy this game.

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