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Post your ideas as to what the 'twist' will be!

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No, seriously, here it is. You were a Jedi who quit the order. You're gassed and taken to this space station. You're met by a Sith Master's Apprentice. Every day, you're met by a new and different Sith Apprentice. They seem to know all about you, but they all ask you one question, "Why did you leave the Jedi Order?" In the meantime, while the Sith aren't trying to trick you, you've free run of "The Station". which is inhabited by other ex-Jedi. In the end, the Sith Master turns out to be a giant computer.

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Okay, okay, I've got it.


You start out as a meager Nebulae Tours Star Ferry pilot, chartering exotic flybys of black holes and other galactic attractions. One day these government types come in to do the mandatory retinal and fingerprint scans that are required for you to renew your liscense. When you go home, you find another person that looks exactly like you is living with your family, and there's also these assassains after you. You go to your friends, and while you're there, the feds crash the party again. Eventually through an uncanny chain of events, you find that there's a high up Czerka Corp. official who has broken the 'Seventh Day Law' and has started cloning research. He originally did this to ressurect his wife who died of a childhood disease after having been cloned several times (after all, if you can't find someone to love you, you can always make one); but some corrupt scientists under his command decided to take it up a notch, and when you were getting you retinal and fingerprint scans, they were actually scanning your brain to make a clone of you and your buddy.


The REAL twist comes, when you find your buddy, whom you thought was dead for good considering him, and his clone had already been killed off, shows up AGAIN in a third incarnation and is the Dark Lord of the Sith.

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You are so wrong. This is the twist!


You arrive on [insert planet] with dreams of becoming a Jedi. During your first night, Bastila stumbles out of the woods with amnesia. In your search to find out her past you discover thousands of credits in her backpack and a BLUE KEY. [insert scene of druids in restaurant. They go to the trash compacter outside and are attacked my a homeless Vendar with a BLUE CUBE] You go through Jedi training and Master Drook wants to make you his Padawan but Sith Lords force him to pick someone else. [insert scene of Sith troopers arranging for a hit on Bastila's life] You head to the restaurant with Bastila and notice there's a waitress there with the name of

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You are so wrong. This is the twist!


You arrive on [insert planet] with dreams of becoming a Jedi. During your first night, Bastila stumbles out of the woods with amnesia. In your search to find out her past you discover thousands of credits in her backpack and a BLUE KEY. [insert scene of druids in restaurant. They go to the trash compacter outside and are attacked my a homeless Vendar with a BLUE CUBE] You go through Jedi training and Master Drook wants to make you his Padawan but Sith Lords force him to pick someone else. [insert scene of Sith troopers arranging for a hit on Bastila's life] You head to the restaurant with Bastila and notice there's a waitress there with the name of

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I got the reference.


I emphatically did not get the movie. (Which is pretty normal for only having seen it once. One of these days I'll hunt it down again.)

It usually takes two or three viewings for the film.


If you'd like to hear my takes on the film, you can PM me.

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You are so wrong. This is the twist!


You arrive on [insert planet] with dreams of becoming a Jedi. During your first night, Bastila stumbles out of the woods with amnesia. In your search to find out her past you discover thousands of credits in her backpack and a BLUE KEY. [insert scene of druids in restaurant. They go to the trash compacter outside and are attacked my a homeless Vendar with a BLUE CUBE] You go through Jedi training and Master Drook wants to make you his Padawan but Sith Lords force him to pick someone else. [insert scene of Sith troopers arranging for a hit on Bastila's life] You head to the restaurant with Bastila and notice there's a waitress there with the name of

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  • 2 weeks later...

You know what I think. There is this Sith Artifact you need to find. As you go to each planet you'll fight a Sith Lord, but when you go to collect the Artifact, this short alien will appear and say "Sorry, but your artifact is on another planet." This will happen until you reach the 7th planet, but instead of the short alien appearing, the Sith Artifact will be there.

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You find out that Revan never existed. You were Revan, not by amnesia, but rather Revan was your split personality leading this cult called "The Sith" to some large scale anarchist/terrorist plan to blow up Coruscant. Only by taking a lightsaber to your own face will you rid the galaxy of Revan.

DAMMIT! I wanted to do a Fight Club one! Fight Club is my favourite movie, dammit!


*points at sig*


'Calm As Hindu Cows...'

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There was a bunch of suggestions recently here http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=695


Apart from that, I could imagine a story, where you play a "Jolee" type character, battling your consciousness over something that got you (deservedly ?) exiled in the past. Perhaps you have the DNA of an ancient Sith Lord ? Sith fanatics have destroyed the jedi order to get to you and try to recruit you ? Your ex-spouse/child other family member is the new dark lord ? <insert combined works of your favourite writer here> ?  :(

Bah! All nonsense.


My third guess:


In the midst of the last battle, it's all revealed to be a computer game, and the Sith and Jedi battle spills into the offices of Obsidian, and from there to a Broadway-style theatre that....suddenly....appeared next to the offices of Obsidian, where the Sith and Jedi proceed to get into a rough-and-tumble battle royale against a group of ambiguously gay male dancers!


"This is a closed set!"


"Piss on you, I'm workin' for Feargus Urquhart!"




(P.S. I have a confession to make; I mostly posted this to make bad puns out of old movies.) :o



First Sixth Sense....then Memento....followed by BLAZING SADDLES ROFL! :(

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"In the Infinite Empire for centuries under the Rakata they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced the Star Forge, Force-integrated ships, and computers capable of turning barren planets into lush jungles. In the Republic they had brotherly love - they had 15 millenia of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? Standard issue orange and yellow jumpsuits."


Sorry, I was gonna pair this off with another twist....but really, I think the movie referenced may be too obscure. :lol:

Jumpsuits!?!? More like pajamas :lol:

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This entire website is a giant hoax.


There are no other planets. The screenshots are lies. There is one location in the game, and amnesia is a factor.


You wake up in this giant cube with your party members.

Let me guess, you're party members are a galactic patrolman, a legendary burglar(who is incidentally, the very first to bite the dust), a common salaryman, a mathematician, and a gifted but extremely autistic teenager, right?,

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The Sith are genetically altered to be "perfect" babies, free of all defects. The reason that you are an outcast is because you were an "imperfect" baby with an "imperfect" heart.


You fake your identity as a "perfect" baby, and reenter society, pioneering in space flight in the galaxy.

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The Sith are genetically altered to be "perfect" babies, free of all defects. The reason that you are an outcast is because you were an "imperfect" baby with an "imperfect" heart.


You fake your identity as a "perfect" baby, and reenter society, pioneering in space flight in the galaxy.


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In homage to Shady's sig line:


You're hanging around on your native planet when the Mandalorian Wars break out. You wake up hung-over when your buddy tells you he's an alien. In fact, there are plenty of other alien worlds and your world is about to be destroyed. You combat your hangover with the careful application of a few pints, and then leave your planet right before it's destruction. You then begin hitchhiking around the galaxy.

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I really have no idea what the twist will be, and I don't want to know. One thing I can fairly be sure of is that it won't have anything to do with Revan. That was BioWare's twist. It would be really unoriginal if Obisidian had the twist (if there's even going to be one) have anything to do with Revan, IMO.

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I really have no idea what the twist will be, and I don't want to know. One thing I can fairly be sure of is that it won't have anything to do with Revan. That was BioWare's twist. It would be really unoriginal if Obisidian had the twist (if there's even going to be one) have anything to do with Revan, IMO.

Revan was the main character. What kind of horrible twist doesnt involve the main character? :rolleyes:

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