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Another thing I thought I'd mention, which seems to be an unintentional effect, is that Zealous Endurance does not stack with alcohol DR bonuses. In practice this means no one will (or rather they might, but shouldn't) take this perk as alcohol is cheap and ubiquitous and inns restock regularly - on the flip side if they did stack you could get reasonably substantial DR on characters for a time due to the stacking effect.


People are still unlikely to take it over Zealous Charge/Focus even if they did stack, but it would at least be worth a little more consideration.


Except that ZE gives +3 DR and gives additional hit to graze conversion, and doesn't require you to continuously keep pouring alcohol into all your characters. It doesn't last *that* long, and it's tedious at best even if you can find enough ale to keep that up (which seems unlikely). So I'd say alcohol is certainly useful, but it doesn't even remotely undermine the value of ZE. 


For a tough fight where you'll need the extra DR, I don't think it's too much effort to restock and use it for that. Hit to graze conversion is fine, but it doesn't equal the other Focuses IMO, as Charge can give your whole front and back lines mobility (which will usually do a better job of safeguarding your spellcasters than 3 DR will) and Focus is obviously extremely useful.


Classes like Monks can already get 10 DR just for standing around, and an extra 3 DR is unlikely to save your backline from harm. Making it stack seems to me like a good idea.


Loving the chatter everyone. We are on schedule for the Tuesday Beta. Stay tuned for more information on the 'amazing, incredible, unbelievable super secret prizes for people who participate.'


- Sking


P.S. People are totally playing the newest edition of one of my favorite franchises of all time Civilization VI on Twitch. Which is making me super jealous. Check them out!

  • Like 4
Posted (edited)

Loving the chatter everyone. We are on schedule for the Tuesday Beta. Stay tuned for more information on the 'amazing, incredible, unbelievable super secret prizes for people who participate.'


- Sking


P.S. People are totally playing the newest edition of one of my favorite franchises of all time Civilization VI on Twitch. Which is making me super jealous. Check them out!

Thanks for all the work on the Beta!


Could you get some balance people to take a look at whether it might be worthwhile making Soulbound Weapons Enchantable with Durgan Steel?


Edit: Just to be clear, I think that many of the soulbound weapons (barring Stormcaller) fall behind their enchantable counterparts as the game goes on, particularly as regards the absence of lashes (this is a big deal!) and Durgan Steel bonuses.

Edited by Livegood118
  • Like 2


Loving the chatter everyone. We are on schedule for the Tuesday Beta. Stay tuned for more information on the 'amazing, incredible, unbelievable super secret prizes for people who participate.'


- Sking


P.S. People are totally playing the newest edition of one of my favorite franchises of all time Civilization VI on Twitch. Which is making me super jealous. Check them out!

Thanks for all the work on the Beta!


Could you get some balance people to take a look at whether it might be worthwhile making Soulbound Weapons Enchantable with Durgan Steel?


Try the newest ieMod, it enables enchanting for SoulBound items now - http://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity/mods/1/?

  • Like 3

^ it's a known Mac-related issue; the plug in used for cape physics (IIRC) doesn't work on Mac.

"Time is not your enemy. Forever is."

— Fall-From-Grace, Planescape: Torment

"It's the questions we can't answer that teach us the most. They teach us how to think. If you give a man an answer, all he gains is a little fact. But give him a question, and he'll look for his own answers."

— Kvothe, The Wise Man's Fears

My Deadfire mods: Brilliant Mod | Faster Deadfire | Deadfire Unnerfed | Helwalker Rekke | Permanent Per-Rest Bonuses | PoE Items for Deadfire | No Recyled Icons | Soul Charged Nautilus



I have a small balancing request: would it be possible to change the item AOE bonus effects (both the general one as well as those to Chant area / Zealous aura area) to be to the radius rather than the AOE? They're to the full area now, ie. the square root of them is taken before apply them to the radius (eg. +10% to AOE becomes +4.9% to radius). By contrast, the Intellect bonus is applied directly to radius, making the item bonuses quite underwhelming by comparison. It's also not very intuitive, because both are still described as a bonus to Area of Effect.

  • Like 6
Posted (edited)

Yes its a good idea. By extension. a +6 / 7 % to radius instead of 4.9 % could be a great idea.


4.9 % radius/10 % effect, I have check visually the difference. Its very light... 

it could be an interesting adjustment

Edited by theBalthazar

Lol i always tought that +10% aoe ring was bugged or something, since i was never able to see a real incrementation in the aoe, now i know why!


Found another interesting bug - unlocking the last level of Ryona's Breastplate has given my Chanter Triggered Immunity permanently, even when I change equipment, rest or reload. Would be nice to squeeze a fix in given the uniqueness of the item.

The Triggered Immunity issues 'should' be addressed as a whole in 3.04. If anything is still off with the ability or items granting the ability please bring them up in new threads.



- Sking

  • Like 2

Looks like my bug was ignored. Anyway, here it is again:

The description for the Wolf Spiritshift (Druid) mentions a move speed increase but doesn't actually give that.

  • Like 3

So ? When the patch will be release

The 'perfect world plan'


- Update the Beta build toward the end of this week

- Run that Beta for another week or so

- Last round of bug fixes

- Live release (looking about 2 or 3 weeks from today)

- Decide the winners of the feedback contest

- Give out dope prizes and sick high fives


- Sking

  • Like 4



is there room for further balance changes like my proposal to make spiritshift abilities 1/encounter instead of 1/rest?


Not in the sense that it gets in just because I mentioned it; more like, "does it make sense for us to debate balance changes like that one at this stage?"

  • Like 2

"Time is not your enemy. Forever is."

— Fall-From-Grace, Planescape: Torment

"It's the questions we can't answer that teach us the most. They teach us how to think. If you give a man an answer, all he gains is a little fact. But give him a question, and he'll look for his own answers."

— Kvothe, The Wise Man's Fears

My Deadfire mods: Brilliant Mod | Faster Deadfire | Deadfire Unnerfed | Helwalker Rekke | Permanent Per-Rest Bonuses | PoE Items for Deadfire | No Recyled Icons | Soul Charged Nautilus



Assuming that this is the place to post bugs still, something that's not exactly a bug but is kind of related is that for a character using Frenzy their endurance is still colour coded (so the first ? of ?/? - representing the endurance cover up - will represent your endurance in the normal way, light green being 100-75%, yellow being 74-50%, etc.). What this means is that while you don't know exactly what your endurance is, it does mean that you can tell to the nearest quarter making heals easy to time for effectiveness, and in essence more or less defeating the purpose of covering up endurance in the first place.


I'm not sure if this is worth it or even desirable to patch in, but it seems to run contrary to the idea of frenzy giving you no knowledge of what current state the character is in. I suppose to a more meticulous extent you could just keep track of the numbers in the combat log to work out health, but as this is extremely tedious I can't imagine people would actually bother.

  • Like 1

Quite sure you'll need to post bugs to the beta bugs section to draw attention to them.

"Time is not your enemy. Forever is."

— Fall-From-Grace, Planescape: Torment

"It's the questions we can't answer that teach us the most. They teach us how to think. If you give a man an answer, all he gains is a little fact. But give him a question, and he'll look for his own answers."

— Kvothe, The Wise Man's Fears

My Deadfire mods: Brilliant Mod | Faster Deadfire | Deadfire Unnerfed | Helwalker Rekke | Permanent Per-Rest Bonuses | PoE Items for Deadfire | No Recyled Icons | Soul Charged Nautilus



Another quick bug, which I've made a report of in the beta subforum too: Bloodlust activates after killing just a single enemy, and not 2 as the tooltip suggests. I'm not sure if it does this every time, but at least some of the time it will.

  • Like 1

Good stuff guys/gals, we are loving the feedback. I'm putting together a short list of bugs that have come up since the beta went live in hopes we can get fixes in before we switch it to live. I'll post a 'wishlist' most likely early next week.


- Sking

  • Like 2

[update 5: 10/17] Bugs to fix before release 'wishlist';

- Sul attacking her own pride during 'The Old Queen and the New King'

- Cliant Lis traps not functioning

- The Unlabored Blade Firebug proc not functioning

- Fighter, Clear Out causing Blights to stop attacking

- Breath VFX originating from adventurers hand

- Paladin, Flames of Devotion becomes unusable after party AI uses it with ranged weapon

- Tooltip for Sabre +20% is missing item mod 468

- Chanter, One Dozen Stood... phrase not reducing Frightened and Terrified

- Nyry the Deft Hand not granting Cape of the Cheat to base game

- Characters sometimes being stuck in Elmshore adra pillar


Note: These are the issues we want to hit before pushing the 3.04 patch live. Anything serious found will/can be added to this list until the release. Let me know!

  • Like 2

Hi Sking,


Another balance thing here – I started a thread/poll in the character builds section to get a feel of how people used reload based weapons in the game (https://forums.obsidian.net/forum/91-pillars-of-eternity-characters-builds-strategies-the-unity-engine-spoiler-warning/)


The gist of the thread (not to misrepresent anyone - read it yourself) is that reload/firearm weapons are generally most useful in "quickswitching" set-ups. Some people like this, because they feel it's consistent with how these weapons would have been used in "real life" setting. Others, like myself, appreciate this way of using the weapons but feel that their use beyond quickswitching is pretty lackluster vs bows because since WM1 you've been able to stack multiple speed enchantments for bows, making them do a lot more damage over-time vs other ranged weapons, whereas there are only very limited ways of reducing reload time.


Just wondering if the balance people at OBS have taken a look at how reload weapons fare vs non-reload weapons since WM1, and whether peoples' experiences with these weapons are consistent with the dev's vision for how they should be used.


I never received the Burning Pitch Trebuchet and Heavy Cannon Blasts talents after forging the hammer in White March II even though the game notified me that I had received them. 

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