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  On 8/16/2016 at 4:20 PM, Ripe said:


And you can choose to go through game with only base cards. In the settings menu you have an option to not include treasure cards in Story mode.

Hadnt noticed that setting, thks.

  On 8/16/2016 at 2:14 AM, PRuano said:


  On 8/15/2016 at 12:09 AM, Bullwinkle said:

A high-level Merisiel can finish Legendary Poison Pill in the same amount of time as Normal, and get double the gold for it. (I've been able to do it in less than 2 minutes.)

Which shows that Story mode IS much easier for farming than Quest Mode, both because of specific conditions on scenarios and because of the high possibility of creating a routine (party/scenario/strategy) to optimize going through a scenario, given the fixed conditions of Story Mode, which cannot be as easily achieved in the randomized and higher choice of Quest Mode.

Is there a font larger than block capitals on this forum? We are proposing gold only for NEW PARTIES in a NEW STORY SAVE. You can't game the system because you can't tailor a party to a scenario. Unless you're saying replaying Brigandoom with an ideal party in a new save over and over again is gaming the system, in which case I have to tell you: you're never, ever going to get a cent out of someone so cheap they'd actually do that. So what do you care what they do?


Seriously, guys, you have to consider who this game is for. Anyone who imagines Obsidian is going to make enough money off the F2P aspects to keep producing a game of this quality is deluding themselves. As plenty have pointed out, you need whales to succeed like that, and whales spend thousands to tens of thousands of dollars. There isn't anything here to generate that expenditure, because for that you need a combination of at least a few of:


1. A simple game, with constant brain-triggering rewards;

2. A constant influx of new material;

3. Competitive multiplayer with pay-to-win ability;

4. Energy timers or the like that frustrate players into paying to remove barriers.


This game satisfies none of these. Treasure chests will not do the trick, because there are too few items which can be gleaned from them, and unlike games like MtG and Hearthstone, you don't get to actually use those items unless you find them through play--and as most of them are high level, you have to play a lot to even get to that point. And once the party has those items, there's nothing left to trigger brain rewards. Frankly, they'd be better off making gold only for treasure chests, and requiring folks to actually pay for episodes/characters, like Sentinels of the Multiverse.

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  On 8/16/2016 at 8:14 PM, Bullwinkle said:

We are proposing gold only for NEW PARTIES in a NEW STORY SAVE. You can't game the system because you can't tailor a party to a scenario. Unless you're saying replaying Brigandoom with an ideal party in a new save over and over again is gaming the system, in which case I have to tell you: you're never, ever going to get a cent out of someone so cheap they'd actually do that. So what do you care what they do?


That's all I'm looking for - a way to make "grinding" for the treasure chests more fun. I prefer Story Mode to Quest Mode. It's just more engaging to have a story (even if I fill in the blanks in my head). I already bought the bundle for all of the content. I own the physical game and all the story packs. I play this because I like the game and can play it solo easily with the app. I was having a lot of fun exploring some of the new digital-only treasure cards by playing through Story Mode with characters I hadn't used in the physical game. I'm just not happy that Obsidian effectively made that a waste of my time now. I'm not in it to farm gold to pay for more episodes. I just want to have fun and see some new treasure cards.


Hope that makes sense. I don't think it's a crazy idea.

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I happen to agree that it would be nice to use the story mode in more ways. It is just as hard playing through the scenarios with a group of totally new characters as it was the time you played it the first time with your now experienced characters. But it can be fun to try new group especially for those of us with no experience with the hard copy game. Sure would be nice to get that gold reward while trying out these new groups, but I think starting them at Legendary level when they have no feats and no decent cards would be very frustrating.

  On 8/17/2016 at 1:10 AM, Pediatron said:

I happen to agree that it would be nice to use the story mode in more ways. It is just as hard playing through the scenarios with a group of totally new characters as it was the time you played it the first time with your now experienced characters. But it can be fun to try new group especially for those of us with no experience with the hard copy game. Sure would be nice to get that gold reward while trying out these new groups, but I think starting them at Legendary level when they have no feats and no decent cards would be very frustrating.


Yeah, I'd even be ok with it being a smaller reward after you've already done it once. But to make it nothing? That just discourages people from playing. :(

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

Well, there is plenty of time to PC-release, so there can be and will be more changes. So tweaks would be nice to see. But most systems I can think of Are so complex that there Are more important things to do before even considering those.


My personal IMHO gold system would be a combination of Many Many things.

* party size ( not exacly like now, because solo character can be harder than 6 in some cases ) so this would affect a little

* scenario Number vs the highest level character in you party (you would gain more gold if you do scenarios that correspond your character level. So level one character get full gold for level 1 senarios, while level 6 character would get allmost none. And so on.

* how Many times you have done the scenario. To stop abusing the easiest scenarios. You get full in the first run, less if you have done it 100+ times...

* difficulty setting so more for legendary, less for normal.

* maybe even scenario spesific multiplier? So that certain scenarios always give more than some another


That would mean some base cold that would be multiplied by different Numbers.


For example level one character doing the approach the Thistletop at normal difficulty. Player has done the same scenario 15 times with previous groups

100g (base gold for normal) *1.0 (party size of 4) * 1.0 (party level vs scenario level) * ((100-15) + 5) / 100) (how Many times before) * x (scenario modifier) * 1 (difficulty modifier)

So too complex, but it would give gold all the time but less if you do something over and ower too Many times.

That 100-15 may be too much. It could be 50-15 or what ever is considered suitable to give enough gold in short run, but prevent one scenario abuse in the long run.

But as I said this kind of multifactor gold reward system would be too complex at this stage of the game, but it would encourage doing right power level scenarios compared to the party and give gold Also in reruns with new party. But would cause Many things open to new bugs...

Edited by Hannibal_PJV
  On 8/17/2016 at 3:12 PM, Hannibal_PJV said:

* party size ( not exacly like now, because solo character can be harder than 6 in some cases ) so this would affect a little

I can certainly agree on that... Seelah will have a hard time at 0-2, Merisiel will have a hard time with 3-5 and Ezren will find it next to impossible to win 5-5 to name just a few examples of the top of my head. And that's on Normal difficulty!


I think this whole thread was derailed from the start. OP was talking about using a whole new party (starting at level 1) and working that party through the regular/story mode. Whether its been played or not is irrelevant because to this party it is new.  I also noticed the change and am equally dissatisfied with it. I completed the content available and was tinkering with party make-ups--trying different combinations that i would otherwise not try and playing them in the story mode. There is no reason to deny new parties the previously played reward, as all it does is deter people from replaying it again.


I still play again and again even if I don't get gold. It does not prevent playing. Would it be better if there would be some gold Also in reruns. Maybe but that is upp to devs to deside. Maybe They will make new changes maybe not.


There is too conflicting interest in here. Player want to get gold, so that They can get perks, company wants to get money, so that They can pay salaries. And the devs have to balance it Somehow. Fortunetely I don't have to deside how it is done. My personal hope would be somekind of cranual decrease in gold, so that you get some gold even when replaying but not too much so that you eventually have to start buying something with real money. But as I said the balance is not easy. The more complex the system is the more likely there Also Are bugs so my "Dream" gold system some post above is very unlikely to happen. The system now is guite simple, so less likely to bug down. Most simple would be not give gold at all, but the idea is to allow free to play at least to some level, so we have the gold system.


In this discussion there has been very few ideas of how to give players less gold, but at the same time give them some gold Also in reruns.

Maybe giving less in the first run but then it would require more grinding to get your first extra adveture and your first extra characters, so I personally think that giving more in the Beginning and less later is better IMHO that giving less in the first run but giving some in the second and third run. The total would be about the same. Just requiring more playing.

So it is all about choises. How to balance the game and why. If someone can come with really good idea, why not. The new dayly challenge gives gold Also to new old croups, so that will maybe help ftp-gamers a Little bit.

  On 8/18/2016 at 6:01 PM, kurtalb1 said:

I have to admit that my biggest disappointment with the game is that they chose ftp at all.  Wish they would have just gone premium all the way.


I think the game would have already failed if that were the case.  The premise sounded awesome when I first read about it, but if I was told I had to pay $25 for a 'mobile' game I and most people would have moved on to the next thing in a heart beat.  For a game this high-concept and complicated F2P gives people a chance to engage at their comfort level.  I was resistant to paying anything at first.  Once I had tried it out I was very frustrated with the perceived difficulty (read learning curve).  I quickly ended up paying for the full package, though, even after having already bought some of the content ala cart, because the game play convinced me over time.  That chance to hook people isn't there without some form of trial, especially given what seems like a high price compared to most other mobile games.

Add info you find/want to the Pathfinder Adventures wiki


I'm still thinking how Obsidian can attract paying clients for the game. Currently gold is too easy for my taste..with the upping on Legendary reward and introducing the current challenges has made it easier. I feel dirty not spending anything for this excellent game (aside from the humble bundle)


The only thing I could do to ever repay em ( i hope, even indirectly ) is buy the base cardgame for my collection.


On the original topic, yeah, i think its only way Obs can limit my goldgain but I'm not complaining (as explain above). I still enjoy scenario replay on lower difficulty specially now with the challenges, i have reason to replay on some characters i don't like on storymode again..sort of an investment, in case i needed them on some random challenge ^^

  • Like 2
Posted (edited)

Since yesterday - I started getting zero gold for a group of characters that have not previously beaten the adventure - either as a group or part of another (I noticed this on Skinsaw Murders 3 & 4 - 0 gold on completion screen). Not sure if this is intended or a bug, since I figured the change only affected parties where members had beaten it before?

I was logged in, I got gold from defeating banes et c. Since it's a party where no member has beaten it before - I should get the reward, right?

Hard to keep track off since it says it rewards gold in the description - but seems Obsidian has been tinkering with this, since I'm noticing a completed previously marking having appeared.


Addendum: Yes, something seems amiss here - Skinsaw 1 is  marked as "previously completed" on normal only, Skinsaw 2-5 on heroic (but have beaten them all heroic with another unrelated party) - so either it should count all as able to give gold, or none? These adventures have not been previously completed with anyone in the current party. Skinsaw 1 says it will still give me 150 gold on heroic with the party that already beat it? Burnt offering varies as well.


I'm getting more and more confused, this is not consistant - and should be displayed better in case this is somehow intended, I can't possibly judge what is supposed to be correct without any documentation on the change.

Edited by Pengw1n

Hmmm, i think once you complete a non-legendary story scenario, you stop getting rewards for completing it even from characters you did not use it completing them.


Did i made it simple or even confusing? Perhaps the UI shouldnt show the reward breakdown when it is already completed?

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  On 8/19/2016 at 4:58 PM, Bajie said:

Hmmm, i think once you complete a non-legendary story scenario, you stop getting rewards for completing it even from characters you did not use it completing them.


Did i made it simple or even confusing? Perhaps the UI shouldnt show the reward breakdown when it is already completed?


Yeah, it was probably a bug on my side that kept giving me gold for adventures already completed in some instances. Did it again on heroic - got the gold, and now it's flagged as completed for both parties.


Have the devs even acknowledged this change yet? I haven't noticed. Though I really hope they consider bringing back at least some gold rewards for replaying story scenarios. I've been playing Quest mode, but I'm just losing interest. :( The random collection of locations and bosses just isn't as engaging as the crafted story scenarios.


Yes the quest mode needs those hand made special scenarios that dev have been planning to release in quest mode. It is not bad, but nothing Wins well planned coherent adventure compared the random one! I have really been waiting for those for as long as it was revealed.

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