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Josh Sawyer Pillars of Eternity 2 Tease Thread

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Pretty sure Josh used the past tense in that commentary, answering a question about how he might approach Feargus in the future to do an historical RPG.  

I noticed that aswell. Maybe it's happening after the next PoE? :o

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Well I guess it's confirmed, the Watcher won't be returning in PoE2, instead we will play "Captain ****"  :biggrin:


Why not? Watcher read a dead captain's soul and decided that life of a captain is the way to live. Maybe a pirate captain with that Island being Nassau-like.


I like our watcher. The game should have been called The Watcher. 


The Watcher 2: Wild Sails.


Only other alternative I'll accept as our character instead of The Watcher is backpack baby. That baby have seen stuff no other baby did.

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Only other alternative I'll accept as our character instead of The Watcher is backpack baby. That baby have seen stuff no other baby did.


Also backpack baby was badass. It never took any damage no matter what was hitting its father: epic level spells, demigod dragons, ancient undead, none of this phased backpack baby.

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Level 16 is too high. We've already killed 2 of the most powerful archmages. There are no room left for progress. (apart something like lvl 20)


Playing a demi-god is not as interesting as in D&D setting. No room for political depth when you can basically crush an army. The next power increase will put at the level of Aedyr army, and it will turn the game into DotA vs RTS mode.



IMHO there's a valid alternative : play the NEXT incarnation of the watcher, with a couple of abilities inherited from previous life. That would perfectly fit the lore, allow keeping a link from previous game and enable starting from scratch.

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IMHO there's a valid alternative : play the NEXT incarnation of the watcher, with a couple of abilities inherited from previous life. That would perfectly fit the lore, allow keeping a link from previous game and enable starting from scratch.


Yep that's better. Especially if the tech of the world moved forward till whenever the next watcher's time. Equal tech to around 1700 IRL should be good for ships & islands themed game. Prolly won't happen tho, given that Eder is in the concepts. ıt'll pick up right where we left off. At most couple years later, with the same watcher.

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Only problem of the backpack baby is that you can be only an Orlan. Anyway i would play anything with backpack baby as the main char.


Wait, are we referring to a different backpack baby? I thought we were talking about the potential baby that Aerie and the Bhaalspawn could have in Throne of Bhaal.


I prefer new character. I like first levels when when even rusty sword is an upgrade.

Also old watcher should govern stronghold, and it is a long way to Valian Republic from there.


I agree. At the very least if they do stick with the Watcher I hope they rework the levelling and progression so there's actually room to improve. But even if they do that, the Watcher has quite possibly killed five dragons, two of the most powerful mages in existence, the immortal leader of a cult who made the gods and much more. What's left in Eora that's really challenging for them?

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Only problem of the backpack baby is that you can be only an Orlan. Anyway i would play anything with backpack baby as the main char.


Wait, are we referring to a different backpack baby? I thought we were talking about the potential baby that Aerie and the Bhaalspawn could have in Throne of Bhaal.




I thought you were clearly referring to the Orlan baby that you can "steal" in twin elms ( and if you steal him the narrator in ending slides kind of complaints about your Life choice)

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I thought you were clearly referring to the Orlan baby that you can "steal" in twin elms ( and if you steal him the narrator in ending slides kind of complaints about your Life choice)


Oh, that probably makes a lot more sense, though that backpack baby isn't as tough as the Aerie-Bhaalspawn one.

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Level 16 is too high. We've already killed 2 of the most powerful archmages. There are no room left for progress. (apart something like lvl 20)


Playing a demi-god is not as interesting as in D&D setting. No room for political depth when you can basically crush an army. The next power increase will put at the level of Aedyr army, and it will turn the game into DotA vs RTS mode.



IMHO there's a valid alternative : play the NEXT incarnation of the watcher, with a couple of abilities inherited from previous life. That would perfectly fit the lore, allow keeping a link from previous game and enable starting from scratch.


This is a very interesting theory I have not heard before.  Despite wanting to play "our" watcher, they could go the Mass Effect 2 route and do this.  Perhaps Eder and the other companions from PoE1 will be searching for the watcher in his/her next form?


I would be totally on board with this if it means we can transfer over some of our items from PoE to PoE2 in this manner via said companions.  Like perhaps they are tracking down the new watcher to give him/her a few items from previous life?  It would be a cool way to reward PoE1 players and incentivize new players to the universe to pick up PoE1.  I liked being able to transfer items from BG1 to BG2. 

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I think i would prefer to be other watcher, AFAIK they do not fallow highlander rule. It would be fun to hear of our old Watcher how she is doing in Cuad Nua, or sea old NPC (at least those who havent died horribly). I can imagine:

Eder running some reborn cult

Aloth probably magic organisation

Pellegina doing Valian stuff (what a coincidence) could be recruitable

Devil being devil, probably bounty hunter could be recruitable

and so on. However some characters probably wanted to go home or settle down.


There are always new players who shouldnt feel as they should play PoE1 to get game 2

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Eder running some reborn cult

Aloth probably magic organisation

Pellegina doing Valian stuff (what a coincidence) could be recruitable

Devil being devil, probably bounty hunter could be recruitable

and so on. However some characters probably wanted to go home or settle down.


I could see Eder becoming a priest or travelling preacher type character. One of his character traits in PoE is self doubt: he always questions whether he's actually living up to the standards of other (Eothas and his brother most obviously), yet actually he is, by standard flawed human standards, a pretty damn good guy. I could see him having come to terms with his imperfection and going out trying to help others realise this too by way of Eothas.


Aloth I suspect will be leading a certain secret organisation, although I guess that depends on how many decisions for PoE Obsidian are willing to port over to the sequel.


Given the sequel is likely to be set in the Vailian Republics (amongst other places) I could very much see Pallegina returning as a companion, and I'd love it if she did because I liked her character but was disappointed we didn't see more of it.


The ending slides suggest Devil is unlikely to return, but if Obsidian can find a believable way round that I'd love to see her return. She was a cool concept, had great voice acting and did the "evil companion" thing quite well. Her only flaw was being a rogue (my least favourite class) and having weird attributes that made her fairly bad at roguery.


I imagine Sagani would have wanted to return home after finding what's his name's spirit. Durance, I think, was tied too much to the story of PoE to make more than cameo in the sequel, the same with Grieving Mother. Kana could easily be a companion in the expansion given Ruatai could be a location, but at the same time perhaps he'd be better as a quest giver NPC. I can't see Hiravias leaving the Dyrwood myself, nor as nautically inclined. Zahua is likely to be living in his new monastery teaching people the joys of magic mushrooms and punching fools. Maneha I have no idea about as I have never really included her in my parties.


There are always new players who shouldnt feel as they should play PoE1 to get game 2




Agreed. It's great when an RPG has well placed call backs to its predecessors, but this should never form a barrier to entry for new players.

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I think i would prefer to be other watcher, AFAIK they do not fallow highlander rule. It would be fun to hear of our old Watcher how she is doing in Cuad Nua, or sea old NPC (at least those who havent died horribly)


There are always new players who shouldnt feel as they should play PoE1 to get game 2



  I would like to see the watcher's story continue with the choices from the original game having an effect on the game world. Having the continuing story is one of the the things I liked about Baldur's Gate. The problem with Baldur's Gate is that your in-game choices didn't have any effect on the sequel.


  For PoE, a new player (that is, a PoE2-only player) can get a default backstory that assumes a default set of choices.


 (Or they can do some things along the way to expose the backstory and indicate a different choice --  NPC: "I heard that this thing happened" PC, "really, I heard something different...." to have a different experience, but I'm not sure how well that would work).


 Either way, for the new player it's just backstory, isn't it?

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I don't agree. Mostly its not a practice for us(gamers) but to get new players and in PoE 2's case it wouldn't help much. PoE 2 won't be a lot different than PoE / PoE won't feel dated when PoE 2 comes out and for anyone who's interested in this type of game, PoE 1 won't be a burden.


I can understand f.i. Witcher 3 should feel like standalone cos its the witcher series' first appearance on PS or its made less hardcore so more people will play it etc. plus the time between W3 and W2(If you play W2 after W3, it should feel a bit dated). But still its for companies to sell more copies, not for the loyal followers of a series. Actually its worse for the loyal players most of the time(like CDPR's made W2s different endings meaningless in W3).


I expect continuation story in PoE 2 with PoE 1's choices imported either with save-files and/or Kotor2/Witcher3 style in game choices or preferably in some form of Tyranny's conquest feature.


To this date the series which save-import handled the best is Mass Effect; every game impacted the other enough(sometimes on crazy levels: ME3's tuchanka) to be meaningful. Too bad dat ending ruined it.

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