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Us this thread to discuss issues you find in the Pathfinder Adventures Closed Beta. Do make sure to check out the known issues list to see if we are already looking into your issue.


List of Known Issues:


  • Quest Mode - Work in Progress. Some progression blocking issues and not properly balanced.
  • Character Dialogues - After "Local Heroes" there will be some missing dialogues from certain characters.
  • Audio - Lots of SFX and Music will be coming online in the following weeks.
  • Booster Cards - Will be some changes and the more powerful ones are not implemented yet. Additionally, if it has missing artwork the card will function properly but might not highlight as useable.
  • The only decks avilable will be "B," "1," and "2."
  • There is a planned update to the Beta but it might require a wipe of your saved games.
  • If you have played a previous version of the game, uninstall that before installing this build. Prior saved data is known to cause issues.
  • There currently is no notification that you have to be logged in to collect gold. If you are not logged in you will not collect gold.
  • Also, you must be logged in to use gold in the store.
  • iOS Login Screen - Currently when entering in your user name it will mirror the test (and captialize the 1st letter) into the Password field. Please select the Password field and backspace the text and enter the password you wish to use. Note: the password field does not properly highlight that it is selected but will take the inputs
  • When collecting gold from completion of scenarios it doesn't refresh the gold counter immediately. Ex. If you collect 14 gold and finish the Tutorial and it gives you 100 gold, it will still show you at 14. If you go to the vault, it will properly show you having 114 gold.
  • Villains are missing their Monster card type. So powers that reference monsters will not take effect on a Villain card.
  • After playing the Tutorial once, playing it again may cause it to overwrite your save.
  • Glitch makes it so you can buy a character more than once. You will only get one character, but the gold will be taken.
  • If you leave the game after you explore and come back, the top card of the location deck will be on display
  • Linking your facebook account isn't letting you gain gold. A workaround is to avoice that feature and create an account on the welcome screen instead.
  • The Rules "Core Concepts" subsection lists "Example" many times and doesn't update its content.
  • Nook is not officially supported, nor is Kindle Fire
  • If you attemt to enter the store when you're not logged in (and when linked to facebook due to its issues) the store appears to be empty.
  • If you try to click the button to banish or bury on a device with a 4:3 aspect ratio (most apple devices), you will instead open the character sheet. A workaround is to drag the card to the top where the chain is displayed to Banish, or to the bottom left where a pile of dirt is displayed to bury.
  • If all characters die in a scenario, the death message appears jumbled.
  • Editing decks at the scenario select screen causes a glitch that will reset your decks and character progress. You can however edit your decks at the end of a scenario when you win or lose.
  • Purchasing a character and logging out of the game will remove the character from your save. If this happens let us know and we'll give you more gold to get the character back.
  • Pressing the "?!" button during the Tutorial causes a progression break glitch that causes the application to need to be restarted
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On Twitter @MikeyDowling

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Posted (edited)

I was doing trouble in Sandpoint on legendary difficulty I was at the junk beach and was closing with a poison trap I used blessing of abadar and only got one die instead of two

Edited by Ebee
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Posted (edited)

Undead Uprising, solo Sajan, normal difficulty, no perma, no PnP, iPad.


Exploring at the Village House. Encounter the Monster in the Closet, which is defeated using the Masterwork tools. Defeating it causes a Goblin Warrior to spawn, which it does. Defeat the goblin by using Unarmed Strike and Inspiration. After the Golbin is defeated, Caizarlu is shown in the play area for some reason. After hitting a button to progress, the Goblin goes away and Caizarlu disappears. On my next turn, Caizarlu is the top card of the deck.

Edited by Jeftidastl
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  On 3/19/2016 at 8:08 PM, Ebee said:

Four party group - Brigandoom on Legendary Difficulty - Four person party:  Ezren, Kyra, Harsk and Valeros


  1. When you defeat a monster, roll 1d6.  On a 1, you are dealt 1 fire damage. 
  2. When you defeat a barrier, roll 1d4. On a 1, you are dealt 2 ranged combat damage. 

At the Prison with Ezren.  I found a Mystic Inscription barrier.  I succeeded at my check and rolled a 1 for the ranged combat damage.  However, I did not have to discard anything for the damage. 


Did you discard any cards for the check?  We've had a bug where cards in the discard count as damage even though it was used for play.


  On 3/19/2016 at 11:23 PM, Jeftidastl said:

While playing Foul Misgivings with adjacent location movement on, the Warrens is not adjacent to any other locations. While this may be doable with bigger groups, and just inconvenient with smaller groups, it will be impossible for solo play as the Warrens is one of the initial three locations.


Warrens shouldn't be off on it's own. :)



  On 3/18/2016 at 5:24 AM, Ebee said:

Toxic cloud not coming up as an option when monsters are summoned


Were you fighting Undead?  Undead are immune to Toxic Cloud. 

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Solo Sajan, Foul Misgivings + with Impending Doom, 2 Haunts on me, no permadeath, no PnP.


Use Shalelu to examine deck, it is Blessing of Abadar. Recharge her and take my first exploration. Have Dex+3, but check to see what my Disable dice pool looks like. Reveal Masterwork Tools for 2 disable die. See the 3d4 and switch back to dex check. Masterwork tools stay out on field of play. Switch back to disable check, only 1d4 is available to roll. Switch back to Dex check and acquire blessing. Masterwork Tools are still on the field of play. They apparently do not count towards my hand size either. They finally go back into my deck after I use Shalelu again.




  • 0
Posted (edited)






Reproduced Foul Misgivings with adjacent location movement on hardest difficulty. Warrens is not considered adjacent to the other locations. Farmhouse and Foxglove Manor are adjacent to each other. Warrens is not adjacent mid-game either, and movement between the two zones is not possible.




While clearing out Warrens during this test, when Iesha Foxglove showed up I was able to use the Medusa Mask. This led to her being put into the Warrens location deck. When I explored next turn because I could not move, she was shuffled into a random deck like a villain. In an earlier play through I know that she was not susceptible to Medusas Mask, but I do not recall those conditions and I was pretty sure that it was working as intended.

Edited by Jeftidastl
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Loot cards don't show up in their respective card type filters when managing character decks pre/post adventure. I need to go to show all to find them:


Impaler of Thorns:

Weapon tab


view all tab



Medusa Mask:

Item tab


view all tab



Sihedron Amulets:

Item tab


view all tab


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Doing approach to Thistletop on heroic difficulty with the wildcard power +3 to banes party consisted of Valeros, Kyra, Ezren and Harsh


Goblin cut purse difficulty not increased



Goblin snake, same as above



And the saddest of all I was Sajan and fighting a Goblin War chanter his goblin difficulty didn't increase but the wisdom check did I then went to look at combat and it froze this makes me sad because this was my heroic group



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Minor graphical bug. When pressing on Discard or Deck to view their contents, the frame and the cards are displayed at the same rate. However, when you press again to close them, the cards move back to their pile while the frame remains instead of shrinking with the cards. The frame only closes once the spread of cards has completely closed.


Also, the close button seems redundant on the display since the decks are viewed intuitively by pressing on them rather than an open button. I am sure I would be disappointed in how many would get confused by its absence.

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Found another instance of a Revealed card getting stuck in the play area after changing my mind.


Seelah solo, no perma, no PnP, iPad, Trouble in Sandpoint, location Catacombs of Wrath, normal difficulty.


Ran into a Hill Giant. Revealed Flaming Mace +1, did not like my odds, so attempted the evade check afforded from the location. Was successful, but my Mace remains revealed. Ending my turn, or even recharging a magic armor did not put it back into my deck. Neither does defeating or evading another encounter. After failing the scenario due to death, the Mace was still in my deck.

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Something happened so fast that I am still not sure what or why it happened.


Solo Seelah, normal Approach to Thistletop, located at Goblin Fortress. Encountered Ambush and failed the check. Searched deck and found Tangletooth. Used Flaming Mace and Inspired Grace to defeat. Tangletooth then gets shuffled back into the location deck, instead of asking me if I want to close the location.

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  On 3/23/2016 at 4:09 PM, Jeftidastl said:

Something happened so fast that I am still not sure what or why it happened.


Solo Seelah, normal Approach to Thistletop, located at Goblin Fortress. Encountered Ambush and failed the check. Searched deck and found Tangletooth. Used Flaming Mace and Inspired Grace to defeat. Tangletooth then gets shuffled back into the location deck, instead of asking me if I want to close the location.


I had the exact same problem! As with you, it happened so fast that I had no idea why. I definitely remember that it was Tangletooth in a game with Kyra and Merisiel, and Tangletooth got shuffled back into the deck even though I defeated it. Do you remember what your check value was? Maybe (wild shot in the dark) Tangletooth has something going on like the Rat Swarm, where if you don't defeat it by a high enough value it is undefeated.

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  On 3/23/2016 at 4:44 PM, Borissimo said:


  On 3/23/2016 at 4:09 PM, Jeftidastl said:

Something happened so fast that I am still not sure what or why it happened.


Solo Seelah, normal Approach to Thistletop, located at Goblin Fortress. Encountered Ambush and failed the check. Searched deck and found Tangletooth. Used Flaming Mace and Inspired Grace to defeat. Tangletooth then gets shuffled back into the location deck, instead of asking me if I want to close the location.


I had the exact same problem! As with you, it happened so fast that I had no idea why. I definitely remember that it was Tangletooth in a game with Kyra and Merisiel, and Tangletooth got shuffled back into the deck even though I defeated it. Do you remember what your check value was? Maybe (wild shot in the dark) Tangletooth has something going on like the Rat Swarm, where if you don't defeat it by a high enough value it is undefeated.



I'm assuming it's because Tangletooth has the "before you act" clause that doesn't get resolved properly in the case of an ambush?

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More revealing cards bugs.


Legendanry story mode. Black fangs dungeons.


Cheelah did reveale +1 long Sword. Then used her own discard the too card of you deck power to get d6. The dice pool did reset and the Sword remained revealed, but did not give the dice. I played another weapon. The Sword was back after the scenario though.


Two instansseissa where burgler tool or Master rooli were revealed and the canceled with cancel button. Card stand limbo state both times.





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I do not know what my check against Tangletooth was, but Tangletooth does not swarm nor does he have a before you act ability. Just a power that forces everyone at that location to face him. Mine was solo and yours was not, did you encounter him alone? Although I k ow I have defeated him solo in the past.

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Game breaking bug. Solo Seelah, no perma or PnP. Normal Undead Uprising.


Started at Village house. Dr Habe was present. Went through the deck, using Crusade regularly. Find Dr Habe once, and he pulls a bane and gets reshuffled in. Find him again with no banes and he gets banished. I close the location by banishing a Pot of Fort, and I get stuck. I cannot use any icons at the top, there is no back button, and the green progress button on the right is present, but does nothing.


I feel like there is a bit of a pattern. Banishing a card with a power activated by banishing broke this game. I have another save where burying Brodert for a reason other than Brodert's bury power broke the game.

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  On 3/23/2016 at 11:51 PM, Jeftidastl said:

Tangletooth does not swarm nor does he have a before you act ability.


Oh, I know it's not supposed to have that. :) The ol' mare just seems to be behaving that way.

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Just started a Black Fangs Dungeon++ with solo Sajan, at the Desecrated Vault, with Retaliation and Blood in the Sand on.


Did my first explore. It was Guidance. No dice showed up. I swiped around blindly for a bit. A phantom die rolled and I was confused.


Seems like none of my dice are showing up, as I have encountered Black Fang and nothing is there. Restarting the app fixed it.

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I don't remember all the scenarios but I used the dart weapon twice toda once on lem and once on Merisiel both times I failed the check but the reply option didn't come up

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Trying out legendary difficulty with Merisiel, Lini and Amiri I get +3 & +2 increase to acquire boons. I also got the wildcard when you acquire an armor, item or ally bury a card(good luck with the +5 difficulty). I was fighting a bug bear on Merisiel and used the dart. Once again, could not use the re-roll when I failed my check.

Since I failed I was supposed to take six damage I recharged my leather armor but then remembered I could bury it however, my dart then got stuck on the screen as per following screen shot.



Also, Amiri closed the shrine of lamas hut and used her power to move at the end of her turn she went to the temple but did not have to discard https://www.dropbox.com/s/6u6lpaszojvwvvf/2016-03-24%2005.33.45.png?dl=0

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Don't actually know if this is a bug or not, but I've found that cards that I get from treasure chests in the vault are showing up in locations, even if they are from higher adventure decks than I'm currently on. Specifically, I was able to pick up the Amulet of Shocking Fists (AD 3 Item) from a location when playing a Burnt Offerings scenario.


Also, I'd love to test out more characters but have been using my gold to unlock AD 1 and 2.. any chance i could get a gold-gift to get the other characters?

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  On 3/23/2016 at 11:58 PM, Jeftidastl said:

I feel like there is a bit of a pattern. Banishing a card with a power activated by banishing broke this game. I have another save where burying Brodert for a reason other than Brodert's bury power broke the game.


You are correct. Cards with bury powers were always activating. I fixed this a few days ago so you'll see it in the next beta.

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  On 3/24/2016 at 5:26 PM, cartmanbeck said:

Don't actually know if this is a bug or not, but I've found that cards that I get from treasure chests in the vault are showing up in locations, even if they are from higher adventure decks than I'm currently on. Specifically, I was able to pick up the Amulet of Shocking Fists (AD 3 Item) from a location when playing a Burnt Offerings scenario.


Should be fixed in the next beta.

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