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Darth feargus is no match for darth Karzaks l337 jedi powers

Let's keep the T&A in FanTAsy


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And we present our first match...


In the left corner with a blue lightsaber, we present Obi-Wan Karzak and, ladies and gentlemen. in the right corner with the red lightsaber we have Darth Feargus. ;)


Was that sort of what you had in mind ?

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

  ramza said:
I have all the volumes of the Rurouni Kenshin manga, so I know the story pretty well... believe me sanosuke sagara was way lot cooler than sojiro.

Bah, Sojiro was Kenshin's only reedeming feature. Sagara was okay, but nothing special. Especially if you compare him to Wolfwood from Trigun...

"McDonald's taste damn good. I'd rtahe reat their wonderful food then the poisonous junk you server in your house that's for sure.


What's funny is I'm not fat. In fact, I'm skinny. Though I am as healthy as cna be. Outside of being very ugly, and the common cold once in the blue moon I simply don't get sick."


- Volourn, Slayer of Yrkoon!


"I want a Lightsaber named Mr. Zappy" -- Darque

"I'm going to call mine Darque. Then I can turn Darque on anytime I want." -- GhostofAnakin

  Gorth said:
And we present our first match...


In the left corner with a blue lightsaber, we present Obi-Wan Karzak and, ladies and gentlemen. in the right corner with the red lightsaber we have Darth Feargus. ;)


Was that sort of what you had in mind ?

No, more like:


"in this corner we have Darth Feargus, sporting a RHPS frankenfurter jedi corset and a mauve lightsaber, in the other corner we have the poor SOB that looks like Karzak who is here fixing to be cut into smoking chunks pretending to be Darth Karzak because the real Darth Karzak has his family suspended over one of those 100 story sheer drops with no railing or safety net that come standard on imperial ships, weilding one of those force neutralizing monkey cat things, and in the upper balcony with a garrett light .50, 100 times more powerful than any blaster made in the star wars universe, is Darth Karzak, putting the crosshairs over Darth Feargus's "I was a fluffer in FO2" lapel pin.

Let's keep the T&A in FanTAsy


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Why Bio Why?

  Karzak said:
  Gorth said:
And we present our first match...


In the left corner with a blue lightsaber, we present Obi-Wan Karzak and, ladies and gentlemen. in the right corner with the red lightsaber we have Darth Feargus.  ;)


Was that sort of what you had in mind ?

No, more like:


"in this corner we have Darth Feargus, sporting a RHPS frankenfurter jedi corset and a mauve lightsaber, in the other corner we have the poor SOB that looks like Karzak who is here fixing to be cut into smoking chunks pretending to be Darth Karzak because the real Darth Karzak has his family suspended over one of those 100 story sheer drops with no railing or safety net that come standard on imperial ships, weilding one of those force neutralizing monkey cat things, and in the upper balcony with a garrett light .50, 100 times more powerful than any blaster made in the star wars universe, is Darth Karzak, putting the crosshairs over Darth Feargus's "I was a fluffer in FO2" lapel pin.


“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

  Meshugger said:
Darth Ethon

Darth Tenzor

Darth Saddamus

Darth Bush (whops!)

after Maul, Sidious, and Tyranus, those names are fine.

  Craftsman said:
Alexia who exactly is your avatar? I find it quite rude.



now... little kids.. this reminds me.. dont smoke crack, and dont look at porn its no good for you :ph34r:


I found the old movie Darth names quite interesting actually, Darth inVader, Darth inSidious. Some more like this would be nice.




Using a gamepad to control an FPS is like trying to fight evil through maple syrup.

  tripleRRR said:
I found the old movie Darth names quite interesting actually, Darth inVader, Darth inSidious. Some more like this would be nice.






That would be


Darth Truder

Darth Visible

Darth Famous

Darth Credible

Darth Mate




Whats with the Darth thing, is it a male only thing or are the females named the same way, like Darth Grid (to use the above naming convention) ?


@Loriahnell: Yes

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein


The theory is that Darth is a shortened form of DARk Lord of the SiTH but George Lucas has never confirmed that. In fact I think hes said that it is just a name Sith use with no special relevance. In the EU Darth Bane is the sole surviving Sith at one point in the EU timeline and he creates the rule of two. So some people think as a sign of tribute to him all future Sith put Darth in front of their name. Since before this point in the time line Sith didn't all have Darth in front of their name. Exar Kun, Naga Sadow etc. But then in KOTOR we see Darth being used even though it isn't that long after the war with Exar Kun. (Sigh) Continuity is nigh impossible in a universe as enormous as SW. I tend to go with the shortened form of Dark Lord of the Sith. And yes even women would use Darth.

  Shdy314 said:
The theory is that Darth is a shortened form of DARk Lord of the SiTH but George Lucas has never confirmed that.

here's hoping he never does, because it would be bloody stupid.

dumber than a bag of hammers


Darth Joe Bob Smith, the first redneck Jedi


"You might be a redneck Sith Lord if you have a lightsaber rack on your swoop bike..." ;)



  Ferret said:
Darth Joe Bob Smith, the first redneck Jedi


"You might be a redneck Sith Lord if you have a lightsaber rack on your swoop bike..." :)



Darth Ma and Pa, the parents of the first redneck jedi

  Ferret said:
Darth Joe Bob Smith, the first redneck Jedi


"You might be a redneck Sith Lord if you have a lightsaber rack on your swoop bike..." :)



damn it even though he's a dev he seems to spam too much :) :D that's good :D

  jedimastermaniac said:
damn it even though he's a dev he seems to spam too much :( :D that's good :D

It may come as a shock, but I have a sense of humor. Perhaps occasionally bordering on wit. Either that or people force laughs when I'm around. Come to think of it but people do have a habit of running from rooms when I enter, screaming in agony. Hmm... Nah, it's just wit.



Whats with the Darth thing, is it a male only thing or are the females named the same way, like Darth Grid (to use the above naming convention) ?


Lol, that made me laugh. No, no, I'd have a normal Darth Name. And I'd also prefer to be a Dark Lord. None of that female stuff, thank you. Just one of the boys :(


But I don't know about the rest of the girls :ph34r:

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