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Pro Hoops 2K14-2K15


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"Vegas and the Experts."





"How can Lebron be MVP when:


A) He's having a down year

B) His team this season is not even going to come close to the over/under."


How can he not be


a) when the team he was on - 4 straight finals appearances - are awful without him.


b) his new team is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy better with him.



Then look at the fortune of both CLE and MIA when he switched teams the first time. Bottom line is where Lebron plays matter. NO MATTER WHERE HE PLAYS, the team will be competitive.  That's the very definition of MOST VALUABLE PLAYER.


 He is having a 'down' year because he is the best player in the league so the expectations are beyond ridiuclous. MVP is not about  who is 'most improved' it's about which player is more important to the team he plays on. Do I also need to remind you what happened when he missed 7-8 games earlier? L0L


Again, I noticed you ignore the following simple fact: If GS had a chance to trade Curry for James straight up they would do it no questions asked.


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Golden State would do their due diligence and think long and hard about a Curry for Lebron trade...before ultimately politely decling, hanging up then ROFLOPTING. 

  • Curry is 4 years younger and just entering his prime.
  • Lebron has already reached his peak and his body is starting to decay
  • The trade won't work for Golden State because they'll need a PG and they have a surplus of wings and tweeners.
  • The Warriors are the best team and no team has been this dominant since the 96 Bulls. Why do something silly and trade away their leader and best player?



"Do I also need to remind you what happened when he missed 7-8 games earlier? L0L" Missing games is actually a negative mark against your MVP candidacy. 


"Vegas and the Experts." They set the standards and lines like it or not. Again, against this standard and expectations, Lebron and the Cavaliers are grossly under-performing.

Edited by Leferd

"Things are funny...are comedic, because they mix the real with the absurd." - Buzz Aldrin.

"P-O-T-A-T-O-E" - Dan Quayle

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  • "Curry is 4 years younger and just entering his prime."




  • "Lebron has already reached his peak and his body is starting to decay"

He's 4 years older. By your two points, Curry will only have a prime of like 4 years since you are claiming Lebron is going 'downhill'. Lebron has a good 5-6 years left barring major injuries to be a to old cripple.

  • "The trade won't work for Golden State because they'll need a PG and they have a surplus of wings and tweeners."

James is basically a PG in a forward's body. He proved that in MIA. What he needs is 3 point shooters and decent defenders to sorround him with.



  • "The Warriors are the best team and no team has been this dominant since the 96 Bulls. "
  • Agree with this. 10 losses is 10 losses
  • "Why do something silly and trade away their leader and best player?"

Trading for the best player  in the ENTIRE league is not silly.



You want more proof of how how this whole MVP thing is a joke. With Rose won it peopel claimed he had 'overtaken' James as 'best player' DESPITE James beeating him in playoffs.


Last season, Durant was supposedly trumping James in 'best player' now he's often referred to 'second banan' on his own team.


Trust me, Curry will likely win MVP this season but nexts eason he'll just be another 'boring' top player wihile James will again get trashed and be labeled '2nd best' to some new one year wonder MVP' because people just don't want the obvious to happen - the best and most valuable player in the NAB winning the MVP as he should.

Edited by Volourn


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I'm actually in the Pro-Lebron camp and I agree, D-Rose robbed Lebron.


There have been countless studies on this, but for elite athletes (for a litany of reasons) their prime years are generally ages 26-29. This is pretty universal from track & field, tennis, hoops, baseball, etc.


Look at James. His body started to fail him in the playoffs last year. This year, he is obviously not as explosive and his back is giving out. He's still an elite player and will be for a handful more seasons...but let's not delude ourselves into thinking that he'll be the same hyper efficient Lebron during his Miami years.


When healthy, Lebron James is the best player in the game. Durant #2. Lebron has missed significant time, as has Durant.


The stars are in alignment and this is probably Curry's best shot at actually winning an MVP. Hopefully there aren't too many knuckleheads that'll vote Harden over Curry. Golden State is having a magical season and I am hoping against all hope that they don't turn into the 2001 Mariners. I've suffered through too many years of awful Oakland basketball to deserve this type of a C-tease.

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"Things are funny...are comedic, because they mix the real with the absurd." - Buzz Aldrin.

"P-O-T-A-T-O-E" - Dan Quayle

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I'd prefer Harden winning over Curry. Curry's team is stacked. Houston without Harden would be pure laughability. I'm talking NYK laughable.But, again, ahrd to argue against best player on best team. Then again, what happens if the Hawks end up with a better record.. which of those guys do you give an MVP to if you go simply by record... Hmmm..


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You factor in a combination of


A) Is the player playing at an elite level?

B) Is the player's team a strong contender?


Atlanta, like the Spurs last year, don't have a dominant player, so therefore they don't have any legitimate MVP candidates.


Curry's lockbox tight case is that his team is playing at near historic levels, and that he individually is having the best season of any player in the league.


Harden fits box A & B. But the Rockets aren't as good as the Warriors, and Curry is having the better season (arguable, but true).




The Warriors roster this season is essentially the same as last year's squad that won 51 games. I place alot of the credit in their team and individual player performance on coaching.

"Things are funny...are comedic, because they mix the real with the absurd." - Buzz Aldrin.

"P-O-T-A-T-O-E" - Dan Quayle

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And, that's the attitude of many. James doesn't deserve to win MVp or other awards because he is the best and is expected to be the best so handing him all the awards is just overkill and beating the dead horse. Afterall, it be 'boring' if the same player won the MVP for an entire decade deserving or not. Gotta mix things up and make sure there are mutliple 'winners' in the modern age.


No more Gretzkys. No more Jordans. etc. etc.


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Westbrook should be MVP.  He's keeping OKC afloat while KD has been missing a bunch of time.  :p


On a serious note, this could be a blessing in disguise for OKC assuming KD's foot is all sorted out by playoff time.  KD's going to be all types of rested for the playoffs and a lot of guys have been getting playing time they wouldn't have if the team had been at full strength all year.  They may need those guys in the playoffs.

Edited by Keyrock

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"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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USA Today is predicting a Warriors-Cavs finals. That would make this thread interesting at least. Like having  Volo vs Leferd in a steel cage texas death match! :lol:

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"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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Yet, everyone claims lebron is no good no more. No longer worthy of MVP. LMAO the fact he beat the Curries with the bunch of losers he has shows, yet again, why he is the best player and MVP.


But, the league and everyone will ignore it. Just like last season when he made Durant cry yet Durant got his pity MVP. It's Curry's turn for a pity MVP so he can join Durant and Rose.




Hey voters, you can steal all the trophies away from Lebron you want - it doesn't change the fact he is the best player in the league.






P.S. Why isn't Curry being slammed for his pathetic performance here. if James sucked we would be hearing about it for a long time. HAHAHAHA!

Edited by Volourn


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Stop spreading myths, lies, and innuendos. No one here claims Lebron isn't good anymore. Do you only listen to Skip Bayless?


If the season ended today, Lebron just doesn't deserve to win the MVP. PERIOD.


Shots weren't falling tonight for the Dubs. They had 32 assists despite only shooting 42%. They decimated Cleveland's defense with their ball/player movement but couldn't hit shots. They're not going to win when Curry and Klay shoot 10 for 30. Just not their night. Let's not get hysterical. Players are allowed off nights in February, especially when they are in the middle of the longest road trip of the year and only have two home games this month.

"Things are funny...are comedic, because they mix the real with the absurd." - Buzz Aldrin.

"P-O-T-A-T-O-E" - Dan Quayle

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Stop making excuses for them sucking. They duidn't decimate CLE's  defense. They couldn't evens core  100 points.


\Lebron deserves a the MVP. he should be winning his 10th in a row. He's better and more valuable than Curry.



"No one here claims Lebron isn't good anymore."


You've been bashing him non stop.  'No longer MVP worthy' LMAO

Edited by Volourn


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Gosh Volo. Your butthurt over any perceived slight against Lebron is so cute. You care more about it than him or his crew.


There. There.



"Things are funny...are comedic, because they mix the real with the absurd." - Buzz Aldrin.

"P-O-T-A-T-O-E" - Dan Quayle

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"You care more about it than him or his crew."


I certainly don't give a crap about Cleveland. That's for darn sure.


At least I'm not pretending Stephen "5 for 17" Curry is more valuable than  Lebron "Mr. 42" James.


\Also, how many Finals apeparances and championships and MVPS does Curry have? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!



Like I said, he gonna be gifted with a pity MVP trophy. PATHETIC.


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Nah. I was talking about Lebron's entourage.




Stephen Curry. Shimmying his way to the MVP since 2K15.

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"Things are funny...are comedic, because they mix the real with the absurd." - Buzz Aldrin.

"P-O-T-A-T-O-E" - Dan Quayle

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Ok. That loss put me through the wringer of the five stages. Obviously I went through denial, anger, and bargaining last night. Going through depression this morning. I'm ready to accept that the Dubs got whupped and may have been exposed. Chuck is right. The Warriors are soft and jumps shooting teams can't win the championship. DOOMED.

"Things are funny...are comedic, because they mix the real with the absurd." - Buzz Aldrin.

"P-O-T-A-T-O-E" - Dan Quayle

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Or it could just be a game in February.



I do think the dubs will take a few losses going forward in order to rest their key players.  Curry really doesn't need to play every game if he is having any ankle issues.  He spent his first couple years struggling with health, I don't want to see that repeated.

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Or I could still be in my irrational depressive state.


Warriors lost on the road to Memphis, Atlanta, OKC, and now Cleveland. Those are the teams giving me pause for the playoffs.

"Things are funny...are comedic, because they mix the real with the absurd." - Buzz Aldrin.

"P-O-T-A-T-O-E" - Dan Quayle

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