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Light Side and Dark Side endings from KOTOR

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Ok, we already know that the outcome of Revan's actions in KOTOR will be determined by questions asked of the player early in KOTOR II.


But isn't it a rather radical departure between the Light Side and Dark Side endings of KOTOR?


SPOILER WARNING: Most likely anyone here has already finished KOTOR, but just in case, I'm about to describe the endings of both Light Side and Dark Side. Move on if you don't know and don't want it spoiled.













In the case of a Dark Side ending, the Republic fleet is crippled around the Star Forge and the Sith armada is (apparently) without opposition in advancing into the Core Worlds and conquering the Republic. Revan is the new Dark Lord of the Sith with Bastila as his/her apprentice.


In the case of a Light Side ending, the Star Forge is destroyed, the Dark Lord is dead, the Sith fleet is routed, and Revan is a Jedi hero. The Sith threat appears to be ended.


Rather drastic differences, I think everyone would agree. Drastic enough that the entire course of the game could be altered by those initial questions that decide the outcome of KOTOR.


It also leaves questions unanswered depending on what happened:


If the Dark Side ending is how it played out, why did Revan go into exile? S/he is the head of the freaking Sith, for crying out loud. Also, presuming the Sith haven't conquered the galaxy, what stopped them from winning total victory following the battle at the Star Forge?


If the Light Side ending is how it played out, why are the Jedi nearly extinct? The Sith were apparently routed at the Star Forge, after all. And again, as the Hero of the Republic, why would Revan go into exile?


We won't know the answers until the game is released, of course, but just consider this an exercise in guesswork and creative thinking. :)

I made this half-pony half-monkey monster to please you

But I get the feeling that you don't like it

What's with all the screaming?

You like monkeys, you like ponies

Maybe you don't like monsters so much

Maybe I used too many monkeys

Isn't it enough to know that I ruined a pony making a gift for you?

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Hopefully they will reconcile the lightside and darkside differences with lots of sex.

That's probably your solution to everything.

I made this half-pony half-monkey monster to please you

But I get the feeling that you don't like it

What's with all the screaming?

You like monkeys, you like ponies

Maybe you don't like monsters so much

Maybe I used too many monkeys

Isn't it enough to know that I ruined a pony making a gift for you?

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In the case of a Dark Side ending, the Republic fleet is crippled around the Star Forge and the Sith armada is (apparently) without opposition in advancing into the Core Worlds and conquering the Republic. Revan is the new Dark Lord of the Sith with Bastila as his/her apprentice.


In the case of a Light Side ending, the Star Forge is destroyed, the Dark Lord is dead, the Sith fleet is routed, and Revan is a Jedi hero. The Sith threat appears to be ended.

In the case of a DS ending in Kotor, Revan will eventually be challenged by Bastila, to be the Dark Lord (Lady), Thats the Sith way. After Revan, she'll have the jedi for breakfast :)


In the case of LS ending, the jedi will probably still be reeling from a series of wars, Exar Kun, Mandalorian, Revan/Malak etc. They may not have enough infrastructure left to keep it together as they were used to, and cease to exist as a viable force, even if the Republic was victorious in the end. :)


Just speculating B)

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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In the case of a DS ending in Kotor, Revan will eventually be challenged by Bastila, to be the Dark Lord (Lady), Thats the Sith way. After Revan, she'll have the jedi for breakfast :)

That would be interesting if Bastila was one of the title's 'Sith Lords.' :)


But I doubt it, since it would mean completely changing the storyline based on whether KOTOR had a Light Side or Dark Side ending. After all, it's hard for Bastila to be a Sith Lord when she was redeemed or killed.....

I made this half-pony half-monkey monster to please you

But I get the feeling that you don't like it

What's with all the screaming?

You like monkeys, you like ponies

Maybe you don't like monsters so much

Maybe I used too many monkeys

Isn't it enough to know that I ruined a pony making a gift for you?

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The magazine articles say that via your early conversations, you dictate to the game how kotor ended.

Oy gott.

I made this half-pony half-monkey monster to please you

But I get the feeling that you don't like it

What's with all the screaming?

You like monkeys, you like ponies

Maybe you don't like monsters so much

Maybe I used too many monkeys

Isn't it enough to know that I ruined a pony making a gift for you?

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I assume the NPCs, locations, and revan change with your take on kotor.

Yes, but they can't have it change too much. They can't, essentially, make an entire other game based on your choices in KOTOR; I'm guessing most of the results of Revan's actions (whether for good or bad) will show up in dialogue rather than actual major changes to the events of the game.

I made this half-pony half-monkey monster to please you

But I get the feeling that you don't like it

What's with all the screaming?

You like monkeys, you like ponies

Maybe you don't like monsters so much

Maybe I used too many monkeys

Isn't it enough to know that I ruined a pony making a gift for you?

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there's 3 options i can see:


(1) deal with it - the developers choose what happened and the particular ending you had in KOTOR1 is irrelevant. this would be slightly gutsy and the simplest way forward from a story point of view, although it would doubtless cause endless alienation to fans who followed the other path. i think Bio showed with HotU that they aren't above predetermining what happens with earlier storylines (c.f. all those whiny threads about what happens to stupid aribeth). at the same time, this particular course doesn't seem to gel with what's been said about the dialogue options establishing the previous outcome.


(2) it's all equivocal - the developers fudge what happened in the fog of war to accomodate the possibility of both endings, e.g. "some say Revan betrayed the republic, others say Revan died trying to save it, etc yadda yadda". slightly easier for the fans but tougher to write for.


(3) you decide - the developers leave the exact fate to your dialogue options. this seems best for the whiny fans and seems to be the approach they've actually taken, but it looks bloody hard to write for, without resorting to either fudging certain things (as per (2)) or predetermining them (as per (1)).

dumber than a bag of hammers

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there's 3 options i can see:


(1) deal with it - the developers choose what happened and the particular ending you had in KOTOR1 is irrelevant. this would be slightly gutsy and the simplest way forward from a story point of view, although it would doubtless cause endless alienation to fans who followed the other path. i think Bio showed with HotU that they aren't above predetermining what happens with earlier storylines (c.f. all those whiny threads about what happens to stupid aribeth). at the same time, this particular course doesn't seem to gel with what's been said about the dialogue options establishing the previous outcome.


(2) it's all equivocal - the developers fudge what happened in the fog of war to accomodate the possibility of both endings, e.g. "some say Revan betrayed the republic, others say Revan died trying to save it, etc yadda yadda". slightly easier for the fans but tougher to write for.


(3) you decide - the developers leave the exact fate to your dialogue options. this seems best for the whiny fans and seems to be the approach they've actually taken, but it looks bloody hard to write for, without resorting to either fudging certain things (as per (2)) or predetermining them (as per (1)).

#3 is the simplest way not alienate your fanbase, but as you stated, it will be damn hard for Obsidian to pull it trough.

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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That depends on how specific they want to get with what happened and how much of a role Revan has to play. I guess they will have to get creative if Revan ends up having to be a bad guy or a good guy but I think a branch there would be a very nice nod to KotOR.


It doesn't seem too bad from where I stand, with the Light path ending looking like it needs more work but who knows ... I think some fudging or vagueness will be hard to avoid.

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there's 3 options i can see:


(1) deal with it - the developers choose what happened and the particular ending you had in KOTOR1 is irrelevant. this would be slightly gutsy and the simplest way forward from a story point of view, although it would doubtless cause endless alienation to fans who followed the other path. i think Bio showed with HotU that they aren't above predetermining what happens with earlier storylines (c.f. all those whiny threads about what happens to stupid aribeth). at the same time, this particular course doesn't seem to gel with what's been said about the dialogue options establishing the previous outcome.


(2) it's all equivocal - the developers fudge what happened in the fog of war to accomodate the possibility of both endings, e.g. "some say Revan betrayed the republic, others say Revan died trying to save it, etc yadda yadda". slightly easier for the fans but tougher to write for.


(3) you decide - the developers leave the exact fate to your dialogue options. this seems best for the whiny fans and seems to be the approach they've actually taken, but it looks bloody hard to write for, without resorting to either fudging certain things (as per (2)) or predetermining them (as per (1)).

And one more:


(4) Newhart - Master Vandar wakes up one brisk Vermont morning to realize that it was all a dream.


Just picture the outrage!! :):lol::lol:

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My guesses


Other Characters:


1) Light Side

On your travels you will most likely find Carth, Mission and Zaalbar, they might have a mission of a special item for you (maybe Revan left something with them) but nothing that important.


2) Dark Side

Carth, Mission and Zaalbar dead, you'll find Canderous in a cantina somewhere who will give you the equivalent of whatever you got for choosing the light side.



Most of the jedi are supposed to be dead so we can assume the Jedi companions from KOTOR will all be dead or missing (hopefully bastilla will show up, or at least have her disapearence explained)




Light or dark side, revan disapeared into the far reaches of the galaxy after KOTOR, my guess is, either way, he went there to gain power (the comics from this time period talk of jedi artifacts from the days when jedi were all powerful in the far reaches of the galaxy) for different reasons..


Light Side:

With the destruction of the jedi council, only the jedi that took part in the battle at the star forge are alive, Revan consulted with the remaining Jedi and decided to go into the void in the hope of bringing back technology to stop the impending destruction of the defenceless republic. If you go light side in KOTOR2, he'll turn up and help you beat the sith lords. If you go dark side, you'll have to face him, win and you'll get his items which will help you beat the sith lords and become the one true lord of the sith.


Dark Side:

After destroying the republic fleet at the star forge and sending his armies off to wage war, Sith flocked to Revans side, 2 of his diciples worried him as he can sense that they are more powerful than him, rather than be slayed by his pupils he flees in the hope of finding the power to return as the true sith lord, more powerful than any sith has ever been or ever will be. If you go dark side in KOTOR2, as he hasnt had a chance to test his new items, he'll give them to you, who he sees as inferior to let you take out the sith lords for him, you'll then have to kill revan. If you got light side he'll see you as the perfect test of his new abilities and you'll have to fight him, win and you get the items and kill the sith lords.

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Dark Side -


A) Bastila plots to usurp the title of dark lord from revan. Revan learns of this and kills bastila himself before her plan comes to fruition. Due to the force link they share he feels incomplete and weak. Knowing that a weak sith lord would not last long he flees in the ebon hawk to the outer worlds in an attempt to regain his power.


B) The star forge ever feeding off of the dark power within revan slowly begins to drain him of his force powers. he sees the same fate that befell the rakatan happening to him. desperate to retain his power he destroys the star forge a move the rest of the sith do not understand. they feel he has turned and he is forced to flee in the ebon hawk to the outer worlds.


"Any creature willing to throw their life away in that void[outer worlds] is not worth killing" - Canderous Oddo KOTOR1


Light Side -


A) The entire sith fleet was not destroyed when the star forge fell. there had to of been sith deployed throughout the galaxy. Revan may have dealt them a serious blow by destroying the star forge but the sith were far from defeated. after regrouping the sith counter-attacked. aided by numerous bounty hunters and perhaps the remnants of the mandalorian clans, the sith hunted down all that was left of the jedi. revan with bastila, if she was redeemed, flee the sith onslaught in the ebon hawk. Assuming bastila's with you she dies during the escape.


That's all I can think of for the light side. I only played that ending once cuz it's so lame. lol

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Hopefully they will reconcile the lightside and darkside differences with lots of sex.

That's probably your solution to everything.

what if it is, are you frigid or something?

Lois: Honey, what do you say we uh...christen these new sheets, huh?

Peter: Why Lois Griffin, you naughty girl.

Lois: Hehehe...that's me.

Peter: You dirty hustler.

Lois: Hehehehe...

Peter: You filthy, stinky prostitute.

Lois: Aha, ok I get it...

Peter: You foul, venereal disease carrying, street walking whore.

Lois: Alright, that's enough!

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.... and creative thinking. ;)

it's not like the beginnign of BG2 made much sense, me having killed most of the NPC's and all, but it still turned out to be a pretty good game


i'd go for the "deal with it" option

Lois: Honey, what do you say we uh...christen these new sheets, huh?

Peter: Why Lois Griffin, you naughty girl.

Lois: Hehehe...that's me.

Peter: You dirty hustler.

Lois: Hehehehe...

Peter: You filthy, stinky prostitute.

Lois: Aha, ok I get it...

Peter: You foul, venereal disease carrying, street walking whore.

Lois: Alright, that's enough!

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