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Yeah me too, except it was a little more brutal in the comic of course..

What happened in the comic? Yes I know I could look it up myself but I don't want to stumble into a spoiler of any kind.

"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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What happened in the comic? Yes I know I could look it up myself but I don't want to stumble into a spoiler of any kind.



I haven't read the comic myself, but I have read the synopsis on wikipedia and an article or two on the differences between the comic and show up to the point the show is at. I'm no fan of spoilers myself, but only minor spoilers exist in the wiki I think. But don't get me wrong, they are spoilers, and maybe you won't think they're minor. I say they're minor because the show has deviated from the comics so much, and will no doubt continue to do so.


Here are a few examples of the differences I read about between the comic and TV show for the timeline up to the current episode. The spoilers below are light, ie: I'm not revealing any deaths except those that are already dead in the show.



Andrea is still alive in the most recent comics, which are probably the equivalent of somewhere between season 8-10 if not further out. So is Sophia. They are both dead on the TV show.


Daryl, Merle, and Beth (I think T-Dog too if I recall right) don't exist in the comics.


There is at least one major TV show character (I won't name them) who is dead in the comics at the point the TV show is at (and they look like they will be around for awhile, but who knows?).


The whole CDC storyline didn't happen in the comics.


Shane dies much earlier in the comics.


Dale and Otis (as well as others) live much longer than they did in the TV show and check out in entirely different ways than they do in the TV show.




As far as the answer to your question, I'll let someone who has actually read the comics say why it was more brutal, but I can say:



In the comics it's a boy named Ben who kills his twin brother, not a girl named Liz who kills her sister. and Carl kills Ben.


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Yeah me too, except it was a little more brutal in the comic of course..

What happened in the comic? Yes I know I could look it up myself but I don't want to stumble into a spoiler of any kind.





As Valsuelm says, Carl handles it.. to go into more details, there's this messed up kid with a twin.. he ends up mudering his twin brother to watch him turn .. Rick and the other previously hanged a guy for killing 2 kids and agreed that in this new world, it's an eye for an eye, but no one really has the stomach to kill a kid or banish him.. While everyone is discussing it, Carl slips in to where he's being held and butchers him with a knife while he's tied up 'cause it had to be done' ..


There's a lot of big differences though, like Rick losing his hand to the Governor, Michonne isn't a Ninja - just pretty good with a sword - Carl is pretty badass too, surviving some pretty disfiguring injuries and generally treading a fine line between being good and pragmatic/evil - although that's true for pretty much anyone in the comic.. and stupid people dying almost as soon as they are introduced, so the surviving cast are all hardened, haunted and tough as nails survivors (much like Carol in the last few episodes) - which makes it so much harder when they die off and they do..


Because Kirkman is a regular R.R Martin too, so no one is safe - although Rick and Carl tend to get out of scraps a little too often than what's realistic.



But of course there are a lot of elements from the comics that doesn't work well when translated to the TV show.. Michonne is probably the best example, she's awesome in the comic, because she's properly explained.. but comes off as extremely tacky and overpowered on TV with that insta-decappichino-Katana.


Same with Abraham that was just introduced



Looks and sound waay to cliché on TV, but in the comic the play on the cliché a lot and flesh him out by giving him a pretty quirky moral.. Something that has been alluded to in the show, but I doubt they'll handle it very well.



They did however manage to make the Governor a lot more interesting on the show in his last 2 episodes showing his human side, in the comic has was just an insane dictator that went crazy cause his kid died.. Which made him, ironically - a very cartoony villain.

Fortune favors the bald.

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Episode 15, season 4: By the gods, why are the characters getting dumber each damn episode? If I would have been invited to a huge place offering ''sanctuary'' for all, that has no security against any kind of attackers whatsoever, has no locked gates and no people to greet but one old lady, in the middle of an apocalypse....I would have stayed the hell away from there or I would have left some people behind as backup if things go bad.

Also ''terminus'' and ''sanctuary'' are nicer words for ''death.'' 

How can they just waddle into such an obvious trap? After everything they went through? Do they have any brains left in their heads? 


Oh, and why did  Glenn have to insist on going through that stupid super dangerous tunnel? They could have looked for a car outside the tunnel and get to Maggie much faster without having to risk their lives. And why the rush, she was going to Terminus, no need  to risk your neck to get there a couple of hours quicker. 


And why doesn't anyone bother to ask the doc about what exactly he knows about the cure? Just haul his behind to Washington no questions asked? Maybe he knows nothing and just uses Abe and the group to carry his his worthless arse through the apocalypse, making false promises. He wouldn't survive for a week all alone.  That would also explain why he is sabotaging and deliberately slowing down everyone. 


There is only one thing I liked in this episode, its Daryl's new group. They're not the ruthless savages I expected and the leader seems to be a rather decent, smart guy. The rules may be really harsh, but no rules would result in much worse situations. 

Edited by Woldan
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I gazed at the dead, and for one dark moment I saw a banquet. 

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I think Glenn insisted on going through the tunnel in case Maggie was still in there. He didn't know how far behind her he was. If I was in the same situation as Glenn and the one I loved was possibly in that tunnel, I'd insist on going through it as well.


As far as the Doc, I think he's already said it's classified information did he not? That bogus argument works well enough in the real world for seemingly most people, why not in the Walking Dead world?


You're 100% right on about Terminus. The problem is that they're all separated, and many are hoping to find their loved ones again. Terminus is the only waypoint that they all might find in common. That said, it was entirely retarded of them all to not have an escape plan with a rendezvous point in case poop hit the fan in the prison. But that said, I certainly wouldn't have just walked in there like they did last episode.


I enjoy Walking Dead, but the writers are not the best. Oh to have writers of the quality of the ones on Breaking Bad on this show...

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I think Glenn insisted on going through the tunnel in case Maggie was still in there. He didn't know how far behind her he was. If I was in the same situation as Glenn and the one I loved was possibly in that tunnel, I'd insist on going through it as well.

Good point, I still wouldn't have gone through the tunnel though, simply too dangerous. If my loved one went through that obviously dangerous tunnel for no other reason than to save some time she wouldn't be my love one because I hate stupid reckless people.

As far as the Doc, I think he's already said it's classified information did he not? That bogus argument works well enough in the real world for seemingly most people, why not in the Walking Dead world?

Yes he did, and no, I would not think people would be ok with ''its classified'' and shut up about it. Not in a situation like that. If I risk my life for keeping somebody save because said person has valuable informations about the apocalypse I want to know every little detail to make sure he is not lying to me. Tell me what I want to know or get lost. 

Abraham is a naive idiot.


You 100% on about Terminus though. The problem is that they're all separated, and many are hoping to find their loved ones again. Terminus is the only waypoint that they all might find in common.

I would have camped in the vicinity and observed that place before even considering going in there. I would have waited for my friends and stopped them from carelessly rushing to a potentially dangerous place.

Send some people in and wait what happens, don't just go in there like a group of naive kids. 

Edited by Woldan

I gazed at the dead, and for one dark moment I saw a banquet. 

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Meh, I'd put pretty much any amount of money that Darryl's new group are 'ruthless savages', for as much as that term has meaning in a post apoc setting. Having rules does not make anyone civilised or nice, they're the best candidates for killing that camp back in the Gov-centric eps and were distinctly and suspiciously interested in the 'clean women's shirt' back when they met Rick, let alone Bow Man's comments.


I also thought it was pretty clear that Glenn was set up to as having- literal- tunnel vision and that it was a really stupid decision from a survivability stand point, and pretty much everyone including Glenn knew it from the outset. I do tend to agree on the other things though. CDC should ring alarms about claims of a cure, Woodbury should raise alarms about perfect communities. But I'm not hugely concerned by those sort of issues, as you can do similar to just about anything if you have the mind- the Wire is highly praised but the events at the end of S1 are utterly contrived*.


OTOH, I do find it rather perplexing that Maggie seems to have basically forgotten she has a sister.


*so the police have an obvious link to the Club they use for conducting business since the manager was a snitch who you'd just whacked for being a snitch. Bright idea to personally order your cousin to pick up a large shipment of drugs from said club, Avon. Not a mistake the real Avon would have made.

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OTOH, I do find it rather perplexing that Maggie seems to have basically forgotten she has a sister.

Its easy to forget Beth, I haven't thought of her either. Well, until now, now that you mentioned her.. :p


Oh, and one more thing about the Doc, Eugene, that makes it even less logical for him to withhold the information labeling it as classified. If he indeed knows whats going on and what he knows can help to restore whats left of humanity he needs to write down the informations ASAP in case he gets killed. He doesn't so he is either the dumbest scientist in the world or hes a fraud.


Meh, I'd put pretty much any amount of money that Darryl's new group are 'ruthless savages', for as much as that term has meaning in a post apoc setting.

Well, they cannot be so bad compared to what we've already seen, they clearly cant be as bad and insane as the Gov, even Rick didn't help that guy on the road who got later eaten by zombies. And he didn't care.

But lets wait and see.

Edited by Woldan

I gazed at the dead, and for one dark moment I saw a banquet. 

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I think Glenn insisted on going through the tunnel in case Maggie was still in there. He didn't know how far behind her he was. If I was in the same situation as Glenn and the one I loved was possibly in that tunnel, I'd insist on going through it as well.

Good point, I still wouldn't have gone through the tunnel though, simply too dangerous. If my loved one went through that obviously dangerous tunnel for no other reason than to save some time she wouldn't be my love one because I hate stupid reckless people.

As far as the Doc, I think he's already said it's classified information did he not? That bogus argument works well enough in the real world for seemingly most people, why not in the Walking Dead world?

Yes he did, and no, I would not think people would be ok with ''its classified'' and shut up about it. Not in a situation like that. If I risk my life for keeping somebody save because said person has valuable informations about the apocalypse I want to know every little detail to make sure he is not lying to me. Tell me what I want to know or get lost. 

Abraham is a naive idiot.


You 100% on about Terminus though. The problem is that they're all separated, and many are hoping to find their loved ones again. Terminus is the only waypoint that they all might find in common.

I would have camped in the vicinity and observed that place before even considering going in there. I would have waited for my friends and stopped them from carelessly rushing to a potentially dangerous place.

Send some people in and wait what happens, don't just go in there like a group of naive kids. 



Well, insofar as the tunnel. We don't know that it was obviously dangerous when Maggie got there. The zombies may have shown up later. And I imagine they did as I doubt Maggie would have gone through there if there was obviously a bunch of zombies in there. Sans an obvious sign the tunnel has a bunch of zombies before you go in it, I actually think a tunnel is a relatively safe place to be if you have a good light source, as you can only be approached from two directions.


As far as 'classified' goes, it wouldn't fly with me either. It doesn't generally fly with me in reality, and definitely wouldn't in a zombie apocalypse. But it does fly with a lot of people.


And again, I agree with your approach on Terminus.


Really I think it comes down to two things. One the writers really aren't that good at character development, character depth, or fleshing out what character X would really do in scenario X. Two, aside from Daryl I personally wouldn't want to be grouped up with any of the people on this show for the long run, as there have been so many instances that would have caused me to say 'wtf really? ok, I'm outta here. Good luck!' in their actions/inactions. But really, point two can be blamed on point one.


As for Maggie forgetting her sister, again, the writers. A real Maggie wouldn't.


@Zor - I agree on the group Daryl is with. If I were Daryl I'd be looking to part ways with them asap, and he probably is. As it stands he's probably thinking if he leaves they'll try and kill him for his crossbow and other possessions, I know I would be thinking that. He's got to wait for the right opportunity.


And while I don't think the Wire was a bad show by any means, I do think it was/is a heck of a lot overrated. Then again, I stopped watching after Season 1.

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Well, insofar as the tunnel. We don't know that it was obviously dangerous when Maggie got there.

Ah, but tunnels are always dangerous. Fires are especially dangerous in tunnels. You shouldn't be in a tunnel during or after an earthquake. Car accidents are really dangerous in tunnels. Avoid tunnels during or after floodings. After an apocalypse tunnels have no lights and haven't been rapaired or serviced in years.

Also if something or someone dangerous is lurking in there it is obviously coming right into your direction. And then you have only one direction to flee. Never get into a situation where you have onnly one escape direction. Also tunnels are perfect places for an ambush, the kind of ambush where you get killed, looted and partially eaten by marauding post-apocalyptic gangs.

Nah, tunnels are always evil and should be avoided at all costs. ;P


I think I don't agree with Daryl being one of the few or the only character I want to have on my side during an apocalypse, remember the time at the prison. He instantly turned into the lapdog and yes-man of an incompetent leader. Pre-prison Daryl yes, absolutely, but now - nope.

Edited by Woldan

I gazed at the dead, and for one dark moment I saw a banquet. 

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Well, they cannot be so bad compared to what we've already seen, they clearly cant be as bad and insane as the Gov, even Rick didn't help that guy on the road who got later eaten by zombies. And he didn't care.

But lets wait and see.



I think they'll almost certainly be a very competent group who will be very good at surviving, what we've seen of them looks very efficient- but I wouldn't want them within a hundred miles of me.


On the hitch hiker guy I don't have much doubt that Rick would have stopped to pick him up at the end of that episode, and they didn't actively kill him. That's one of those things the writers seem to like doing a lot, like contrasting Carol's ineffective ruthlessness with Andrea's equally ineffective lack of ruthlessness.


If I were Daryl I'd be looking to part ways with them asap, and he probably is. As it stands he's probably thinking if he leaves they'll try and kill him for his crossbow and other possessions, I know I would be thinking that. He's got to wait for the right opportunity.

I rather suspect that if circumstances were different Darryl and Merle would have ended up in such a group, so he has a certain base affinity for them. He could probably have escaped during that ep if he wanted to by going off hunting and dumping his stash. But it does seem very likely that there will be a choice between Rick and this new group soon, and in the end Darryl chose Rick over his own brother. Can't see that changing.

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Abraham on the show feels too much like he's being used almost as comic-relief, so far, the way the actor is playing him. It doesn't fit, for me.

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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I saw this article link posted elsewhere, re: potential Terminus hints from an earlier episode. Found it interesting. I rarely catch things like that myself, if only because by the time the symbolism may be relevant, I've forgotten it even existed.


It's theoretical ruminations, of course. Also, spoilery if you haven't been watching this season yet.



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“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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I think there might be a religious spin as well, remember, there is a link between terminus, the odd mansion Daryl and Beth stayed overnight and the preachers car Beths kidnappers drove. 

Whatever happens, I've got the feeling that this seasons finale will be very facepalm-worthy. 

I gazed at the dead, and for one dark moment I saw a banquet. 

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Now it just drags and drags, none of the characters are capable of the most basic logic thinking, they don't try to reach a safer place (north), they can't use the sights of their firearms, one of the main  characters weapon (crossbow) doesn't even have sights equipped yet he makes head shots all the time. Characters camp and move around in the woods where they are easy pray for walkers and so forth...

Well, in their defense, they don't really need to anymore.


When was the last time zombies were threatnening? By now... even gigantic mobs are no threat at all. Kids(!) can outrun zombies and play with them. People can run out of ammo, and 5 min later return and shoot 400 rounds at zombies (as happened in the last episode). Where did they get that ammo? Who knows? Didn't that noise call zombies usually? Not anymore, they can simply camp out in that tunnel they made such a noise for the night, having only one escape route left.


I suppose it's one of the main reasons TWD has become so boring, the zombies it was all about have become a non-issue entirely... :/




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


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We've got the shock factor of two episodes ago behind us, and a finale this week. Generally writers save the bigger shocks for finales, so I expect some major cowpie to go down, with probable main character(s) death(s) or cliff hanger(s) where it looks like they will die.


Right now watching them all go to Terminus is like watching jock and jane go investigate the dark creepy place they know folks have been killed at in Friday 13th or Nightmare on Elm street. We know bad stuff is going to happen to them and are asking ourselves 'WTH are you doing!?!?! How stupid can you be!?!?', but will nevertheless cringe when their fate befalls them.


Preachers car though? I missed that. How do we know it's a preachers car? I just noticed an older sedan.


As TrueNeutral mentioned above, I half expect Beth to be a burger at this point. Terminus is like a spider's lair at the center of a web of railroad tracks.

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Well, there is the Eucharist.


Really though, throughout Christianity's history you've had people who could morph 'turn the other cheek' into 'burn the the infidel/ heretic alive'. Converting a metaphorical consumption of Jesus into eating other people is not such a huge leap as that.

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Preachers car though? I missed that. How do we know it's a preachers car? I just noticed an older sedan.




If my memory is correct there was a big fat cross installed on the back window. 

I gazed at the dead, and for one dark moment I saw a banquet. 

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By the way, there is this one scene I didn't get in the last episode. So archer-dude from Joeys gang put the other half of the bunny in Daryl bag to accuse him of stealing, though Joey knows he is a lying sack of sh!t and let the other gang members kill him. How did he know? I cannot remember there being any evidence, it was Daryl's word vs. archerdudes word. 

Did I miss something?

I gazed at the dead, and for one dark moment I saw a banquet. 

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I have the sneaking suspicion that Joey/whatever his name is actually did the rabbit trick himself. Took it from the guy's bag and put it in Daryl's bag then waited for the spark to fly. I don't have any proof of this, it's only a suspicion based on how much effort "Joey" seems to be putting into manipulating and trying to convince Daryl they're two of a kind.


I think something pretty darn bad is going to happen to Rick/Carl.


The religious angle - I have suspicions on that too, but don't want to speculate. The show likes its red herrings far too much. :biggrin:

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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I can certainly see Joey doing that. And yea, I have a bad feeling about Rick myself. Frankly, I find Carl to be the most annoying character currently on the show (a show full of annoying characters), and wouldn't mind anything bad happening to him save for the fact that it would hurt Rick, and Rick has gone through all sorts of extra special hell already.


Spoiler about who is on the Talking Dead after this week's episode below. And history has shown that very well may not bode well for the character to have their actor on an episode at or near the end of a season.



Andrew Lincoln, who portrays Rick will make his first appearance on the couch. Whether this means Sunday will be Rick's last episode I don't know, but I'm willing to bet something really bad is going to happen to him or a cliff hanger with something looking like it will be really bad will involve Rick.


If the writers kill of Rick though, I think they will have made a horrible mistake in the long run. From talking to numerous people who watch the show and reading a couple forums about it, Rick, Daryl, and maybe Michonne seem to be the only characters that most people can agree on that they like. Every other character seems to have their fans but also plenty of people hoping they become zombie chow.


However, it could be that Rick just kicks some serious ass. Considering how much his character has been pooped on by the writers this season, I hope this is the case.


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