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I am sure I am beating on a dead horse here (Have been a long time away from the forums), but I just can't get over that the same stat that affects damage, also affects healing... Josh, can't you comment on this to make sure we haven't misqouted you or something?


If you want a comment, go over to the Something Awful forums (though they are behind a paywall) as he usually only posts here to correct people who have severe misconceptions about the game.


That's just how Josh designs stuff, he 'patch-fixes' things. He did the same thing with skills. For instance - In most games you only need one character with a Lockpicking skill, anyone else that puts points into lock picking has essentially wasted their skill points. If you add another bonus to taking the skill, then you are at least getting something from taking it.


Attributes are kind of the same. I spoke about this in my previous post. It might not make sense for some classes to take the Damage stat at all, because they won't be spending too much time doing attacking, or if they are it's the side-effects of their attacks that are their strength rather than their actual damage.


There are also people who "do not pay attention" and will take Strength anyway without actually realizing what it does, or how it is going to effect their character - or if it is a good choice for their character.


Having healing on there as well alleviates this problem. Even if someone accidentally takes Strength when their character isn't a damage dealer, they'll still benefit from the bonus healing it provides (whatever that does). That may not be an optimal choice, but it's not a trap choice.


And that is Josh Sawyer's design goal there - to protect people from themselves (I don't think it's the character system's fault), to remove dump stats, and to allow you to play with any build you would like

Edited by Sensuki
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I am sure I am beating on a dead horse here (Have been a long time away from the forums), but I just can't get over that the same stat that affects damage, also affects healing... Josh, can't you comment on this to make sure we haven't misqouted you or something?

Why shouldn't it? It affects the strength of a spell. You cast stronger spells with this stat, IMO there is no difference between a healing and a damage spell.

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Bonus healing could be anything - it's effectively increasing the Stamina Regeneration of that character. It MAY increase the effect of healing spells (that regenerate stamina). I'm not sure if it affects healing potions - it might, but so does the Survival skill.

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 I'm not sure if it affects healing potions - it might, but so does the Survival skill.

If it would affect healing potions, damage items should also affected by the stat. So it would still just increase the power of an effect.

the survival skill only gives potions a longer duration. I'm not sure that the damage skill changes the duration of an effect. Imo it should if it's only status effect like stun.


Edit: The damage stat, should imo also give a bonus to buffs.

Edited by Prometheus
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And that is Josh Sawyer's design goal there - to protect people from themselves (I don't think it's the character system's fault), to remove dump stats, and to allow you to play with any build you would like


It's less about protecting people and more about allowing a wider range of viable builds.  Muscle wizards, genius fighters, high willpower rogues, etc.


e: I also tend to post a lot on SA because there's one thread for discussing PE so it's very easy to step into a conversation at an opportune time.  Threads here cover a lot of topics and often move quickly.

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It's less about protecting people and more about allowing a wider range of viable builds.  Muscle wizards, genius fighters, high willpower rogues, etc.

My bad I should have changed the order of those things in the sentence.

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I also tend to post a lot on SA because there's one thread for discussing PE so it's very easy to step into a conversation at an opportune time.  Threads here cover a lot of topics and often move quickly.



There is also one big thread on RPG Codex  :)

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There really are only so many forums I can post on.

Can we get the list of Josh Sawyer top 10 forums so we can secretly stalk you? :p

I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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The information gets around fast enough anyway. My point was more it was a shame that the codex was so hostile, they're pretty nice to inXile and other devs for the most part. It is only the loss of the forum if a developer stops posting on it.

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So far I'd say I was pretty on the money, though it's not really too hard to guess from the quotes around. Will be interesting to see the other bonuses besides the main six attack & defense related stuff.

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Final PE Attribute name is Perception.









I was musing on the fact that if you changed Constitution to Health and Dexterity to Agility, it would give the acronym SHAPIR. Unfortunately I couldn't come up with a good I => E conversion for Intellect.

"It has just been discovered that research causes cancer in rats."

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Final PE Attribute name is Perception.









I was musing on the fact that if you changed Constitution to Health and Dexterity to Agility, it would give the acronym SHAPIR. Unfortunately I couldn't come up with a good I => E conversion for Intellect.


how about ego :p


It's strength of personality, intensity, and determination.

pig headedness, zeal, indoctrination, pass. Ms Kindheart doesn't care for Zealots, all brawn no brain. Is resolve a big thing for paladins? What good would it do for a rogue? Edited by JFSOCC

Remember: Argue the point, not the person. Remain polite and constructive. Friendly forums have friendly debate. There's no shame in being wrong. If you don't have something to add, don't post for the sake of it. And don't be afraid to post thoughts you are uncertain about, that's what discussion is for.
Pet threads, everyone has them. I love imagining Gods, Monsters, Factions and Weapons.

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Resolve modifies the duration of any effect generated by the character.  Rogues gain Sneak Attack bonuses against enemies with a wide variety of conditions on them.  Rogues are capable of inflicting many of those conditions on their own.  If a rogue has a low Resolve, those conditions have commensurately shorter durations.

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I have to say I like the attribute names. In D&D terms, Resolve seems to bundle together Charisma and the "willpower" aspect of Wisdom, while Perception should have been separated from Wisdom a while ago.

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Why shouldn't it? It affects the strength of a spell. You cast stronger spells with this stat, IMO there is no difference between a healing and a damage spell.

This ^.


Healing is essentially negative damage. Or, rather, damage is negative healing.


When an enemy hits you for ten damage, he's just adding -10 hitpoints to your health pool. So, when someone heals you, they're basically just hitting you for -10 damage (or positive 10 hitpoints).


The potency still applies, which is exactly why the number value "10" applies to both in equal measure. You could say that a 10-point heal and a 10-damage attack are equally powerful. Hence power/potency applying to both.

Should we not start with some Ipelagos, or at least some Greater Ipelagos, before tackling a named Arch Ipelago? 6_u

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