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Warhammer40k: Age of Strife

Combat - EVAN MOAR AMAZIN BUTTANZ!!!!!111oneone


Amazing dialogues, THREE(!!!) options to choose from:

Option 1: Ok.

Option 2: I agree

Option 3: I wunt to be a demun.


Great characters and writing in the best traditions of Twilight.


Also, according to our surveys, Wh40k setting is too grim, racist, intolerant and gloomy, and as BioWare strive to expand their playerbase, the setting was changed to bright, tolerant and cheerful.


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No no no.


Option 1: I would be so humbly honored to serve

Option 2: I want to be a demon

Option 3: I do this to spite you



Option 2 is typically the bizarre one, not option 3.  Option 3 is the "agree, but in a more scowly way."  Disappoint :(

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"Austin I think is just keeping TOR alive, so I don't really know where they'd put a 40K game into their schedule? Perhaps after the DA3 team is finished, but there I hoped they'd then go on with a Jade Empire sequel."


So.. you claim BIO EDM can't work on more than 2 games at once? L0LZ Do you know how big theya re? hell, they were working on the BG series and NWN at the same time. they work working on NWN and its exapnsions along with KOTOR, DA, and ME at the same time.   It's not like they can only focus on one or two games at once. BIo has never done that even early on.


As muchb as I liked it, they ain't making a JE sequel.  DEAL. WITH IT.


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Wait, did I miss the memo where we all agreed to start actually hating Bio? rather than just for fun because they were mainstream (I mean we are the hipsters of gaming after all)..

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Fortune favors the bald.

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Wait, did I miss the memo where we all agreed to start actually hating Bio? rather than just for fun because they were mainstream (I mean we are the hipsters of gaming after all)..

High trees catch a lot of wind.

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The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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Wait, did I miss the memo where we all agreed to start actually hating Bio? rather than just for fun because they were mainstream (I mean we are the hipsters of gaming after all)..


I think that border was crossed a long time ago. Happily, my childhood remains uspoiled by them ;P

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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Wait, did I miss the memo where we all agreed to start actually hating Bio? rather than just for fun because they were mainstream (I mean we are the hipsters of gaming after all)..


It wasn't a memo, it was a sort of natural development. You know, like that gobbet of something nasty you catch at the back of your mouth when you see something terrible, unnatural and... wrong.




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Wait, did I miss the memo where we all agreed to start actually hating Bio? rather than just for fun because they were mainstream (I mean we are the hipsters of gaming after all)..


I think that border was crossed a long time ago. Happily, my childhood remains uspoiled by them ;P



Nope. I just don't care, until they start making games I like. I know very little about Warhammer, so if they make it, sure, hopefully it's something fresh.

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