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Darth Sion Theory

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While I do hope that Obsidian is making an original character rather than rely on the comics, this theory is interesting.


I don't think however that King Ommin is Darth Sion. King Ommin was more like Palpatine in his endeavors, secretive, manipulative and shadowy.


Sion feels more like an active character. He is held together by pure darkside hatred. I think that he would relentlessly hunt down his enemies taking them down using all his anger and hate. We do know that our character from KoTOR 2 will have several encounters with him. He is probably given the task of hunting you down, or has his own agenda for seeing you permanently dead.


Besides the King Ommin storyline is basically over and I doubt the Devs at Obsidian would resurrect him for KoTOR 2


However if there is a relationship with the comics and Sion, I think a character that appears briefly anf then dies just as quickly will be a better candidate for Sion.


His name is Warb Null, an armored darkside user that was like the hand of King Ommin. He was in charge of assaulting Jedi Master Arca and his apprentices Ulic, Cay and Tott Doneeta when they were trying to remove the remains of Freedon Nadd and Queen Amanoa. He suceeded in taking the sarcophgi from Arca.


He then was beheaded by Ulic Qel-Droma in their second encounter.


This is a character with absolutely no back story, armored from head to toe so that his appearance is a mystery and also sustained major physical abuse at the hands of a Jedi.


Any takers?


Attached is a pic of him


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  • 5 weeks later...

Well... the hole thing seems rather complicated.... but i think itcould just fit.

firstly the comics never say Ommin actually died. he only was believed dead by the main characters in the story as he was befor by others!

secondly there is the fact that lucasarts indeed offers methods to bring dead jedi back. (like in jedi akademy: the sith try to bring lord ragnos back to life. (died 5000 years befor the plot!) )

thirdly i do not really see a problem in ommin beeing arround already 49 years befor TSL.dark lords seem to life quite long: who old do you think Palpatine was in episode one? ...i guess about 60 years old.. or even more. in episode two anakin was at least 10 years older. so palpatine must have been about 70. when luke fought him in episode six he must have been 90 years old at least! and he did not look like already dieing to me.(maybe he was even older- he could have been- he was count dokus master who himself was quite old!) ommin could be 100 years old as well. (he doesn't look young does he:lol:)


some have objected to the idea that obsidian just stole the sion-charakter. if sirius theory is write one could say that they really have...but i wouldn't rever to it as stealing; in my opinion it is more like finding an idea you like and developing it. to say they stole the character (if the theory is right) would be an exegeration. he only occured in a comic. i don't think you can have real characters in comics. so most of sion would be made up by obsidian anyway. also the story of TSL may not have much to do with the story in the comic. so IMO it would be alright.

by the way i don't think obsidian is allowed to write theirstory without interferences by some LA official. (obsidian seems to have got their senior designer and writer AFTER the story of TSL must have been finished!)

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Hmm Novar would be about 80-90 years old around TSL.


I always thought that Freedon destroyed Novar's brain the same way Joruus Cbaoth did with General Covell's mind. In end of Freedon Nadd Uprising Satal and Aleema met Freedon and Novar who was lying on his desk without conscience. Big probability that Dark Side Ghost just had some perverse fun with that smart acolyte and change his mind into a plant - wisest option cause Jedi would probably

interrogate Novar and find out about many secrets of the fallen dynasty.


Nur Ab Sal was one such king. He it was, say the wise men of Egypt, who first put men in the colossus, making many freaks

of nature at times when the celestial spheres were well aligned.



This I doubt. We are hearing a child's tale.

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who ever read (and wrote) this might be interested in this Topic: "Who is Atris?, I think it is time to work this out!"

i have a deep suspition that whoever this Atris is, she has pritty much to do with Sion... -> if sirius is right with Ommin. therefor your knowledge about Ommin could help solving the mistery of Atris. if a conection between Ommin and Atris could be made it would help sirius' theory.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

The only thing that we do know about Sion is that hes got to be iron like lion from zion




Like Natty Dread

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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Obvious she will have a strong connection with Nihilis seeing as how she is seen fighting him in alot of the concept art....Maybe a brother and sister feud? Who knows all i know is that it better be good.

I also had a theory about them being related a while ago, whether by family ties or old master/apprentice relationship, and that still holds. Make no mistake if any of these things turn out to be true, there won't be an opportunity missed for me to remind everyone how clever I am! (w00t) o:)

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i have a deep suspition that whoever this Atris is, she has pritty much to do with Sion...


in case you weren't aware, sion's connection is with [possible spoiler]

kreia, according to OXM, i belive. they think she was his master.

but its really hard to tell whats true and whats not, when it comes from these mags...

Its also been stated that

Nihilus was Atris' padawan before falling to the dark side

. I can't recall where this rumor came from though. I think it may have been leaked by an alleged Australian journalist. No confirmation yet though. And at this point I suppose we have to doubt everything.

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Isn't Atris a bit young to have a padawan? Especially an adult one like Darth Nihilus


We do not know the age of Atris, or Nihilus for that matter. So though possible, it could also be other way round. Atris could have been Nihilus apprentice before Nihilus fell. Most likely the answer will be revealed in the game.

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