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The End of America (and Western World)


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Worst case scenario:
"STAHP! You have to pay 15 dollars to enter this country on this virtual server!" followed by "STAHP! You have to pay 15 dollars to watch this content".

Best case scenario:
Less lag on the internet? Unity? Friendship? One World?

The Government:
Is it under attack by cyberterrorists? What does that have to do with -you-? Are the hackers attacking -your- computer because they are attacking Barack Obama's computer? Or does the Government think that they are America and needs to be protected above all else and especially above you? (*cough* Corporation *cough*) The Government cares about itself, even if it somewhere (hopefully) wants to make stuff better for all of us the priority is to protect itself first and foremost. The Government would separate all of us if it found a way to make more money for itself, oh right! It seems it already is!

"This content is not available in your country" and I can't pay anything to watch it, it's blocked from my European Servers, I am not allowed to watch it at all. Why? What is being protected? Nationality? Pfft what is Nationality in this day and age... the World is the only "Country" there will ever be (Until Ragnarok ofc).

I can envision this message in the future:
"You have reached the edge of your Stockholm Server, here are some payment options if you want to go to the next one"

I believe that the more we get separated into different groups the more powerful the Government become, and the weaker and more easily manipulated the People become. Makes sense?

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Changing topics slightly, Obama signed a so called "anti cyberterrosim" executive order. 

You know the details? I looked it up and couldn't find anything substantial.

"Akiva Goldsman and Alex Kurtzman run the 21st century version of MK ULTRA." - majestic

"you're a damned filthy lying robot and you deserve to die and burn in hell." - Bartimaeus

"Without individual thinking you can't notice the plot holes." - InsaneCommander

"Just feed off the suffering of gamers." - Malcador

"You are calling my taste crap." -Hurlshort

"thankfully it seems like the creators like Hungary less this time around." - Sarex

"Don't forget the wakame, dumbass" -Keyrock

"Are you trolling or just being inadvertently nonsensical?' -Pidesco

"we have already been forced to admit you are at least human" - uuuhhii

"I refuse to buy from non-woke businesses" - HoonDing

"feral camels are now considered a pest" - Gorth

"Melkathi is known to be an overly critical grumpy person" - Melkathi

"Oddly enough Sanderson was a lot more direct despite being a Mormon" - Zoraptor

"I found it greatly disturbing to scroll through my cartoon's halfing selection of genitalias." - Wormerine

"I love cheese despite the pain and carnage." - ShadySands

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Defending cold blooded murderers is what brings down the moral fibre of a human being so whya re you defending him?


Its unusual but I agree with Volourn on this point, its irrelevant what caused it once he killed the daughter and her fiancé of the guy that failed to get him to keep his job. He lost any sympathy and moral high ground the moment he did this. Its like saying " lets try understand the causes of 9\11 because maybe it  makes the attack okay". We know why 9\11 was perpetuated and  the reasons don't justify what Al-Qaeda did( this is an example, I am not saying you said this). What do you need to understand about  a cowardly murder? His manifesto is clear and there for you to read, so I don't get why you think we need to analyze his reasons anymore than we already do? He was a mentally unbalanced individual who posed a serious threat to society. He needs to be arrested or killed. Its not complicated.


And, once again, you only read what's in your head and purport that I wrote something I did not. I never defended his actions, nor did I say those actions were justified in any way.


I did say we need to understand why this happens. I did not say he should go free because he's "disturbed". I did not say he should not stand trial and I did not say "he's just misunderstood." What I did say is that we should be a little less gung-ho on the "kill the bad man" and a put more effort into capture, arrest and study of his condition. People don't just go crazy for no reason, there's usually a cause and effect, understanding what takes people from "I'm unhappy and upset with this situation" to "I'm going to kill everyone" is pretty important to society. When we know what causes "going postal" then we can perhaps find some way to prevent it's happening.

Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt. - Julius Caesar


:facepalm: #define TRUE (!FALSE)

I ran across an article where the above statement was found in a release tarball. LOL! Who does something like this? Predictably, this oddity was found when the article's author tried to build said tarball and the compiler promptly went into cardiac arrest. If you're not a developer, imagine telling someone the literal meaning of up is "not down". Such nonsense makes computers, and developers... angry.

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Defending cold blooded murderers is what brings down the moral fibre of a human being so whya re you defending him?


Its unusual but I agree with Volourn on this point, its irrelevant what caused it once he killed the daughter and her fiancé of the guy that failed to get him to keep his job. He lost any sympathy and moral high ground the moment he did this. Its like saying " lets try understand the causes of 9\11 because maybe it  makes the attack okay". We know why 9\11 was perpetuated and  the reasons don't justify what Al-Qaeda did( this is an example, I am not saying you said this). What do you need to understand about  a cowardly murder? His manifesto is clear and there for you to read, so I don't get why you think we need to analyze his reasons anymore than we already do? He was a mentally unbalanced individual who posed a serious threat to society. He needs to be arrested or killed. Its not complicated.


And, once again, you only read what's in your head and purport that I wrote something I did not. I never defended his actions, nor did I say those actions were justified in any way.


I did say we need to understand why this happens. I did not say he should go free because he's "disturbed". I did not say he should not stand trial and I did not say "he's just misunderstood." What I did say is that we should be a little less gung-ho on the "kill the bad man" and a put more effort into capture, arrest and study of his condition. People don't just go crazy for no reason, there's usually a cause and effect, understanding what takes people from "I'm unhappy and upset with this situation" to "I'm going to kill everyone" is pretty important to society. When we know what causes "going postal" then we can perhaps find some way to prevent it's happening.



For someone who claims people only read what they want  I hope you realize you do exactly the same thing. I never said you said

  • That you felt his actions were justified
  • That you think he should go free
  • That  he shouldn't stand trial

Its true, read my post again.


My point in summary is  why do you feel the need to understand his motives when its clear from his manifesto. He was a deranged person who chose innocent people to vent his frustration on. Personally I am more concerned with the families of the victims that were killed, but you are welcome to look for additional meaning around why he murdered people that had nothing to do with his actual issue, the LAPD. Please let me know what you discover.

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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That  he shouldn't stand trial

I think he should have stood trial, since it would have shaken the whole thing up. I'm sure those are Luridis same thoughts, though I'm not going to assume on his part. 

Edited by NKKKK



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That  he shouldn't stand trial

I think he should have stood trial, since it would have shaken the whole thing up. I'm sure those are Luridis same thoughts, though I'm not going to assume on his part. 

 I am not disagreeing with that view, I did say originally he should be captured or killed. But  IMO he should stand trial to face justice, not because society needs understand why he did it. That has already been documented.

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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That  he shouldn't stand trial

I think he should have stood trial, since it would have shaken the whole thing up. I'm sure those are Luridis same thoughts, though I'm not going to assume on his part. 


Double post

Edited by BruceVC

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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That  he shouldn't stand trial

I think he should have stood trial, since it would have shaken the whole thing up. I'm sure those are Luridis same thoughts, though I'm not going to assume on his part. 

 I am not disagreeing with that view, I did say originally he should be captured or killed. But  IMO he should stand trial to face justice, not because society needs understand why he did it. That has already been documented.

And because, I reiterate, this would have had the added bonus of people pressuring the LAPD into curbing it's corruption. 

Instead they committed arson. 



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Defending cold blooded murderers is what brings down the moral fibre of a human being so whya re you defending him?


Its unusual but I agree with Volourn on this point, its irrelevant what caused it once he killed the daughter and her fiancé of the guy that failed to get him to keep his job. He lost any sympathy and moral high ground the moment he did this. Its like saying " lets try understand the causes of 9\11 because maybe it  makes the attack okay". We know why 9\11 was perpetuated and  the reasons don't justify what Al-Qaeda did( this is an example, I am not saying you said this). What do you need to understand about  a cowardly murder? His manifesto is clear and there for you to read, so I don't get why you think we need to analyze his reasons anymore than we already do? He was a mentally unbalanced individual who posed a serious threat to society. He needs to be arrested or killed. Its not complicated.


And, once again, you only read what's in your head and purport that I wrote something I did not. I never defended his actions, nor did I say those actions were justified in any way.


I did say we need to understand why this happens. I did not say he should go free because he's "disturbed". I did not say he should not stand trial and I did not say "he's just misunderstood." What I did say is that we should be a little less gung-ho on the "kill the bad man" and a put more effort into capture, arrest and study of his condition. People don't just go crazy for no reason, there's usually a cause and effect, understanding what takes people from "I'm unhappy and upset with this situation" to "I'm going to kill everyone" is pretty important to society. When we know what causes "going postal" then we can perhaps find some way to prevent it's happening.



For someone who claims people only read what they want  I hope you realize you do exactly the same thing. I never said you said

  • That you felt his actions were justified
  • That you think he should go free
  • That  he shouldn't stand trial

Its true, read my post again.


My point in summary is  why do you feel the need to understand his motives when its clear from his manifesto. He was a deranged person who chose innocent people to vent his frustration on. Personally I am more concerned with the families of the victims that were killed, but you are welcome to look for additional meaning around why he murdered people that had nothing to do with his actual issue, the LAPD. Please let me know what you discover.


Okay, it's clear that I'm not being understood. I'm aware of the rationalizations he made for his behavior, that is understood. Why those rationalizations suddenly lack enough moral ballast from his conscious is what we do not. For example, when people get angry and might think, I'd like to kill that bastard for a moment. Then, almost as quickly they realize such an outcome is in huge disproportion to how they feel wronged. A person with an ego disorder might not think that, but instead consider the consequences of law or implications of their personal religious doctrine. How that moral off-switch gets flipped is what we really need to understand. He did not kill people at random, but his desire to hurt someone he felt wronged him was so great that he was willing to kill two people who had no direct involvement to exact that revenge. What made them different than the people in the cabin? Both caused him no direct pain but morals were turned on for two of them and turned off for the other two.


Now, in response to your post: You didn't say I defended his actions, Volourn appeared to be saying that. The paragraph was indirect and wasn't meant as a tit-for-tat rebuke to specific things. I meant it in spirit as why what I think should be done is not a "moral highground" or an attempt at the "reduction of moral fiber" in society. I wasn't asking for exoneration, which is what some appear to think I was asking for.


Edit: I feel for the families of the victims. But, they are gone and can't be brought back. Understanding criminally deranged behavior can and will help potential victims down the road. People lose their jobs all the time, but a very select few go bonkers, what's different? Is it chemical, biological, caused by some similar emotional trauma?

Edited by Luridis

Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt. - Julius Caesar


:facepalm: #define TRUE (!FALSE)

I ran across an article where the above statement was found in a release tarball. LOL! Who does something like this? Predictably, this oddity was found when the article's author tried to build said tarball and the compiler promptly went into cardiac arrest. If you're not a developer, imagine telling someone the literal meaning of up is "not down". Such nonsense makes computers, and developers... angry.

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Defending cold blooded murderers is what brings down the moral fibre of a human being so whya re you defending him?


Its unusual but I agree with Volourn on this point, its irrelevant what caused it once he killed the daughter and her fiancé of the guy that failed to get him to keep his job. He lost any sympathy and moral high ground the moment he did this. Its like saying " lets try understand the causes of 9\11 because maybe it  makes the attack okay". We know why 9\11 was perpetuated and  the reasons don't justify what Al-Qaeda did( this is an example, I am not saying you said this). What do you need to understand about  a cowardly murder? His manifesto is clear and there for you to read, so I don't get why you think we need to analyze his reasons anymore than we already do? He was a mentally unbalanced individual who posed a serious threat to society. He needs to be arrested or killed. Its not complicated.


And, once again, you only read what's in your head and purport that I wrote something I did not. I never defended his actions, nor did I say those actions were justified in any way.


I did say we need to understand why this happens. I did not say he should go free because he's "disturbed". I did not say he should not stand trial and I did not say "he's just misunderstood." What I did say is that we should be a little less gung-ho on the "kill the bad man" and a put more effort into capture, arrest and study of his condition. People don't just go crazy for no reason, there's usually a cause and effect, understanding what takes people from "I'm unhappy and upset with this situation" to "I'm going to kill everyone" is pretty important to society. When we know what causes "going postal" then we can perhaps find some way to prevent it's happening.



For someone who claims people only read what they want  I hope you realize you do exactly the same thing. I never said you said

  • That you felt his actions were justified
  • That you think he should go free
  • That  he shouldn't stand trial

Its true, read my post again.


My point in summary is  why do you feel the need to understand his motives when its clear from his manifesto. He was a deranged person who chose innocent people to vent his frustration on. Personally I am more concerned with the families of the victims that were killed, but you are welcome to look for additional meaning around why he murdered people that had nothing to do with his actual issue, the LAPD. Please let me know what you discover.


Okay, it's clear that I'm not being understood. I'm aware of the rationalizations he made for his behavior, that is understood. Why those rationalizations suddenly lack enough moral ballast from his conscious is what we do not. For example, when people get angry and might think, I'd like to kill that bastard for a moment. Then, almost as quickly they realize such an outcome is in huge disproportion to how they feel wronged. A person with an ego disorder might not think that, but instead consider the consequences of law or implications of their personal religious doctrine. How that moral off-switch gets flipped is what we really need to understand. He did not kill people at random, but his desire to hurt someone he felt wronged him was so great that he was willing to kill two people who had no direct involvement to exact that revenge. What made them different than the people in the cabin? Both caused him no direct pain but morals were turned on for two of them and turned off for the other two.


Now, in response to your post: You didn't say I defended his actions, Volourn appeared to be saying that. The paragraph was indirect and wasn't meant as a tit-for-tat rebuke to specific things. I meant it in spirit as why what I think should be done is not a "moral highground" or an attempt at the "reduction of moral fiber" in society. I wasn't asking for exoneration, which is what some appear to think I was asking for.


Edit: I feel for the families of the victims. But, they are gone and can't be brought back. Understanding criminally deranged behavior can and will help potential victims down the road. People lose their jobs all the time, but a very select few go bonkers, what's different? Is it chemical, biological, caused by some similar emotional trauma?



Okay I think I understand your point, yes we have misunderstood each other :)

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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Meh, the woman in the bottom picture is still quite attractive, she just looks like she eats food once in a while and doesn't throw it up into the toilet.


7/10 Would Bang

Would help ya... For payment naturally - I'll except a cheeseburger.

I came up with Crate 3.0 technology. 

Crate 4.0 - we shall just have to wait and see.

Down and out on the Solomani Rim
Now the Spinward Marches don't look so GRIM!


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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Odd coincidence that you mix lurid pictures of women with your equally lurid image of a corrupt and failing United States.

  • Like 1

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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It's about how healthy,  smart and well educated US citizens transformed into this.










Rich people are thin/ well maintained, poor people are fat. This stems from the fact that cheap food is fatty, rich people don't eat cheap food — they tend to eat either home-cooked food which is expensive or eat at expensive / healthy places. Unfortunately, it is expensive to be healthy in America.


Fat people are not respected much in society. Being fat often has the same connotations as being irresponsible towards your body. If you're thin (and tall, but not as much), people will respect you a lot more and treat you better. You will also receive better customer service if you're well maintained. This extends my previous point which mentioned that if you're thin, you're statistically likely to be rich. Reason why I know this is that I went down from being 210lbs to 148-150lbs. The way people started treating me when I was thin was generally way better than the way I was treated when I was fat. As a small example, the Starbucks baristas were much nicer to me and made me drinks with more care / love



Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/the-weirdest-things-about-america-2013-8#ixzz2e6XzxOFx

Edited by LadyCrimson
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Bored of this now. Why can't we have a thread accusing the French of being lazy? Or the Irish of being drunk?

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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What if they're not even Russian?

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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