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Yup. I read the same thing as Amentep.


Funnily enough, after the show was over, Wuher admitted she was rather mean towards Loyd on the set and was oevrall a big jerk. She apologized to Loyd who accepted it and theya re now friends.


But, yeah, the producers were scumbags. Plus both FOX and SCIFI for whatever reason loathed the show despite its solid success. FOX actually wanted to cancel it even before it aired once andd efinitely before the end of S1.


Oerwinde is right though. The endings of the two characters (Prof and Wade were intentionally over the top as some sort of sick 'payback'. L0L Even the way O'Connell's chaarcter ended up leaving ended up being needlessly vengeful. L0L


Silly networks.


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Been watching the new TV series starring Kevin Bacon called The Following. It started off with a good premise but by episode 6, it's possibly the most ridiculous episode of any TV show I've ever seen. Can a show jump the shark in it's first season? Well, this show didn't just jump the shark, it jumped it on a ramp through 20 flaming hoops, over a pit of alligators and only then did it just jump the shark to land perfectly on an oil slick.


I'm now watching this series for it's morbid 'can't look away' car crash appeal and curiosity is now overiding my logic. It's obvious this show will be cancelled and since coming this far (halfway through the season), there's no turning back now........  :/

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Been listening to Mean Green Mother From Outerspace track from Little Shop of Horrors. Levi Stubbs = win. The movie was pretty good but it's the soundtrack that makes it such a classic to me. And Audrey II. To this day I'm always amazed how awesome the practical effects of Audrey were.


Need to buy the Blu-Ray with the original, restored not-happy ending.

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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Hm, anyone remember that rather amusing trailer of "Knights of Badassdom"?


Well it's making the news round again..due to some evil happenings.



Buyers Beware - That's a Butchered Version of Knights of Badassdom You're Being Offered


You may recall Knights of Baddasdom. It’s the heavy metal fantasy comedy about LARPers taking on a real demon. Peter Dinklage is in it, and so is Summer Glau. Steve Zahn has a great role and Ryan Kwanten is the lead. I’ve written about it many, may times before

Well, tomorrow, the long-shelved film is being screened for potential distributors. At least approximately.


Director Joe Lynch finished his director’s cut of the film back in July of 2011. Days later, he took part in a panel at Comic-Con and premiered the trailer. The panel was a crowd pleaser, the trailer went off like gangbusters and the future looked bright.


But then somebody cut the lights, stuffed Lynch’s film into a sack, dragged it away from him and hacked it up. That somebody was Wade Bradley, the CEO of Indivest, the film’s production company. But he wasn’t actually entitled to do this, no matter what his business card says.

A new site, sitting at the badassdom.com domain, goes into some depth about what happened. What Bradley did. Why this man deserves your boos and rotten tomatoes.


I’ll repeat some of the bullet points from their story, picking up after the Comic-Con panel.

■Mr. Bradley forcibly removed Mark Burton (president of IndieVest Pictures and producer of KoB) and Matt Wall (writer for KoB) from IndieVest citing cost overruns on the picture as the reason for their departure despite having personally approved all expenses related to KoB.


■Mr. Bradley set about editing KoB independently and in violation of his contract with director Joe Lynch per the Directors Guild of America Creative Rights Handbook. The most recent edit is roughly 70 minutes long and includes significant changes to the original story and concept.


■Mr. Bradley scheduled a sales screening for his version of the film for March 25th, 2013, but – sensing growing pressure to return the film to Joe Lynch for completion – subsequently moved the screening to March 5th.


So that screening is tomorrow.


The short of it is, Bradley bankrupted IndieVest, hijacked the film against his contractual rights, has hacked the film up and is now trying to sell on this castrated, lobotomised version.


Joe Lynch has been tweeting, repeatedly, with the hashtag #notmycut. Perhaps the key tweet was: "For those who have asked, let me be VERY clear… #NotMyCut"


The way to fight back, I think, is to make this common knowledge. By passing this news around, there’s actually a good chance that Joe Lynch could be reinstated to finish post production the way he wanted it.


There’s no need for a Kickstarter here. Just a lot of Tweets, blogposts and Facebook updates. A barrage of social media activity, a storm of disapproval in the cloud. If any potential distributor can see that what the audience wants – that same audience that were excited by the Comic-Con panel back in 2011- is the film that Lynch wanted to make, not some dumbed-down version, then there’s hope for Knights of Badassdom to be put back on track.


Lynch’s director’s cut is complete all bar the final rub of varnish. That version could be screened. That version could be bought for distribution. That version could be the one playing in cinemas and then released on DVD and Blu-ray.


Here’s hoping that nobody goes into the screening tomorrow uninformed…



And the open letter that was sent to the Board of Directors of IndieVest...






The film that will be screened for buyers on Tuesday, March 5th
2013 at AMC Century City
titled Knights of BADASSDOM is not the REAL
Knights of BADASSDOM. The last known cut of the REAL Knights of
was seen in July 2011, just before many of you saw Joe Lynch and
key members of the cast of the film take the stage at Comic-Con to promote their
picture and Joe Lynch's vision. If you haven't seen the Comic-Con panel, you can
view it



Since that time, the film has been taken hostage by one man, the
IndieVest and MediaSociety CEO. You can read about him in the following

Ripoff Report (posted by another member of the IndieVest

FINRA Department of Enforcement v. Wade H. Bradley
BrokerCheck (you'll have to search for his name)



"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Filling a hole in my upbringing, I watched Psycho by Hitch**** yesterday. They don't make movies that take their time like that anymore, mores the pity.

Remember: Argue the point, not the person. Remain polite and constructive. Friendly forums have friendly debate. There's no shame in being wrong. If you don't have something to add, don't post for the sake of it. And don't be afraid to post thoughts you are uncertain about, that's what discussion is for.
Pet threads, everyone has them. I love imagining Gods, Monsters, Factions and Weapons.

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Been listening to Mean Green Mother From Outerspace track from Little Shop of Horrors. Levi Stubbs = win. The movie was pretty good but it's the soundtrack that makes it such a classic to me. And Audrey II. To this day I'm always amazed how awesome the practical effects of Audrey were.


Need to buy the Blu-Ray with the original, restored not-happy ending.


Definitely a classic, I got the restored ending version ages ago but haven't found the time to watch it :(

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