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Something this game *really* succeeds in (which they talked a lot about in marketing) is really you bonding with those special soldiers that survive for long. My kick-ass Sniper (nicknamed Garotte) has saved many a mission at this point. Latest being a terror mission where she grappled up onto a roof and then just dominated the battlefield from up there. One of the best "oh ****" moments was when a Chrysalid climbed up there and stood on elevated ground (on one of those air vent duct things) right above her. It was a pretty terrifying image but luckily the Chrysalid had been hurt before so my kick-ass Sniper just pulled out her pistol and shot that fool down.


I think I may be falling in love with Garotte.

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Listen to my home-made recordings (some original songs, some not): http://www.youtube.c...low=grid&view=0

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Something this game *really* succeeds in (which they talked a lot about in marketing) is really you bonding with those special soldiers that survive for long. My kick-ass Sniper (nicknamed Garotte) has saved many a mission at this point. Latest being a terror mission where she grappled up onto a roof and then just dominated the battlefield from up there. One of the best "oh ****" moments was when a Chrysalid climbed up there and stood on elevated ground (on one of those air vent duct things) right above her. It was a pretty terrifying image but luckily the Chrysalid had been hurt before so my kick-ass Sniper just pulled out her pistol and shot that fool down.


I think I may be falling in love with Garotte.


Yea, I agree with this. However it would work better if there was a difficulty between normal and classic. As it is right now on normal it is way to easy for me. I have lost one mid rank soldier including when I played through the alien base. That means that I don't really fear for my guys that much. The only time I had a bit of a scare was when my Assault Colonel (my first Col) was going to stun the sectoid commander in the base and ended up being shot twice in the back (double tap) by my mindcontrolled Colonel Sniper. Luckily she never critted and I survived with 2 hp.


On Classic I feel that I loose my guys to early to actually form an attachment to them.

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Something this game *really* succeeds in (which they talked a lot about in marketing) is really you bonding with those special soldiers that survive for long. My kick-ass Sniper (nicknamed Garotte) has saved many a mission at this point. Latest being a terror mission where she grappled up onto a roof and then just dominated the battlefield from up there. One of the best "oh ****" moments was when a Chrysalid climbed up there and stood on elevated ground (on one of those air vent duct things) right above her. It was a pretty terrifying image but luckily the Chrysalid had been hurt before so my kick-ass Sniper just pulled out her pistol and shot that fool down.


I think I may be falling in love with Garotte.


Yea, I agree with this. However it would work better if there was a difficulty between normal and classic. As it is right now on normal it is way to easy for me. I have lost one mid rank soldier including when I played through the alien base. That means that I don't really fear for my guys that much. The only time I had a bit of a scare was when my Assault Colonel (my first Col) was going to stun the sectoid commander in the base and ended up being shot twice in the back (double tap) by my mindcontrolled Colonel Sniper. Luckily she never critted and I survived with 2 hp.


On Classic I feel that I loose my guys to early to actually form an attachment to them.


I actually like the way Classic feels in the missions. Very tough no doubt, but you can pull through pretty well if you're really careful I've found (and, of course, have some luck). The strategy layer is a real pain in the ass though. Feels a bit too "narrow" in how you have to map it out. I would like Classic difficulty in combat missions but something more close to Normal on the geoscape layer. I'm sure someone will mod it.


Almost lost my precious Garotte... Moving forward in a landed UFO, I was moving up on the main control, real careful-like, which I was absolutely sure had the last enemies. Two Sectoid Commanders hung out there. Didn't have a great Sniping position so for whatever reason I decided to move Garotte back a bit, re-maneuver her to a new position. And of course... A Berserker and two Mutons had patrolled around and was now directly behind my squad. Luckily the Sectoids went down real quick as the Berserker very nearly punched Garotte to death but she managed to get out with 2 HP left. Still managed to save the mission with no casualties somehow.


But now she's out of comission for almost a month, goddamnit.

Listen to my home-made recordings (some original songs, some not): http://www.youtube.c...low=grid&view=0

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I love this game.


And Starwars has got it right. You get attached to the characters that again and again, pull your arse out of the fire.


Also Snipers are deadly. I brought a group of rookies into rotation, after 5 missions, I had 2 assaults, 1 dead with 2 kills another injured with 3 kills, a support with 2 kills and a sniper with 14 kills.

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Also Snipers are deadly. I brought a group of rookies into rotation, after 5 missions, I had 2 assaults, 1 dead with 2 kills another injured with 3 kills, a support with 2 kills and a sniper with 14 kills.


That's what happens when you have the ability to engage from beyond visual range. And they only get stronger.


On that note, I think I'm finally starting to learn how to play the tactical game on classic. It requires a much more careful management of your troops and a strong willingness to pull back when needed. Don't sit there and trade 45% shots with sectoids if you can avoid it. They have a better critical rate than you do. Overwatch is overrated. If you can see the enemy, he will kill you if you don't have the ability to kill him first. Pulling back behind corners and making them come to you along with judicious use of hunker down for critical immunity is absolutely essential.

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Yeah, I was very skeptical at first, but this game is actually very fun ..


I've formed a crack squad of the first Heavy "Tectonic", a support Medic "Doc"

who turned out to be psychic and is now dominating everything with mindcontrol

, a shotgun assault "Boomer" and my 2 super ninja snipers "Killshot" and "Ronin".


And a large support cast of Captains, Corporals and Sergeants in various roles..



I love the little robot thing you can build, it's great (especially with a plasma minigun).


Fortune favors the bald.

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Well, my game is a faliure, two missions cost me every experienced trooper, both due to cyberdiscs - could have saved one Lt. but a Rookie zapped him when she was freaking out. I swear these Mutons have amazing aim.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Nope, just Ironman Normal. Just am not that good at the game :)

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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I found my first frustrating experience last night, and it had more to do with the camera and clipping issues than gameplay. I was on a tough mission against a very large crashed ship, bit I kept having trouble getting the soldiers to go where I wanted, and the roof of the ship kept messing up my visibility. Given that i was fighting commanders and mutons, It was causing all sorts of problems. Thankfully I wasn't on Ironman and reloaded at the start of the mission.

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Nah this is just the case of the RNG magically working out in favour of the AI (when it happens for me, though, it's honest good luck). :p

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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i had to restart, i was getting swarmed by mutons and cyberdiscs and still had not researched plasma weapons yet and was too broke to afford new armor...


started over, putting way more focus on earning money early and setting up a good base infrastructure, i think it should be a lot easier this time

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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Once Mutons are running around, Carapace armor is pretty essential. Same with getting laser weapons (Light Plasma is also great for this). I find beam weapons and armor to be of utmost importance, but yeah for the first two months, ideally you want to have a lot of satellites up. Easier said than done I find. Especially in Classic.

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been playing this since last week and am LOVING it. I've gotten the ability to use psychic soldiers and am REALLY getting the good stuff like the advanced armor and weapons. I would say the DEADLIEST class is the Sniper because of their final perks

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I found my first frustrating experience last night, and it had more to do with the camera and clipping issues than gameplay. I was on a tough mission against a very large crashed ship, bit I kept having trouble getting the soldiers to go where I wanted, and the roof of the ship kept messing up my visibility. Given that i was fighting commanders and mutons, It was causing all sorts of problems. Thankfully I wasn't on Ironman and reloaded at the start of the mission.


I wonder if this is some sort of bug, but then again it seems strange that they would actually miss it. It's a real pain in the butt to navigate those missions because of how the camera and marker tends to work.

Listen to my home-made recordings (some original songs, some not): http://www.youtube.c...low=grid&view=0

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I'd say it's definitely a bug. I could see it being one of the ones that they determine "isn't worth delaying the game over, and will be addressed in a patch" since there is a workaround for it (rotate cameras is usually pretty reliable).


Would depend on when it manifested. It definitely sucks for ironman games :(

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