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SW: The Old Republic Part 4


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Respeccing costs do increase. Iirc second respec costs 1300, then 4800, then 8400, then 16k or something. It's also not free once per week, a week has to pass without you doing respecs for it to reset, but when it does, it resets to 0 regardless of what it was before.

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Funny. I thought I was 9th level in my other account with my trooper, but I must have just turned 8th because I remember getting a brand new skill and I got that at 8th level on my subscription account. Playing one character and just jetting through the quests wasn't so bad, although I will admit I'm only 9th level. Considering I'm married and I take breaks to visit with the wife, drink myself to oblivion on the weekends, and basically don't grind like I might do on a weeknight, I think I'm moving pretty quickly.


...And, I think Bioware should be happy to have people like Spider and Nep trying to recruit folks, and Cal and Raithe and Hurlie and even Grom (the bastard) who still talk about the game and keep up interest. I will say that there is no chance I would have even tried the game if it weren't for this thread. lol Anyhow, It's a pretty good game. I have a monthly subscription right now, and I'm sure I'll end up paying for at least a couple of months at this point and maybe much more. I'm one of those old fashioned suckers who think you should pay folks for providing a good experience even if you could weasle out of it.

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Remembering tarna, Phosphor, Metadigital, and Visceris.  Drink mead heartily in the halls of Valhalla, my friends!

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The leveling speed slows down, but it's kind of gradual. I mean, I'm leveling my first alt now and I get 5 levels in 90 minutes, while it's touch and go if I can get a level on my main in one night's play.It's funny, I only really notice the change when I compare the two extremes.


For what it's worth, I only started playing again last week after a ~6 month break. I kept my subscription active, though, since it was more a question of work just piling up and less of me getting bored of the game or something. I've gotten to the point where we set up a meeting hour with my new British friend and run through the planet quests and our respective class quests. We also have enough of overlevel and well-equipped companions that we can do even the 4 man heroics just the two of us. Has worked wonders to my bankroll and social points, even though I might take a major hit on companion influence due to the amount of dialogues I lose.


Edited: forgot to finish my though in the first paragraph. :p

Edited by Nepenthe

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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Heh, I haven't gotten any character yet to reach the 750 social points you need for the first rank you gain on Social.


Hm, one thing I've noticed over the last month is that suddenly you'll get social points for completing bonus elements in missions while you're in a group. I can't remember seeing that 3-4 months ago..

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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You gain the first social rank at 10 social points? You start at rank 0.


I like the game, and I like talking about the game. So if anyone has questions or is curious, I'll give my opinion. But I can't say I'm actively recruiting.

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Heh, I haven't gotten any character yet to reach the 750 social points you need for the first rank you gain on Social.


Hm, one thing I've noticed over the last month is that suddenly you'll get social points for completing bonus elements in missions while you're in a group. I can't remember seeing that 3-4 months ago..

750 points is, indeed, social 2 and you start at 0. A lot of people, including myself, never realise this, since they normally get it either on their starting planet or on Essels/Black Talon. ;)


And yes, it's a bit easier to get the points now. Which is good, the old system was way too tight with the points.


There's something I've been wondering. When/if they release new story content, what tends to be required power level in wow style mmos? Will it assume I've actually participated in end-game raiding, or that I have more or less what I would have picked up on the way? I doubt I'm going to have patience (or obsession, whichever you prefer) for the current end-game content apart from trying to put together a set that's primarily visually appealing.

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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Well one thing the end-game content of running dailies is good for is building up a nice stash of credits that you can send to your new characters and pick up some of those Character Perks available via your Legacy..


That and easily making sure you have the filthy luchre for your speeders.. ;)

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Note: I'll run with you Cant (probably as a smuggler... or consular) Hit me up on Origin as CalaxPrimal.


I am disliking the fact that I now have 2 "home" servers >.<

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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When they added a new area to do dailies (Black Hole) it was on basically the same level as the other daily areas, ie something you can do when you just hit 50.


So I have a hard time seeing them balancing new story content for end game raiders, they'll (or rather we) have to be content with end game raids, I'm pretty sure.

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Well one thing the end-game content of running dailies is good for is building up a nice stash of credits that you can send to your new characters and pick up some of those Character Perks available via your Legacy..


That and easily making sure you have the filthy luchre for your speeders.. ;)

I can do solo/2-man content to a degree, but frankly if it requires communication faster than typing, I'm not gonna be bothered to do it. :p

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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Well one thing the end-game content of running dailies is good for is building up a nice stash of credits that you can send to your new characters and pick up some of those Character Perks available via your Legacy..


That and easily making sure you have the filthy luchre for your speeders.. ;)

I can do solo/2-man content to a degree, but frankly if it requires communication faster than typing, I'm not gonna be bothered to do it. :p


The majority of the dailies are totally solo-able. 5 missions on Ilum, about 8 or so on Belsavis. And then there's another 5 or 6 on Corellia at the Black Hole you can run just for the money, loot and daily commendations you get. Sure, Ilum has 1 Heroic, Belsavis has about 5 heroics, and the Black Hole has 1 (which you have to do for the Black Hole commendations), but the plain old missions are totally do-able.


Hell, if you catch it at the right time (ie, no worry on respawns and mass-crowds) you can run through Ilum's dailies in about half an hour and be ahead about 100k credits, and the Belsavis "run" takes about 40-60 minutes if you ignore the Heroics and that'll net you another 100-150k.


And of course, the dailies all reset at a standard time, which makes it quirky if you get the timing right. One morning I ran Belsavis solo, then a guild member came online and wanted to do them, the dailies all reset at around 11am GST, so I grouped with him and re-ran them. So after about 80-90 minutes of play total, I had a stack of daily commendations earned and had made about 300,000 credits.


Unlike a few people I know, I don't grind the dailies constantly. Just every now and then run through them with Guildies, and to boost cash reserves and send them around my various characters.

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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It's a global reset though, so it resets early afternoon here. Not sure on the republic side, but on imperial side, Belsavis has three heroics, two are 2-man and one is 2+ (so slightly harder, but not much). Even the 2-man heroics are soloable if you've got a decent grasp on your class and a few legacy abilities (or good gear).


These days I only do the black hole ones once a week since they award black hole commendations (as a weekly), but when I did do dailies I preferred the ones on Belsavis since they also give a lot of affection to your companions, which the other ones don't. There's also more commendations on Belsavis than the other places, just a bit further apart.

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Okay, Cal, I haven't seen you, but if I had, I would have expected you to applaud while I stuck my foot up 'Ethics' officer Dreg's ass. He called me a 'squeeler.' If only I could have smacked him around the room for while in order to explain the situation.

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Remembering tarna, Phosphor, Metadigital, and Visceris.  Drink mead heartily in the halls of Valhalla, my friends!

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I meant that more in a sort of "im me when you're on" thing :p so that I'd switch games/servers as necessary.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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I will say this, just as an aside. To those who hated the bounty hunter tattoine companion story. You are going to despise a sigh warrior twist and the actions you are allowed

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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I think I've been told about that, actually. Or maybe I'm confusing it for a later Bounty Hunter plot that I was told about.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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The Sigh Warrior. New class for the neutral faction. Class story is that he's a Jedi Knight that fell from grace, but got bored and stopped falling halfway down. He has Force Shrug as a signature move.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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I imagined it more like EVERY MISSION The person gets is recieved with a


::Sigh:: Ok... I'll do it... I guess *slouches off*


And Kriea would be rolling in her grave so fast she starts making Malachor spin (if she's still there)


Also, just made a Smuggler on Corellian Run (been mainly on ShadowHand with my other toons) to run with cant if he ever yells. Bryanna is da name.


My "Main's" on the server are an inquisitor by the name of Ardath and a Knight by the name of Kithsara

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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And the teaser on "the future of the game"



Nothing too revealing, although the new planet might be interesting. I'm assuming it'll be something like Ilum and end-game content related...

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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I'm going to hop online right now with my Republic Commando. I'll see if I can friend your guys, Super Cal.

Fionavar's Holliday Wishes to all members of our online community:  Happy Holidays


Join the revelry at the Obsidian Plays channel:
Obsidian Plays

Remembering tarna, Phosphor, Metadigital, and Visceris.  Drink mead heartily in the halls of Valhalla, my friends!

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Dinged 50 on my main yesterday. I always assumed it would be at the end of some epic planet-wide quest, not from destroying 5 backup power generators. Now playing to finish my story, then to see what the endgame's going to be for me. I've been having alternatingly awesome and miserable flashpoint experiences, so I'm still not sure if I suck or not. :p


Also working on an imp agent, since the one thing that I really want to do is get hk-51 when he becomes available.

Edited by Nepenthe

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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