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The Banner Saga


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Planned to pledge something too, but not before next month. Main selling point for me is the art style and the turn based combat. Also the multiplayer mode could be interesting.

"only when you no-life you can exist forever, because what does not live cannot die."

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Already pledged in hopes the combat will be fun, the rest is probably going to be OKish. I love their environments but the characters are booboo.

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i think this looks pretty cool, but there isn't enough info about the combat system and their influences for me to agree yet. still, they've already got their funding, so i don't even feel bad, and will definitely pick the game up if it turns out well

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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Everything seems to be very interesting, but I'm not sure I like that it is episodic. Wort case scenario is that I only pledge $10.


It's not any more episodic than Mass Effect was, they've clarified in the FAQ that they're planning the trilogy. With your pledge you're funding one game you'll get, not a saga of which you'll get only the first episode.

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Everything seems to be very interesting, but I'm not sure I like that it is episodic. Wort case scenario is that I only pledge $10.


It's not any more episodic than Mass Effect was, they've clarified in the FAQ that they're planning the trilogy. With your pledge you're funding one game you'll get, not a saga of which you'll get only the first episode.


That sounds much better. I'll read the FAQ. Mostly been looking at the description of the game. They are promising a lot, let us hope they can deliver.


I'm still waiting for that Obsidian FF Tactics 2 announcement. A man can dream...

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Everything seems to be very interesting, but I'm not sure I like that it is episodic. Wort case scenario is that I only pledge $10.


It's not any more episodic than Mass Effect was, they've clarified in the FAQ that they're planning the trilogy. With your pledge you're funding one game you'll get, not a saga of which you'll get only the first episode.


That sounds much better. I'll read the FAQ. Mostly been looking at the description of the game. They are promising a lot, let us hope they can deliver.


I'm still waiting for that Obsidian FF Tactics 2 announcement. A man can dream...


What do you mean when you say "Chapter 1" of the game? How big is it?


The Banner Saga as it exists in this Kickstarter will be a complete game. In terms of a larger story arc, it represents the first part of a three-part story that has already been planned out. We intend to release each subsequent chapter as a complete game. We don't yet have a timeline for the full trilogy, as our first priority is to complete Chapter 1 of The Banner Saga and see where that takes us!

Our goal is that when all chapters are complete, each game will both stand on their own, AND form a fantastic and cohesive whole, like any great series of books, movies, or games.

Chapter 1 of the game will not be a short 2-hour fling. Depending on how much we raise during this campaign the length of the game will vary.

The decisions you make and characters you build in Chapter 1 of the game will carry over into the other chapters of the game.

Why not just make one complete game from the start? Developing all three parts of the game could take some time and as an indie developer we can't afford to fund a 2-year development cycle. We decided to make it into a trilogy to keep people interested in the game and get it to players sooner.

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Hmm i'm thinking about it.

You get all 3 games if you pledge $50. I'll have to think about this option.

where does it say that?


edit: Nevermind. I missed the 4th update.

Edited by Majek

1.13 killed off Ja2.

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