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New Mini Games?

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Please no? The only funny one was Pazaak, and that was completely optional. Didn't the guys in the interview say something about making them all optional (phew) ? :p

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Pazaak and Swoop Racing were pretty good, but the turret shooter was god-awful. At least it's optional this time, though more variety in the attack pattern would go a long way.

It wasn't a bad game as such, just very repetitive - the exact same sequence repeated ad nauseum.


Swoop Racing is also going to be improved.

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Hmm. What if in KOTOR 2 theres like casios of the age and there they have there games to win big BUCKS. heh. imagine betting 20000 credites and getting 50000 back. Or if there were races of sorts to BET on. You could even be the driver. With the swoops you could even have your own fas base.


Ahhh the possibilies.

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I thought all the mini-games sucked! Why would a developer waste time on stupid crap like that (...)

It's going to be released on consoles. 'Nuff said, i believe. Most console games i hear about nowadays have some form of minigame as a gimmick.

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I thought all the mini-games sucked!  Why would a developer waste time on stupid crap like that (...)

It's going to be released on consoles. 'Nuff said, i believe. Most console games i hear about nowadays have some form of minigame as a gimmick.

As if console games weren't short enough and watered down enough. You want to play a card game, look no further then the internet. The only game that had mini games worth a damn, was Ocarina of Time, and that was because they were integrated into the actual gameplay of the game.

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Turret shooting is now optional. However, I actually didn't mind the turret shooting much, I hope they improve it some, it got boring.




Using a gamepad to control an FPS is like trying to fight evil through maple syrup.

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Pazaak was an excellent edition to the game. It's small, trivial details like that that really flesh a game out.


You say that the developers would be wiser in investing their time into more "critical" endeavors, such as combat? Well, player characters would also probably be wiser in training to become stronger rather than blowing credits on a stupid card game while the fate of the galaxy hangs in the balance. However, it's unrealistic to assume that every character would or could maintain so narrow a focus.


I'm not advocating mandatory mini-games -- they should probably all be optional -- I'm merely saying that mini games should be considered part of the story line of KotOR 2 itself, rather than just a pleasant (depending on your perspective) diversion from that story line.

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I think the point was that things like casual, "just-for-the-hell-of-it" minigames are often an element which do not have an impact on a game, and including them tends to be useless. Time spent with it is usually time one could spent fine tuning other aspects of the game, from graphics to actual gameplay elements. In the end, a minigame - the kind which doesn't have any purpose or justification - is the kind of element a videogame does not need, hence a non-critical element.

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Pazaak was an excellent edition to the game. It's small, trivial details like that that really flesh a game out.

How about having a 3D environment that is actually interactive. I am sure that would go some way in fleshing out the game. But not as much as Pazaak of course...


You say that the developers would be wiser in investing their time into more "critical" endeavors, such as combat?


Yep, the only way you can ever solve anything important in a Bioware game. Hell they had to make the Sand People quest unimportant because that had a non-combat solution, hence why no dark, or light points were given. That is a joke BTW.


Well, player characters would also probably be wiser in training to become stronger rather than blowing credits on a stupid card game while the fate of the galaxy hangs in the balance.


Huh, what does this have to do with Mini-games. Do you believe KotOR was the first game to have gambling. Hell Fallout had a gambling skill, and yet no large resources were invested in making FO casino games, New Reno style... That is just stupid to suggest, that gambling should be put on hold because their are more important things you're character is doing. Talk about missing the point.


I'm not advocating mandatory mini-games -- they should probably all be optional -- I'm merely saying that mini games should be considered part of the story line of KotOR 2 itself, rather than just a pleasant (depending on your perspective) diversion from that story line.


Now you're talking storyline, you're all over the place. How could something be part of the storyline and still be optional? Hell they shouldn't even be part of the game, they should either be done implicitly, or not at all. That is what roleplaying is all about anyway. Swoop racing was just there so you can go through some bizarre set of quests rescuing a worthless jedi, and why the hell did I have to take the turrets their were 9 other people on that ship. Hell they should not make the mini games optional, they should remove them.


Why are people so impressed with miniature games all done half-ass I'll will never know.

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Time spent with it is usually time one could spent fine tuning other aspects of the game, from graphics to actual gameplay elements. In the end, a minigame - the kind which doesn't have any purpose or justification - is the kind of element a videogame does not need, hence a non-critical element.

I concur.


It's all about comparative advantage. You get the most bang for your time and resources when production is done by people who specialize in what they're making. Let the RPG specialists make RPGs. Let the silly little card/racing/shooting game specialists make their silly little card/racing/shooting games. When PRG people make minigames, they're allocating their resources inefficiently. The quality of the end product would be greater if they took that time and effort and put it into what they do best, instead of fiddling around with something they don't know very well.



Plus, all the minigames in KotOR stunk. <_<

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How about having a 3D environment that is actually interactive.  I am sure that would go some way in fleshing out the game.  But not as much as Pazaak of course...


This is nothing. While "interactive 3D environments" may be of greater importance than Pazaak, that hardly says anything of the worth of Pazaak in and of itself, other than its relationship to the above.


Yep, the only way you can ever solve anything important in a Bioware game.  Hell they had to make the Sand People quest unimportant because that had a non-combat solution, hence why no dark, or light points were given.  That is a joke BTW.


It warms my heart to know that you hate the seething tumor of evil known as bioware that festers on the ass of the world, but, sadly, I don't know how it could relate to the discussion.



Huh, what does this have to do with Mini-games.  Do you believe KotOR was the first game to have gambling.  Hell Fallout had a gambling skill, and yet no large resources were invested in making FO casino games, New Reno style...  That is just stupid to suggest, that gambling should be put on hold because their are more important things you're character is doing.  Talk about missing the point.


This is misconceived. Though I suppose the mistake is understandable, considering how you isolated the sentence that the above refers to, totally obliterating context.


Now you're talking storyline, you're all over the place.  How could something be part of the storyline and still be optional?  Hell they shouldn't even be part of the game, they should either be done implicitly, or not at all.  That is what roleplaying is all about anyway.  Swoop racing was just there so you can go through some bizarre set of quests rescuing a worthless jedi, and why the hell did I have to take the turrets their were 9 other people on that ship.  Hell they should not make the mini games optional, they should remove them.


I suppose that I should be explaining every minute detail of my point of view or I'll just have to brace up for the pathetic, petty irrelevance and selective quoting that you are so readily and hapilly resort to. Pazaak could certainly remain part of the story line while still being optional; it would contribute to the overall atmosphere of the game somewhat. If you can't see that, then, well, I'm wasting my time.


Why are people so impressed with miniature games all done half-ass I'll will never know.


Hm, I'm awfully tired of gibbering pedants such as yourself. Wanting a realistically immersive game is one thing, but *demanding* the sort of unrealistic options that you do is quite another.


At what point does obsessing over being and doing anything you want in a game with a total lack of regard to all the variables and inconsistencies that would create become just another form of elitist masturbation? You and Visceris, comrades in arms, out to change the face of the world, and let no man, god, or logical arguement stand in your path! Having an oh-so-enlightened view on crpgs seems a rather hollow excuse for frittering your life away on a messageboard, but, hey, at least that viewpoint always triumphs... right?


Now, I'm am off to let the sweet tide of unconciousness overtake me. You have leave to return to a more favored means of discussion of a superior topic; that is, you're free to resume monosyllabicly grunting the glory that is fallout.

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Amazing how much energy is being expended arguing about 3 innocuous minigames, 2 of which are optional.


It would be better to relax and accept these games because they are going to return. Whining over something that is already set in stone seems a pointless exercise to me.

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It warms my heart to know that you hate the seething tumor of evil known as bioware that festers on the ass of the world, but, sadly, I don't know how it could relate to the discussion.


Only that when it comes to Bioware games, combat is the most critical aspect of the games. You mentioned that it was critical, and this is my way of saying no sh!te.


You say that the developers would be wiser in investing their time into more "critical" endeavors, such as combat? Well, player characters would also probably be wiser in training to become stronger rather than blowing credits on a stupid card game while the fate of the galaxy hangs in the balance. However, it's unrealistic to assume that every character would or could maintain so narrow a focus.


Huh, what does this have to do with Mini-games. Do you believe KotOR was the first game to have gambling. Hell Fallout had a gambling skill, and yet no large resources were invested in making FO casino games, New Reno style... That is just stupid to suggest, that gambling should be put on hold because their are more important things you're character is doing. Talk about missing the point.


I suppose that I should be explaining every minute detail of my point of view or I'll just have to brace up for the pathetic, petty irrelevance and selective quoting that you are so readily and hapilly resort to. Pazaak could certainly remain part of the story line while still being optional; it would contribute to the overall atmosphere of the game somewhat. If you can't see that, then, well, I'm wasting my time.


NIce, three sentences and you said absolutely nothing. Are you a politician by any chance?


OK, yes Pazaak could be party of the story line, like the Sith Lord is secretly a Pazaak addict and you need to brake his addiction. Of course you never need to play Pazaak to do this. But why would anyone want to make Pazaak part of the story line. The best thing about Pazaak is that its optional, and for all intents and purposes, if you feel the need to play a silly card game, just head to the local cantina.


BTW, you could not make playing pazaak part of the storyline, with it being optional, or could you???????




Hm, I'm awfully tired of gibbering pedants such as yourself. Wanting a realistically immersive game is one thing, but *demanding* the sort of unrealistic options that you do is quite another.


Like what??????


Given that I am completely unoriginal, I think I am pretty much only guilty of wanting stuff that has been in other CRPG's Hence, the word unrealistic, should not really apply.


At what point does obsessing over being and doing anything you want in a game with a total lack of regard to all the variables and inconsistencies that would create become just another form of elitist masturbation? You and Visceris, comrades in arms, out to change the face of the world, and let no man, god, or logical arguement stand in your path! Having an oh-so-enlightened view on crpgs seems a rather hollow excuse for frittering your life away on a messageboard, but, hey, at least that viewpoint always triumphs... right?


Are you insulting me?


Now, I'm am off to let the sweet tide of unconciousness overtake me. You have leave to return to a more favored means of discussion of a superior topic; that is, you're free to resume monosyllabicly grunting the glory that is fallout.


Fallout r0xxx0rs ya momma, BIAAAATCH!!!!!

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NIce, three sentences and you said absolutely nothing.  Are you a politician by any chance?


OK, yes Pazaak could be party of the story line, like the Sith Lord is secretly a Pazaak addict and you need to brake his addiction.  Of course you never need to play Pazaak to do this.  But why would anyone want to make Pazaak part of the story line.  The best thing about Pazaak is that its optional, and for all intents and purposes, if you feel the need to play a silly card game, just head to the local cantina.


BTW, you could not make playing pazaak part of the storyline, with it being optional, or could you???????




The fact that your pc has the opportunity to waste time playing Pazaak contributes to the story line. It says what type of person you are role playing, whether your pc plays or does not play the game.


Like what??????


Given that I am completely unoriginal, I think I am pretty much only guilty of wanting stuff that has been in other CRPG's  Hence, the word unrealistic, should not really apply.


Just because some gaming elements work in some games doesn't mean that they aren't unrealistic to implement in others. The fact that KotOR 2 is a sequel to an already linear game inhibits the options and amount of customization that a player has. Sure, there is still a good bit of room to maneuver, but, given the premise for and the nature of most star wars games, I doubt that a shifty rodian smuggler will have a chance to take out a gaggle of Sith Lords and save the Republic from destruction.

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I doubt that a shifty rodian smuggler will have a chance to take out a gaggle of Sith Lords and save the Republic from destruction.


Does a shifty gambler destroying a Death Star and helping to save the Rebellion from destruction count?


but I see your point

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Amazing how much energy is being expended arguing about 3 innocuous minigames, 2 of which are optional.

One is optional.


Since Pazaak is optional, you must mean the single Swoop Race on Taris?


OK, you are required to do that, but ironically that is the only time a minigame helps to drive the story forward. Breaking into the Vulkar base, recovering the swoop engine, then winning the race... all lead to rescuing Bastila.


Wasn't that the basis for some people's argument? That the games had no purpose? Well, this one does. It didn't feel forced or out-of-place, unlike the turret shooter which felt like a last minute addition.

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I liked the Swoop races. Of course, they would have been even better if you had actually been able to turn left and right, instead of just going straight forward. Oh, and the ability to modify your swoop racer would have been awesome. Let's hope they don't can that idea again!

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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