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So as you can see from the subject, this topic is about the terrible choice of having multiplayer gameplay share the same screen even though your in different houses and in my situation on the other side of the world.


Right so how do we fix this? Well you get right on it and make the smart decision (which you should have made in the first place) and release a patch which gets rid of this and replaces it with the proper freedom of my own screen.


Ok so great we had this chat and cant wait for the patch. Great game overall just one dumb mistake made which should be on the top of the list of bad ideas.


I'm must say I agree fully. Great game, bad choice for multyplayer. being soo zoomed out just to fit players on one tethered camera gives me a headache PLEASE patch this guy's... I really want to play with my friends online but just can't bring myself to do it for that one reason. GIVE EACH PLAYER THERE OWN SCREEN.....PLEEAASEE!!!!!


No doubt a real stupid thing to find out after spending $100 on two copies for the PC so that the wife and I didn't have to share a screen playing together on the Xbox. That and it doesn't seem to let you trade things to other players in the PC multiplayer version, where as in the Xbox 360 Demo I was able to pass stuff off to my other player. What gives? Nobody knows how to make multiplayer work anymore? I can live with the fact that one of us will be the host and have the save game files, but it would have been nice to each own our own character file to do with as we wish. CHEESEY.... Rushed out another title to work on the next, who cares about how multiplayer really works eh?

Posted (edited)

The camera view and tether in both online and couch co-op is absolutely disgusting.


Playing on PS3

Couch co-op and online.


The view is far too close to the characters.

This causes a jumbled mess of effects and makes ranged attacks far less useful.

This also causes major path finding issues due to both the close view and the tether.

It's very cumbersome to negotiate the terrain in some areas.

A dead player is an anchor on our screens. It prevents us from being able to retreat and regroup.


All in all, the close view and tether make for a jumbled, chaotic mess of a co-op experience.

This was very poorly implemented.

Many of the fundamentals are very wrong or missing for proper co-op.


A tether is fine for couch co-op but for the love of god, zoom it out a lot more.

And outright lose it for online play.


Many if us bought this game on consoles because we have been starved for a few years of our co-op, loot fest, hack n slash fix ( a high quality polished release).

It's quite a shame that a few of the little downloadable hack n slash games make for a better co-op experience at the moment.


And on top of the above, the online co-op choices the devs made make this even worse.

I can start at any level that groups are currently at?

Randomly generating our co-op character's abilities and gear?

C'mon guys.


That is about the saddest way to go about online play.

People play these games to grow and refine their characters from the start.


Get back to the fundamentals and use the formulas that are tried and true.

I just hope all this can be fixed via patch asap.


Aside from these very glaring issues, there is much potential here.

Hopefully you guys get on it and fix these problems though.

Edited by Dissever
  Dissever said:
That is about the saddest way to go about online play.

People play these games to grow and refine their characters from the start.


Get back to the fundamentals and use the formulas that are tried and true.

I just hope all this can be fixed via patch asap.


Aside from these very glaring issues, there is much potential here.

Hopefully you guys get on it and fix these problems though.


Nail on the head dude. I agree 100% with your view as well, I would rather have gotten it for the console but figured the shared camera was going to be too much of a pita.. Well they got me for an extra $50 as its no different on two pc's.

  Dissever said:
And on top of the above, the online co-op choices the devs made make this even worse.

I can start at any level that groups are currently at?

Randomly generating our co-op character's abilities and gear?

C'mon guys.


That is about the saddest way to go about online play.

People play these games to grow and refine their characters from the start.


If you want to refine your char from the start shouldn't you start the mp game yourself.

Hate the living, love the dead.

Posted (edited)

Hey Obsidian! Do you guys like money?!?!?! Well if you fix the coop camera you will sell many more copies of the game!


Picked up my pre-ordered copy of the game today.


I played some online coop on the XBOX 360 demo.


I know that this has been said multiple times but if enough people say something maybe Obsidian will do something.


The camera must be fixed in coop.


I'm sure this won't be an easy task but it will be worth it. I don't know if it is possible but you must try if at all possible.


Well I guess only if you like money and such...


Thank you,



Edited by Firespray401
  Flouride said:
  Dissever said:
And on top of the above, the online co-op choices the devs made make this even worse.

I can start at any level that groups are currently at?

Randomly generating our co-op character's abilities and gear?

C'mon guys.


That is about the saddest way to go about online play.

People play these games to grow and refine their characters from the start.


If you want to refine your char from the start shouldn't you start the mp game yourself.


How do you do that? I haven't played around with MP yet, just a quick glance at the main menu, so maybe it's obvious. But from what I saw, the options were only to join someone else's game. I couldn't see how to start one for myself.


Also, how do you get friends to join your game, and not allow anyone not on your friends list to join?


XBox360 version here.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

  GhostofAnakin said:
  Flouride said:
  Dissever said:
And on top of the above, the online co-op choices the devs made make this even worse.

I can start at any level that groups are currently at?

Randomly generating our co-op character's abilities and gear?

C'mon guys.


That is about the saddest way to go about online play.

People play these games to grow and refine their characters from the start.


If you want to refine your char from the start shouldn't you start the mp game yourself.


How do you do that? I haven't played around with MP yet, just a quick glance at the main menu, so maybe it's obvious. But from what I saw, the options were only to join someone else's game. I couldn't see how to start one for myself.


Also, how do you get friends to join your game, and not allow anyone not on your friends list to join?


XBox360 version here.

Press start and select multiplayer. Then select private game. This will only allow invited players to join your game. This is the only way to limit the amount of players in your game. Two players is a lot easier to get used to than four players.


This shared camera is absolutely unplayable. Please patch this, or at the very least zoom the camera way out so I can actually see what I'm trying to shoot.


As it is right now I just get killed by projectiles from off camera. This is ridiculous.

  AddziX said:
Press start and select multiplayer. Then select private game. This will only allow invited players to join your game. This is the only way to limit the amount of players in your game. Two players is a lot easier to get used to than four players.


I ... :ermm: there's no option for private game. When I press start, the option is "join multiplayer game" and then three options show up: quick match, a custom match option (where I choose which lobby to join), and Party UI (which only brings up the 360 party screen).


I'm going to feel really foolish when I find the option, but so far I seriously don't see any option under the multiplayer menu to select private match.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

  GhostofAnakin said:
How do you do that? I haven't played around with MP yet, just a quick glance at the main menu, so maybe it's obvious. But from what I saw, the options were only to join someone else's game. I couldn't see how to start one for myself.


Also, how do you get friends to join your game, and not allow anyone not on your friends list to join?


XBox360 version here.


Not really sure since I haven't tried out the mp yet. But all those mp games aren't being started by Square/Obsidian :)

Hate the living, love the dead.

  Ntrance said:
This shared camera is absolutely unplayable. Please patch this, or at the very least zoom the camera way out so I can actually see what I'm trying to shoot.


As it is right now I just get killed by projectiles from off camera. This is ridiculous.


The more I read about this MP thing the more I get disappointed. I just bought 2 copies just to play in co-op with my brother... I hope they patch it. I really do


My friend recommended this game to me, I tried out the demo, I liked it. I enjoy playing games with my friends. So we tried the co-op. and it was FABLE 2 ALL OVER AGAIN! seriously, that camera pissed me off, and the camera this co-op pissed me off so bad that I dont even know if I want to try the single player.


the developers has to be ****ing retarded to think this a camera like that is a good idea. it's seriously stupid as hell, And know I know not to ever buy a Obsidian game again because they release half-assed games. unless they fix this stupid mistake of theirs fast I wont recommend any obsidian game to any friend heck, Ill even discourage them NOT to buy them.


The customer is always right? remember that saying?


TL:DR. developer is stupid, Fix camera NOW.


Just played co-op with Bendu for few hours. No major complaints, sometimes the camera made me feel bit claustrophobic other than that just fine. Connection was pretty good and stable too.

Hate the living, love the dead.

  Ntrance said:
This shared camera is absolutely unplayable. Please patch this, or at the very least zoom the camera way out so I can actually see what I'm trying to shoot.


As it is right now I just get killed by projectiles from off camera. This is ridiculous.

Yeah it's pretty bad. Just played for 3 hours with a friend on hardcore and it wasn't verry PLAYER FRIENDLY lol. Got us killed a few times due to warping us. The tethered gameplay doesn't allow for verry good tactical co-op play at all.


We got through it though and are gonna try and finish it together on hardcore but geez.

Posted (edited)

Hi there. I'm just registered to comment this unfortunately multiplayer co-op system. Someone recommends me this game because he also played DS1 or DS2, I don't remember. I played campaign and later co-op with people (about 6) I recommend game to buy and play together. It was worst decision I take for long time. I really hope they patch this unplayable system, rest of game looks fine for me. And I also hope that people reads this post doesn't wait for a miracle doing nothing, please register and comment. Else obsidian can think we're few people and they don't move a finger for us.


Of course I can affirm this point: If they do nothing about, not only me, LOT of people will not purchase more copys of this DS3 and of course a few will pay for DS4 if you have money to develope it after this bloomer.


Have a nice day :rolleyes:

Edited by Agorash
  Agorash said:
Hi there. I'm just registered to comment this unfortunately multiplayer co-op system. Someone recommends me this game because he also played DS1 or DS2, I don't remember. I played campaign and later co-op with people (about 6) I recommend game to buy and play together. It was worst decision I take for long time. I really hope they patch this unplayable system, rest of game looks fine for me. And I also hope that people reads this post doesn't wait for a miracle doing nothing, please register and comment. Else obsidian can think we're few people and they don't move a finger for us.


Of course I can affirm this point: If they do nothing about, not only me, LOT of people will not purchase more copys of this DS3 and of course a few will pay for DS4 if you have money to develope it after this bloomer.


Have a nice day :rolleyes:




Obsidian -


It seems like most people here are having issues with the camera in online coop I assume, and rightly so. Let's not forget how horrible this thing is even in couch coop.


Seeing that you have built the game around this current camera, I guess it's not possible to patch in a fixed camera option. You all have got to do something about it though, I guess the only thing would be to pull it out even further and get rid of that straight top down view that it spaz's to once in awhile (even with auto orient off).


My wife and I had a horrible time with it last night, and I don't think we can play again until something is done. It's really a shame and I really feel like I wasted $60.


On a positive note before I go, the camera is acceptable playing alone.


I really enjoyed the demo. DS3 looks like it could be a fun game. I won't buy it until players in online coop get individual camera views. The videos I have seen of coop play look awful. The group of people I play with feel exactly the same way. Fix this and you get our money. Leave it as is and you don't. The ball is in your court, Obsidian.

Posted (edited)

My friend and I are really enjoying playing co-op on hardcore, but the camera is really a pain in the ass. I am playing Lucas and he is playing Katarina, so we fight at completely different ranges. Inevitably the fights end up with me humping the forward edge of the screen while he is plastered against the back picking away at targets neither of us can see. Please, please unlink non-local camera views, or at the very least give us the ability to zoom much further out or at a shallower angle so we can see what is ahead of us and engage it.


The shared, tethered camera is all that is keeping this from being an excellent multiplayer experience for me.

Edited by Grym

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