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ME is better than AP. AP is crap in every aspect. Horrible writing,s tory, characters, combat, character system, C&C, everyhting. Horrid horrid horrid.


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ME is better than AP. AP is crap in every aspect. Horrible writing,s tory, characters, combat, character system, C&C, everyhting. Horrid horrid horrid.

I can understand if you didn't like certain aspects, but the C&C!? Some of the best I've seen in a game! Almost anyone can be sided with, multiple paths to the objective, numerous endings and three different play styles (Tech, Soldier, Spy).

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The three classes play the same for the most part. Shoot, shoot, and shoot more.


The C&C is a joke. Plain, and simple. Then again, I'm sure I didn't play long enough to experience all the awesome later game C&C nor do i regret 'missing out'.


Obsidian is better off making seuels to other companies' popualr games because they seem to be at their best then (SOZ notwithstanding).


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Hey, if people can prejudge DA2 C&C and overall quality before playing it why cna't I do the same? At least I tried to enjoy AP.

Edited by Volourn


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I like the setting best when it mostly ignores the mystical and fantastical Force/Jedi/etc stuff, a'la the original Dark Forces where you couldn't wield a lightstick, or the space combat games which were mostly conventional to the genre.



i agree with this, and I'm a pretty big star wars fan.



edit: and alpha protocol was ok. the story was too bland to make the mediocre gameplay worth going through. I played it for about 10-12 hours, and enjoyed my time with it, but it wasnt a great game.

Edited by entrerix

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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Hey, if people can prejudge DA2 C&C and overall quality before playing it why cna't I do the same? At least I tried to enjoy AP.

'Cause it is still just as dumb when you do it as when others do it. I didn't like it when people said that Fallout 3 was lacking in roleplaying choices when I was seeing and experiencing them a-plenty. Didn't mean I started making up stuff about other games I didn't like.

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"AP has yet to be beaten when it comes to C&C."


FO, FO2, PST, BG2, HOTU, JE, KOTOR, KOTOR2, ME, ME2, DA, DA2, ARC, TOEE, BL, and another 25,000 games have better C&C than AP.


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AP has yet to be beaten when it comes to C&C.

I didn't notice all the choices during my first gung-ho play-through, but I could really appreciate it in my second stealth play-through.


Changing my play style, dialogue choices and location visit order resulted in a game that felt completely different.

Visiting Hong Kong first to meet Heck, then purchasing the cocaine poison for the Brayko fight was... epic...


Edited by GreasyDogMeat
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Thats why we have the spoiler tags. Thanks.

Sorry. :thumbsup:


It wasn't THAT big of a spoiler... and you should do it to see what happens!



Thank you. :sorcerer:


I bought AP when it came out on Steam, I just haven't had time to play it yet. :/


And the new damn ME2 DLC coming out isn't helping any...

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I'm not sure if I agree that Alpha Protocol had good choices and consequences. It did have both choices and consequences, but because you couldn't actually fail, all those development hours were mostly wasted. IIRC Obsidian designed game that way - There's no one right way to play the game or something like that. From pure RPG point of view it was fun that certain character reacted differently or there were minor changes in dialogue, locations and missions. Maybe that was Obsidians goal, I don't know.

Let's play Alpha Protocol

My misadventures on youtube.

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Couldn't fail...how? You could fail all sorts of ways.


The genius of AP does not really begin to show until at least a second playthrough making different choices. My second playthrough I accomplished all sorts of things I didn't the first time because I made different choices. Didn't even know that I had failed at something the first time because I did not get that path, choice or option. I only realized that I could succeed to at something that I had not the first time because I was playing the game very differently.


When I saw just how *completely* different the game could be on a new playthrough, AP moved from game I enjoyed the hell out of to masterpiece. Yeah masterpiece. GOTY easy.


Ok as you were. Back to ME3

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Couldn't fail...how?


It's all in my video (check sig). No matter what I did or didn't do, failure just ain't option. I've done total of 6 runs and tried various combos (if available) in different runs.


I'd say the ending where

Mike ends up working for Leland

is pretty much a failure, if you're judging by what's good for the American people.

"The universe is a yawning chasm, filled with emptiness and the puerile meanderings of sentience..." - Ulyaoth


"It is all that is left unsaid upon which tragedies are built." - Kreia


"I thought this forum was for Speculation & Discussion, not Speculation & Calling People Trolls." - lord of flies

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Why would a game even bother with a bunch of failure options? Most non-sadists like to feel a sense of accomplishment when they complete something.


If you really want a failure option, just let yourself get killed and then exit the game. Good job.

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I recently played through all the Tomb Raiders and Angel of Darkness features dialogue options (Only Tomb Raider to do so). At one point you can speak to a Parisian mobster and if you choose a snarky dialogue option he pulls out a gun and shoots Lara in the face. You then reload and have to choose the 'correct' dialogue option.


Is that the kind of 'failure' we are talking about here? 'Cause I'm not sad to see that go.

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Why would a game even bother with a bunch of failure options? Most non-sadists like to feel a sense of accomplishment when they complete something.


If you really want a failure option, just let yourself get killed and then exit the game. Good job.

Because it builds a sense of accomplishment.

Otherwise you'll soon end up with "no game overs" gameplay and can't even die.

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Why would a game even bother with a bunch of failure options? Most non-sadists like to feel a sense of accomplishment when they complete something.


If you really want a failure option, just let yourself get killed and then exit the game. Good job.

Because it builds a sense of accomplishment.

Otherwise you'll soon end up with "no game overs" gameplay and can't even die.

I'd rather see a sense of accomplishment built over seeing bad things happen to characters you care about and the story taking ugly turns you could have prevented as opposed to 'you picked the wrong choice, you die, reload and pick the right choice stupid!'.


Which AP actually does a good job with IMHO.

Edited by GreasyDogMeat
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I'd rather see a sense of accomplishment built over seeing bad things happen to characters you care about and the story taking ugly turns you could have prevented as opposed to 'you picked the wrong choice, you die, reload and pick the right choice stupid!'.



really though how many games have this? just old adventure games from what I can remember

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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Why would a game even bother with a bunch of failure options? Most non-sadists like to feel a sense of accomplishment when they complete something.


If you really want a failure option, just let yourself get killed and then exit the game. Good job.



If failure isn't an option then success is meaningless. If success is meaningless, why bother playing.


TO me, it's a big problem in the current video game design paradigm.


edit: WHat made XCOM so great (one of the things) was the missions that ended in utter and apocalyptic failure. That made the times things went right, feel sweet.

Edited by Slowtrain
Notice how I can belittle your beliefs without calling you names. It's a useful skill to have particularly where you aren't allowed to call people names. It's a mistake to get too drawn in/worked up. I mean it's not life or death, it's just two guys posting their thoughts on a message board. If it were personal or face to face all the usual restraints would be in place, and we would never have reached this place in the first place. Try to remember that.
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