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FO: NV (Tech Support)

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I think I'll avoid any patches for a while, I hope this isn't going to be a situation similar to Fallout 3 where each new patch broke something...anyone else remember when VATS didn't have a delay or when you could target grenades in mid-air?


I have to say I'm thankful that my game is stable for now, Fallout 3 drove me insane with the random crashes, seems I'm lucky this time around.

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Ever since the last patch, I've had the old "application crash on quitting the game" pretty consistently. I recall this happening occasionally with FO3 and Oblivion, too, but not with this regularity. Doesn't affect my playing or operating my PC, though-- just have to go though the task manager to kill the program after I've told it to quit in the main menu.

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How/when are these patches downloaded? I ask because theres been what, two patches already, and Ive never seen my Steam or FO game actually downloading and installing anything. Ive never seen a patch download screen like mkreku linked so Im not sure anythings been patched. I tried looking in my Library and didnt see anything obviously asking me to "update" or anything like that so does it just do it in the background?

For me it seems to be done in the background as soon as I go 'online.' It doesn't give me a big splash 'now downloading' screen, or 'do you want to download now' it just does it. I could see the icon in the systray blinking a little and if I mouse-hovered over it it would say %done and such. If the patch is big enough (hence slow to download) you can go into the Download section of the Steam menu and see it there.


While in-game (a game loaded) if you hit ESC then Help, you can see the version number. Latest is 1.2



I think I'll avoid any patches for a while,

I'll still go for the next 'big' patch. Sometimes intermediate patches don't work as well as the final bigger one. But if that one makes anything much worse, I won't try any others if there are any others.


Side bug note: the weapon/GUI lockup bug also affects my 357 pistols.

Edited by LadyCrimson
“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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I don't like melee combat, in any game. Not generally my thing. But yeah, I hear they kick butt. :lol:

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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RAAAAAAGH! Mouse acceleration came back with the patch! Would you guys just make it as a option in the settings? Does anyone even like the damn thing? Hate it with a passion personally, it's like driving a car that oversteers horribly :)

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Reporting some bugs I ran into in the last few days. PS3 version and after the update. Here are some videos.\














Also Vats randomly stops working for me at really, really, really inconvenient times.

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Steam sucks for forcing patches to download not to mention having to use it to install the game. Whatever happened to games being installed by DVD, disk check to verify that you don't have a pirate copy and patches that allow the user to decide if they want it installed or not. If this is the course Bethesda and Obsidian are taking for future games, well I guess I won't be buying them any more.

I hear ya.


I just got my hardcopy and it says the key can't be validated in my region.


For reference, here's the New Vegas page of a well known vendor in Malaysia's capital.

"We're not taking any new orders at the moment as the Asia edition appears to have a region lock."



I just get bad experiences with Steam.

Spreading beauty with my katana.

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It's really not a good idea to force newer versions on the user, there is save games being incompatible, and it does happen not infrequently that a patch screws up more than it fixes. It will also mess with any mods you have installed etc.


So do you basically have to stay 'offline' to avoid all your games auto updating, or is there some STEAM setting for that ?.

Na na  na na  na na  ...

greg358 from Darksouls 3 PVP is a CHEATER.

That is all.


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Since I have the Steam DD version I got around to trying uninstall/redownload/reinstall yet again to see if that would help. But no, the reload/GUI is still there. But this time, if after reloading the weapons in question, if I hit the movement keys for a 'step' or immediately fire the weapon it seems to unlock the GUI, so that kind of makes them usable again since most of the time that's what you do after reload. I don't know if this was the actual 'fix' or not, but at least it works, kinda. Before reinstalling, even the movement keys were frozen for a while, I couldn't bring up Pipboy, etc.


This all makes me feel like Steam (at least for this game & on my system) has a terrible patch installer.


and it does happen not infrequently that a patch screws up more than it fixes.

Definitely. Not all systems are the same and all that.

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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If you're getting nvidia driver errors that sometimes crash the game, apparently some people have issues with the Realtek PCIe Gigabyte (onboard) LAN Card. It's used on the ASUS P6T mobo, maybe others. Drivers for this hardware can have issues with some nvidia cards & driver version 7.3+ may make it worse.


Not that this would be/is the source of all or even most of FNV CTD's...just one of them. But for me if it means even one less CTD per play session...going to put in different LAN hardware see what happens.

Edited by LadyCrimson
“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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I got this message last night after 21 hours of play and completing the Come Fly With Me quest,


"This save game relies on downloadable content that is no longer available. Some objects may be no longer available. Continue loading?" I select yes and then this pops up, "The storage device you have selected is no longer available. Load canceled."


My hard drive is fine and loads everything else. But this is on both of my saves and has stopped play for me.


Are there any serious plans to fix this or do i have to restart my game for no good reason.

If there is no patch planned where can i send my game for a full refund?

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I moved it here so that people can see it and hopefully respond - we've decided to keep the discussion about Fallout New Vegas to a few threads so that other topics do not drown in issues, general discussions, spoilers etc.

Fortune favors the bald.

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Nice to see my issue got the attention it deserved. Shoved to another forum to be ignored.


Nice customer service Obsidian.

In case you haven't noticed (ok, it's obvious you haven't), this is a fan-driven community. Obsidian's customer service does not participate in the discussion here. There's a reason why the OFFICIAL Fallout: New Vegas boards are run by Bethesda - they will have the information you request, if anyone.

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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Well, I ran into my first 'major' bug tonight. I was in Primm and decided to make that robot sheriff. When I talked to him I did some hack to get a recording of the ones who stole Vance's submachine gun. Since I had found the Win's previously, I decided I wouldn't reprogram the robot yet, but first go and fetch the gun. I got the gun the pacifist way (speech check) and returned to the robot, but he won't respond to me anymore. He's just like an unnamed npc now, with only one line of dialogue that he keeps repeating over and over as I click on him, refusing to initiate that dialogue close-up screen.



Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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The game is simply unplayable. I have no mods installed. I cannot attack anything in the entire game without a crash to desktop.


Problem signature:

Problem Event Name: APPCRASH

Application Name: FalloutNV.exe

Application Version:

Application Timestamp: 4cd9d70b

Fault Module Name: FalloutNV.exe

Fault Module Version:

Fault Module Timestamp: 4cd9d70b

Exception Code: c0000005

Exception Offset: 00077aff

OS Version: 6.0.6001.

Locale ID: 1033

Additional Information 1: fd00

Additional Information 2: ea6f5fe8924aaa756324d57f87834160

Additional Information 3: fd00

Additional Information 4: ea6f5fe8924aaa756324d57f87834160



This is (not joking) close to the 200th or so time I've had my game crash, maybe more. I've had this above problem happen 8 or so times (where you can't shoot anything without the game crashing)... each time I've had to load from a save state hours older than my recent one. (I save a LOT because of this... up to 750 saves or so and only level 18).


I don't know what the heck the problem is anymore. I've loaded from previous saves to fix this before, but now all of my saves are corrupt for no reason. No matter what game I load, or what I do in the game (it works flawlessly until combat occurs), it always crashes 1 or 2 seconds after I fire my first bullet at an enemy. Should I just quit and play something else? I've started a new game twice to see if I could avoid this issue, and currently 29 hours into this one and it's really...really...really pissing me off.


For the record, I've respected, purchased and played every Bethesda game since Arena. This is the first time I've considered never buying another game by a certain company again. Obsidian, you're making a bad name for yourself with New Vegas.

Edited by Havenspire
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To be honest, if you're having that many hard crashes then it's almost guaranteed that there is either a major degree of file corruption going on (variety of possible causes), or there is some serious issue between computer and game. i.e. the obvious routes include reinstall, file integrity check, redownload (if possible), and after that, more expert diagnostics that you'd need either smarter people than I or actual tech support.


Nevertheless, if this is the first time you're bringing this up, it confounds me why you've put over 30 hours into the game while dealing with such an issue instead of trying to get it fixed? If you've tried a lot of things already, fair enough, but loading from previous saves was never going to fix it, unfortunately. Is it Steam download, DD, or boxed? Mods / patch / comp specs?

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To be honest, if you're having that many hard crashes then it's almost guaranteed that there is either a major degree of file corruption going on (variety of possible causes), or there is some serious issue between computer and game. i.e. the obvious routes include reinstall, file integrity check, redownload (if possible), and after that, more expert diagnostics that you'd need either smarter people than I or actual tech support.


Nevertheless, if this is the first time you're bringing this up, it confounds me why you've put over 30 hours into the game while dealing with such an issue instead of trying to get it fixed? If you've tried a lot of things already, fair enough, but loading from previous saves was never going to fix it, unfortunately. Is it Steam download, DD, or boxed? Mods / patch / comp specs?


I am inclined to agree. In fact if I was a betting man I'd say there may be a hardware or/and driver issue going on if not a corrupt file issue as you stated.

World of Darkness News




"I cannot profess to be a theologian; but it seems to me that Christians who believe in a super human Satan have got themselves into a logical impasse with regard to their own religion. For either God can not prevent the mischief of Satan, in which case he is not omnipotent; or else He could do so if he wished, but will not, in which case He is not benevolent. Fortunately, being a pagan witch, I am not called upon to solve this problem."

- Doreen Valiente

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Might be pure coincidence but since upgrading to Catalyst 10.10 (from 10.5 or somesuch) I've had no CTDs in over 20 hours of played time (in a saved game of about 40 hours total thus far).



Another thing that's amazed me is how robust alt-tabbing has been compared to FO3 and Oblivion. Sure the music gets stuck in a short loop but I haven't failed to tab back into the game at any point. In FO3, task switching meant about a 95% chance of the game locking up.


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To be honest, if you're having that many hard crashes then it's almost guaranteed that there is either a major degree of file corruption going on (variety of possible causes), or there is some serious issue between computer and game. i.e. the obvious routes include reinstall, file integrity check, redownload (if possible), and after that, more expert diagnostics that you'd need either smarter people than I or actual tech support.


Nevertheless, if this is the first time you're bringing this up, it confounds me why you've put over 30 hours into the game while dealing with such an issue instead of trying to get it fixed? If you've tried a lot of things already, fair enough, but loading from previous saves was never going to fix it, unfortunately. Is it Steam download, DD, or boxed? Mods / patch / comp specs?


It's installed through Steam, though Steam is not the issue. It's an obvious code fault as it only occurs when targets either become hostile or take damage. The issue also never occurs unless I've loaded a saved game. My guess is it's either not saving or not loading properly. Once I'm able to kill something with a (really) old save file, the game never crashes until I save and try to play on another day.


I've tried contacting the actual support team at bethesda by submitting forms through their site with detailed information, but I haven't gotten so much as one single email response.


Currently running a quadcore intel 2.8 processor, 4 gigs ram, 32bit (ack) Vista, nVidia 8800 GT (steroscopic nvidia 3D ftw). The game is patched to the latest version Steam offers. nVidia drivers are also up to date, though it's not really a graphics issue anyway.


Is there a way to copy your save to another machine? I have a laptop with higher specs running Windows7 and thought I should give it a go. I have F:NV on that machine with no issues so far, but I kind of want to keep my old save without starting all over again.


The only mod made to the system is the DX9 replacement .dll to enhance framerate. On my laptop (the one without issues yet), however, I have a ton of mods... so I don't think it could be mod-related. I can reproduce the issue like clockwork, so I can't imagine it's hardware related; it only ever occurs when a target's hostility state changes from 0 to 1 ... or when any hostile target takes damage. Sometimes, when you mouse-over a friendly target they show red for a second... then move a bit and the HUD corrects itself. I'm guessing it's a fault with saving NPC reputation or something, and it's trying to push a value outside an expected number range with no exception handler. *shrug*

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The only mod made to the system is the DX9 replacement .dll to enhance framerate.


You may want to check this one : did you download a direct dll or the tool that builds the dll based on you GPU configuration ?

Because if it's the former case, it can have some weird effects on the gpu usage since the game will mistakenly identify your graphic card.


See Nexus download comments :



and also this



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