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Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning


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they have an interesting character progression system though

Walsingham said:

I was struggling to understand ths until I noticed you are from Finland. And having been educated solely by mkreku in this respect I am convinced that Finland essentially IS the wh40k universe.

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Anytime the developer says they highlight the choices to skip through the dialog as quickly as possible so you can get to the killing, I know the game isn't for me.

"Moral indignation is a standard strategy for endowing the idiot with dignity." Marshall McLuhan

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For those interested I was in the demo during PAX East. Got several mins of in-game footage and notes on the presentation. Under the Articles -> Blog section.

World of Darkness News




"I cannot profess to be a theologian; but it seems to me that Christians who believe in a super human Satan have got themselves into a logical impasse with regard to their own religion. For either God can not prevent the mischief of Satan, in which case he is not omnipotent; or else He could do so if he wished, but will not, in which case He is not benevolent. Fortunately, being a pagan witch, I am not called upon to solve this problem."

- Doreen Valiente

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Thanks. You mean this part?

I think mostly flashy parts were shown in the videos but I believe there are something for more hardcore audiences as the list goes.

* ~2 million randomly created loot items per game

* Several hundred hand written loot items

* Diablo style inventory

* Crafting system with item slots to add magic inserts (Like in Dragon Age)

* Every class knows magic to some degree

* Certain skills open destinies (somewhat like Fallout perks)

* Can take skills of various classes to create multi-class character

* 10,000 yr world history written by R.A. Salvatore of the D&D dark elf book series and others

* Swimming and diving underwater in certain spots is in

* RP moral choices in game however no fixed moral stat. NPC's will react to previous choices made

* No MP due to their MMO using same setting (but different time period +2000 yrs) in development.


That said, I'm yet another who is simply keeping an eye on it, which shouldn't hurt much.

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You do know if I wanted to copy/paste the info here I would have.

World of Darkness News




"I cannot profess to be a theologian; but it seems to me that Christians who believe in a super human Satan have got themselves into a logical impasse with regard to their own religion. For either God can not prevent the mischief of Satan, in which case he is not omnipotent; or else He could do so if he wished, but will not, in which case He is not benevolent. Fortunately, being a pagan witch, I am not called upon to solve this problem."

- Doreen Valiente

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  • 2 months later...

Considering the indifference in this board, probably I'd better leave it to news sites. :thumbsup: It has got some interesting design decisions although I don't like the art direction somehow. This time around, it's about character development system, which allows the players to mix up different abilities to build their own game-play of their liking. It's not learn-by-dong but seems to share the concept of allowing the players to chose their play styles.

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I clicked the link and then made the mistake of allowing scripts temporarily. Zoing!... my browser was oddly shaped, looking at a &^%%$$ Flash site. Hate the game already. If not because of the game, then because of their PR people 8)

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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No, actually, it's an online magazine with a built-in reader. I use Firefox with no script, myself. If you are suspicious, feel free to use sandbox program of your liking.


PS Oh, I see. Generally grumpy forum users felt the PR too much. 8) Well, I don't know. I also felt the marketing of the Witcher bit too much but I have no objection to marketing as long as they come up with the quality of the products/services. I guess I'm minority who are interested in how Rolston's story-telling in the open world would turn out and I'm quite a sucker to the detailed world with full of lore since the time of Traveler and Rune Quest (in fact, Rolston worked for some of the supplements at that time).

Edited by Wombat
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  • 4 weeks later...

I have been wondering how Rolston really think about the modern standards of the gaming and this is, I think, relatively true to himself comments. I still like reading how they are building the game-play mechanics/game world but it doesn't even remotely appear that he came back with some idea for the content area once bitterly leaving the game industry.

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