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Are We Ever Gonna Get New Info On This Game?

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I arrived at Kotor quite late; what sort of things were they revealing before the first game was released? Before the actual release, how much did people 'know'?


Bioware provided a healthy amount of screenshots and concept art. They weren't long on game info, certainly not as detailed about gameplay as Obsidian.


Some Devs were really great to talk to, others gave you the impression that they were being forced to talk to gamers and wanted no parts of us. <_<


People shouldn't be so impatient. As for people thinking that Lucas Arts is laughing at us, think again. They are probably hard at work on the Official Sith Lords Site and don't have time to engage in games to torture us.


New Info I'm hoping for:


Coruscant named as one of the 7 mission planets(I want the Jedi Temple in the game!)


Some solid info on Atris(Apprentice?, Love Interest?)


Some Answers to Questions about the Star Forge, Who's making Cameo apperances?, Cap at 30 or 40? Or no Cap at all?

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New Info I'm hoping for:


Coruscant named as one of the 7 mission planets(I want the Jedi Temple in the game!)




Some solid info on Atris(Apprentice?, Love Interest?)


exactly (thought maybe it could be on the spoiler side to reveal if she's an apprentice or not)


Some Answers to Questions about the Star Forge, Who's making Cameo apperances?,


Actually I want it to remain a *surprise*, who's making cameo appearances. It'll be far more exciting that way, to actually meet the characters.


It would also be great to have a more 'cinematic' trailer to appear, after a while

Zwangvolle Plage!


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Well, I'd like to learn more about Atris. I doubt they're going to say anything about cameo's. I'd really like to hear about (at least) one of the party member's never mentioned before that were in the recent trailer. Planets I could do without, and I don't get the obsession with coruscant.


Most of all, though, I'd like a REAL TRAILER. It seems like LA is taking a, "mums the word" approach to story spoilers for the sequel. That trailer they gave it has a horrible voice over, and it almost makes you think the entire game has lots of choices and improved gameplay dynamics, but a non-existing story-line. I know that, logically, it'll have a storyline, and it'll (probably) be good, but it's hard to trust when they've said so little, and haven't even released a proper trailer to the storyline.

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I love the trailer. Because it implies that there will be full of choices, but let the storyline take more of a back seat (you can have a storyline, but when it gets in the way of my ability to make worthwhile choices, I get upset). And the voiceover rules.

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I too enjoyed the trailer. I would like it if they release tons of info, people aren't forced to read it. So if people want to spoil their experience let them. If people want a medium amount of info, let them. If people want no info, let them.

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The trailer sure looked great, no one's denying that -but compare it to the final trailer for Kotor; by comparison it appears rather flat.


and the voice acting was sub-standard: *It has been confirmed that the voice on the trailer IS NOT featured on the game proper*

Zwangvolle Plage!


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and the voice acting was sub-standard: *It has been confirmed that the voice on the trailer IS NOT featured on the game proper*



It was? I believe you, but where?


It was one of the devs who said it (maybe Akari?).

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"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
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and the voice acting was sub-standard: *It has been confirmed that the voice on the trailer IS NOT featured on the game proper*



It was? I believe you, but where?


It was one of the devs who said it (maybe Akari?).


He did not say it was not on the game but he did agree that it was not good.

Another great idea by the people who brought you beer milkshakes!


"I don't see a problem...then again, SW isn't my life, so what do I know...." - some who makes 27.8 post per day on a SW forum!

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and the voice acting was sub-standard: *It has been confirmed that the voice on the trailer IS NOT featured on the game proper*



It was? I believe you, but where?


It was one of the devs who said it (maybe Akari?).


I believe it was actually Chris Avellone who stated that the voice over in the trailer was not an in-game voice.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

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Well, its been a while since the last info, when we gonna get more? <_<



Another great idea by the people who brought you beer milkshakes!


"I don't see a problem...then again, SW isn't my life, so what do I know...." - some who makes 27.8 post per day on a SW forum!

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That's a harsh thing to stay. I hope they decide to make an offical website and add a nice chunk of screen shots or some type of information not related to the story.


So do i but the feeling i get right now is that they will not give us any new info until the game is releast.

Another great idea by the people who brought you beer milkshakes!


"I don't see a problem...then again, SW isn't my life, so what do I know...." - some who makes 27.8 post per day on a SW forum!

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They did they gave us 1 of Sion, which is 2 weeks old!

Another great idea by the people who brought you beer milkshakes!


"I don't see a problem...then again, SW isn't my life, so what do I know...." - some who makes 27.8 post per day on a SW forum!

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I too enjoyed the trailer. I would like it if they release tons of info, people aren't forced to read it. So if people want to spoil their experience let them. If people want a medium amount of info, let them. If people want no info, let them.



What if they don't know if they want to know or not about that specific thing? It's after the fact that matters; unless they go through the trouble to say, "MASSIVE STORY LINE SPOILERS" and totally separate the major story line spoilers from the minor spoilers, such as basic character descriptions, which is difficult to do when you know the entire story yourself. Besides that, we don't know whether it's the kind of mundane story that even fairly major spoilers wouldn't matter, or the sort of instantly, "Whoa" story that even a large amount of minor spoilers would ruin. If everyone had been told about the flood and the true purpose of halo in Halo, would (despite it not being all that amazing a moment) not the moment you find out about the flood mean less? You might actively look into such a spoiler as the flood, and NEVER realize what that means to your overall enjoyment of the experience itself, but it does take that surprise away. Someone, like myself, who wants to see info on the game but nothing that will seriously spoil the experience, might see info on a website and only realize when it was too late when they had seen a major spoiler, and shouldn't have looked into it in the first place.


It's in Lucas Arts best interests for our initial experience to be better. If it's one of those special stories with it's own something, would you be able to know which spoiler's were good or bad to know? You'd go and look at the spoilers, but then find that they gave something away, such as the true identity of Revan or the Flood or The Nameless One's true name, and that spark was gone before you knew it. Putting, "SPOILERS" doesn't do anything to stop this, because while people want info, they don't want the original spark of certain things taken away from them. Do you see the distinction, how people can want to know more but not want to know the serious spoilers? Why they don't just show the whole plot to a movie in it's trailer (if it's a good movie; I suppose it's unavoidable for certain action movies) before other movies, just because the audience, "didn't have to see it?"


Ok, so we have control; is it hurting anyone for them not to say anything, in the end? Is it ruining their experience of the game? Is it ruining anyone's experience of the game if they DID release the entire plot beforehand? (or rather enough of it that the experience was spoiled)

My answers:

No, no, and yes.

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You know, I played through all of KOTOR knowing that I was Darth Revan. And I'm rather sure I knew that Bastila was going to be captured by Malak. Both of the things that make people go "See? KOTOR 1 has a good story." Yet the game was still enjoyable.


Though it has little to no replay value, which is why I only beat it once good, once dark, then tried going Consular (and darkside is the ONLY way to go Consular).


I'll stop now before this turns into another "This is why Fallout 2 is better than KOTOR 1" post.

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I'll stop now before this turns into another "This is why Fallout 2 is better than KOTOR 1" post.


I'll bite. But KotOR is better than FO2! (though FO > FO2)


*runs and hides before FO fanatics wake up*

"Things are funny...are comedic, because they mix the real with the absurd." - Buzz Aldrin.

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Umm... I didn't mean it would destroy the story. I just said I'd rather leave it up to them, the marketeers and producers and developers, because there's no way to know if we want to know a spoiler unless we already know it.


you didn't even read my entire post, did you Chemix? I guess it was too long for you. Do you think they should spoil the plot of a movie in movie theaters? I wouldn't pay to see the movie if I knew everything that happened.


But no, that's not the issue; the issue is that it has a negative result, even if it's not a serious negative result. Get it?

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Fallout 2 is actually replayable. Fallout 2 makes your decisions impact the game world. Fallout 2 has CARRY WEIGHT (BANNER!). Fallout 1 would be a lot more fun if your NPCs wore armor, you had the trade interface with them, and your inventory sucked less. Fallout 2 catches more of the "your actions affect the gameworld thing" that I love so much though, so it'd still be better.


KOTOR 1: Not replayable. Your decisions don't impact the game world. Your party all have the strength of Olympian athletes (not olympic, think Zeus if he actually felt like working out). Now, KOTOR 2 will be just fine with KOTOR 1's aggravating "I packed the kitchen sink!" inventory, but it will NOT be fine if your decisions don't affect the game world (I've been told they will; or at the very least things will be different if you're dark or light).

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