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Is Onyx set to use the SPECIAL system?

SPECIAL is a skill/attribute system. I'm no programmer, but as I understand it, unless the engine designers are incredibly dumb, no engine is locked into a particular system for how character choices in attributes and skills translate to gameplay. The question is somewhat akin to taking a blank notebook and functioning pen and asking if it's set up to use French or Swedish writing.

Edited by Enoch
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You know, insult to my intelligence aside, I do not take for granted that changing the entire system to adequately take advantage of the SPECIAL system is the same thing as "taking a blank notebook and functioning pen" and writing in different languages. For one thing, I would assume they'd have to take extra time to put in all the skills and attributes, which is certainly something that I don't have to do when I pick up a pen and notebook to write something.

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Sorry to wade just into this discussion, but has it been confirmed whether F:NV will use the F3 engine, or will it use Obsidian's own Onyx engine?

The reasons I've been wondering are that they haven't confirmed which engine it uses and the announcement described it as a "spinoff" in the "same style." Is "same style" just reassurance that it's an RPG (as opposed to some kind of action game,) or was "same style" intended to mean that it's built in Fallout 3's Gamebryo?


Given the short dev time, it would be pretty handy to re-use every possible asset from Fallout 3. Gamebryo seems like the plausible option.

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You know, insult to my intelligence aside, I do not take for granted that changing the entire system to adequately take advantage of the SPECIAL system is the same thing as "taking a blank notebook and functioning pen" and writing in different languages. For one thing, I would assume they'd have to take extra time to put in all the skills and attributes, which is certainly something that I don't have to do when I pick up a pen and notebook to write something.


The gameplay systems in use aren't really hardcoded into the graphics engine. You could probbly make a Quake game with the onyx engine-- it just wouldn't be a particularly good quake game because that's not what the engine is built for. But yeah, isometric RPG... can't imagine that would be a problem.

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I don't even have anything against them using the Onyx engine. I'd just be surprised if they wanted to change that much. Even if it's not hard coded, it's still easier to use something with everything set than to start plugging in different numbers. I don't know how it would work, but it seems it would require at least some effort.

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It's probably easier to collaborate with Bethesda if they stick to Gamebryo. I think the FO system is fine if they made some improvements. Anything they do to VATS will probabably be an improvement. Doing something with skills and skill points would be very nice. I thought the mini-games were okay, even if I'm not a big fan of mini-games in general. Altogether, I'm not unhappy with FO3 engine. The area with room for radical change isn't in the game engine/ruleset. If there are substantial tweaks to get the most out of the engine, then Obsidian has the chance to make the story shine. That's what I want to see.

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Considering all the crashes and patches that break features instead of fixing them, I have one or two problems with the fallout 3 engine.


Especially since I can't play in fullscreen or it crashes HARD making me reboot my whole damn computer.

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I was lucky on that one. By and large very stable for me. I wish that Call of Cthulu Dark Corners of the Earth didn't have a game ending bug on my system, though.


When does it happen? Because it could be considered a mercy bug

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Not to go any more off topic, but it's at the boat. Apparently, it's my Vista 64 that's preventing me from finishing Dangerous Voyage.


As far as NV goes, hopefully they can fix all the minor glitches I've seen and apparently the ugly ones that others have had also. I only had a few ctds, and I've come to expect them over the years. You would think that the next game using the same engine should have some improvement in stability though. Wouldn't you?

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Not to go any more off topic, but it's at the boat. Apparently, it's my Vista 64 that's preventing me from finishing Dangerous Voyage.


As far as NV goes, hopefully they can fix all the minor glitches I've seen and apparently the ugly ones that others have had also. I only had a few ctds, and I've come to expect them over the years. You would think that the next game using the same engine should have some improvement in stability though. Wouldn't you?


Considering Oblivion -> Fallout 3... No I wouldn't.

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You know, insult to my intelligence aside, I do not take for granted that changing the entire system to adequately take advantage of the SPECIAL system is the same thing as "taking a blank notebook and functioning pen" and writing in different languages. For one thing, I would assume they'd have to take extra time to put in all the skills and attributes, which is certainly something that I don't have to do when I pick up a pen and notebook to write something.

Apologies. I was fishing for a metaphor, and came up with one that was a bit too strong.

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Oh, I didn't think you were going out of your way to insulting. I have to admit, I read it and was mildly irritated. That's no new thing for me, I'm afraid. >_<


I don't rightly know how much work it would entail. I just figured the cycle is short enough they would want to save effort however they could.

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Especially since I can't play in fullscreen or it crashes HARD making me reboot my whole damn computer.



FO3 and Oblivion are the only games I've played in a while that hard lock my entire system when they crash forcing a hard reboot.



I had thought those days were over when we left DOS/Win98 behind.

Notice how I can belittle your beliefs without calling you names. It's a useful skill to have particularly where you aren't allowed to call people names. It's a mistake to get too drawn in/worked up. I mean it's not life or death, it's just two guys posting their thoughts on a message board. If it were personal or face to face all the usual restraints would be in place, and we would never have reached this place in the first place. Try to remember that.
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Especially since I can't play in fullscreen or it crashes HARD making me reboot my whole damn computer.



FO3 and Oblivion are the only games I've played in a while that hard lock my entire system when they crash forcing a hard reboot.



I had thought those days were over when we left DOS/Win98 behind.


The strange thing is, Oblivion never does for me. That is to say, doesn't often-- most of the time it crashes soft. That it so say, it did before I uninstalled and vowed never to return to the land of cyrodil.

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Especially since I before I uninstalled and vowed never to return to the land of cyrodil.



But..but...but Cyrodil is so PRETTY!

Notice how I can belittle your beliefs without calling you names. It's a useful skill to have particularly where you aren't allowed to call people names. It's a mistake to get too drawn in/worked up. I mean it's not life or death, it's just two guys posting their thoughts on a message board. If it were personal or face to face all the usual restraints would be in place, and we would never have reached this place in the first place. Try to remember that.
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Now that we have reached the middle/end of the 30th page, may I ask just how much of it was actually dedicated to the plot of New Vegas? :D


Not much, but that will change when some good info is released (i.e. not for a while.)

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Now that we have reached the middle/end of the 30th page, may I ask just how much of it was actually dedicated to the plot of New Vegas? :D

New Vegas should be run by The Summit, a cross between The Road Warrior's marauders and the Rat Pack.

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