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Shanahan is an old geezer. He should retire.


How long has Shanahan been playing? Like since the 80's? He needs to retire. But I guess it's no different than George Blanda playing until he's 48 years old.

Edited by Nihilus5078


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Shanahan is an old geezer. He should retire.


How long has Shanahan been playing? Like since the 80's? He needs to retire. But I guess it's no different than George Blanda playing until he's 48 years old.


Chris Chelios was effective last year and he's pushing 47 now right?

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Tough loss for Edmonton tonight. Khabibulin misplayed the puck in the last minute of play for the game winner.


I'm not going to complain, though. The Oilers played a hard, physical game. A few bad plays shouldn't take away from a great effort, especially for a team that looked so completely lost in the previous season. I'm somewhat impressed with the heart shown by more than a few dudes on the roster, like Dustin Penner and Sam Gagner.

Edited by Kor Qel Droma


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Tough loss for Edmonton tonight. Khabibulin misplayed the puck in the last minute of play for the game winner.


I'm not going to complain, though. The Oilers played a hard, physical game. A few bad plays shouldn't take away from a great effort, especially for a team that looked so completely lost in the previous season. I'm somewhat impressed with the heart shown by more than a few dudes on the roster, like Dustin Penner and Sam Gagner.


I was watching the game on CBC tonight. Saw that puck go in the net and it was just one of those "Aw crap..." moments. Edmonton deserved better tonight.

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"Chris Chelios was effective last year and he's pushing 47 now right?"


Chelios is not Shanahan.



"Rangers didn't impress me to much tonight."


Rangers won't be the best team; but they'll be alright. They impressed the Ottawa Losers tonight.


Philadelphia is gonna be a real tough team with Pronger and Emery.

Edited by Volourn


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Is Komisarek always getting penalized this much? I mean, as much as we need grit and physicality, it doesn't work if whenever he's out on the ice, the opponents get a powerplay and they score. Happened two times in the last game and once tonight.

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Is Komisarek always getting penalized this much? I mean, as much as we need grit and physicality, it doesn't work if whenever he's out on the ice, the opponents get a powerplay and they score. Happened two times in the last game and once tonight.


Komisarek has averaged 108 penalty minutes per season since the lockout. This is a little excessive by his standards.


Also, Gionta had an awesome goal in overtime for the Habs. Gionta left a drop pass for Gomez just inside the blueline. Gomez fired a shot off a Buffalo defender that bounced off the back boards and right to Gionta who batted it out of mid air and into the net.

Edited by Deraldin
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I've yet to see a Sharks game, how's Danny Heatley been playing?


From what I've read, the Oilers seemed to pick up their first win of the season in sloppy fashion. But two points are still two points, even if Dallas gets one.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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He'll score 50. His team will make the playoffs. His former team likely won't. Heatley wins.


But, Ottawa is dumb like that. Just like theya re currently being embarrassed by Emery as well. these two guys were the two main reasons why they reached the finals yet they were treated like crap by Sens m,anagement, Sens players, and Sens fans. No wonder the Sen's fall was quick, and painful. R00fles!


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Heatly has not been great... yet. -4 is horrid.


Guess Heatley IS going to watch 20+ goals go in this year...

I didn't think it would be by Thanksgiving, though.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Heatley is +4 tonight against Columbus.


And another tough night for the Oilers. Souray gets hurt, and they lose to Calgary with 1.5 seconds left!


On the plus side, Edmontons top line finally got on the scoreboard.


edit: Zoiks, make that +5!! :facepalm:

Edited by Kor Qel Droma


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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From the view I saw, it looked to me like it banked off his pad.


And another weird goal that goes in off an Oiler defender. Again, I'm hoping they get this crap luck out of the way early.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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L0L While Heatley was kicking butt with a hat trick, 4 points, and PLUS SIX; his former teammates were trying to kill each other IN PRACTICE. And, he was the problem? Give me a break. No wonder he wanted to leave. The last thing a goal scorer like him needs is his arm to be broken by a scumbag teammate.


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L0L While Heatley was kicking butt with a hat trick, 4 points, and PLUS SIX; his former teammates were trying to kill each other IN PRACTICE. And, he was the problem? Give me a break. No wonder he wanted to leave. The last thing a goal scorer like him needs is his arm to be broken by a scumbag teammate.


You did read the part where it said they slashed each other in the back of the leg, right? How's that going to break someone's arm?


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Leg, arm, either way makes it harder to play hockey.



It's funny that when Emery - who helped them to the Finals - gets into a scuffle it is proof that he is 'poison' and must be gotten rid off.. then they proceed to suck. Now, these two tools try to cripple each other, the stupid coach laughs at off.


But, hey, this is the coach who need to to flex his muscle that he had to trash a player so he'd have to leave the team... and, then go on to be +6 in a game.


Question: Was Heatley EVER a +6 with Ottawa? Hmmm...


Perhaps, if the coach was smart he'd have given him those 20-30 extra seconds of power play time and extra minute of overall playing time. Maybe then, his team wouldn't be a joke.




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