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KOTOR 2 Team Members

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My only hope for KOTOR 2 is this, in the first you had the ability to be light or dark, I'm sure this is going to be in the second which is good, but, I want to be able to have my companions dark too (or light of course). I had thought in the first if I ended my team mates side stories badly that they eventually would go bad too, but no such luck.


Every team member should have at least two side quests which through the main character's advice can end good or bad, and if it ends badly that team members should sway with the main character to the dark side, such as Mission hating Griff, or Bastila shunning her mother. Not to mention more team members in the game, not that we should be able to have all at once but more options, like in the first if you chose not to have Juhani on your team there was no replacement! I didn't like that and conversely at a few points you should be able to get rid of team members, i.e. in KOTOR there's a point where Carth is told if he says one more word I'd kill him, he continues to talk and... nothing, so much for the dark side. I would just like to see the team more interactive with the main character.


On a side note, I hated the fact in KOTOR the more dark side points gained the face turned all gray, in the movies Palpatine was as dark as they come and his face is fine (yes in ROTJ it's different but they don't point out why and it's over 20 YEARS later), also Darth Tyranus, Maul, Malak, Bandon, even Vader's face are all fine (although Vader's was battle worn and in need of sun). I just kept thinking throughout the game, look at my face the how hell could I fool anyone into thinking I'm good, can't they SEE! Imagine Palpatine trying to fool the Jedi council an win the senate with his face looking like a baseball mit. Anyway that's my 2 cents.

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I really don't like the idea of my character's advice having that *much* of an impact.



And yeah I wouldn't mind if my dark jedi didn't look like a complete monster.

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Well the way I see it, some people should be predisposed to good, some should be predisposed to bad and for those types... well there shouldn't be much your actions will do; HOWEVER most of the team members should be susceptible to what the leader does and should end up following the leaders path, I got Bastila to treat her mom like dirt that has to work on a person psyche or getting Mission hating the brother she always loved or Carth to KILL his own son, or the wookie to damn his world to slavery those should definitely be factors in how the team ends up. KOTOR 1 is predisposed to making your team be Light side, and why should that be? if you end the game as Light you can have up to FOUR Jedi but Dark you can only have TWO, so they make it better to be a light sider and that's not a balanced game. So I stick by my saying that you should be able to change a good majority of your team to either side, get rid of the ones you can't sway to your chosen affiliation (at some point, maybe not right away) and meet a few that are already on the side of your choice that will join you which cant be swayed to any other i.e I killed Juhani so it would have been nice if now Belaya (who goes evil) joined my team, basically where you can't get some people to join you because of your affiliation but at some point meet a replacement who will.

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Light and Dark are so overrated. I want "Rainbow"

"McDonald's taste damn good. I'd rtahe reat their wonderful food then the poisonous junk you server in your house that's for sure.


What's funny is I'm not fat. In fact, I'm skinny. Though I am as healthy as cna be. Outside of being very ugly, and the common cold once in the blue moon I simply don't get sick."


- Volourn, Slayer of Yrkoon!


"I want a Lightsaber named Mr. Zappy" -- Darque

"I'm going to call mine Darque. Then I can turn Darque on anytime I want." -- GhostofAnakin

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*And* the "Rainbow Side", *And* "Force Katanas". Back to your cage, Darque.

"McDonald's taste damn good. I'd rtahe reat their wonderful food then the poisonous junk you server in your house that's for sure.


What's funny is I'm not fat. In fact, I'm skinny. Though I am as healthy as cna be. Outside of being very ugly, and the common cold once in the blue moon I simply don't get sick."


- Volourn, Slayer of Yrkoon!


"I want a Lightsaber named Mr. Zappy" -- Darque

"I'm going to call mine Darque. Then I can turn Darque on anytime I want." -- GhostofAnakin

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You should recieve different NPCs during game if you join darkside. But your action should be able to move your NPC a category in the game (dark to grey, light to grey and grey to either light or dark). If you pick up dogooders as dark master they should either turn (leave the light side) or leave you.


There is no way a mother Teresa NPC would gladly follow a massmurdering darkmaster without first shanging point of view.

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So how could you convince Mother Teresa to join you?

High Charisma or the "Dominate Mind" force power ? :rolleyes:

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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  • 2 weeks later...

1 I want to be able to corrupt everybody.

2 Depending on my Charisma and or inteligence I want to be able to be very subtle in my dealing with them.

3 Romance plots for everyone, including my teammates falling for my other teammates But, I want to be able to poison the relationship, steal the guy/girl or otherwise stop it.

Yaw devs, Yaw!!! (

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I think they are implementing the fact that you can change how people are. Personally, i think being a Dark Sider does mean you are ravaged by the Dark Side, Malak looked stupid, Palpatine was once he really embraced it and Vadar does look weird when he takes his helmet off.

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Anyone can fall to the darkside. Luke Skywalker beat Darth Vader by falling to the darkside briefly. He embraced his anger and beat Vader down. Realized his mistake and shut his saber off. But it should be difficult and maybe impossible for some sure. Juhani? I nearly uninstalled the game in her case. She's fallen to the darkside previously and I turned her back. Now later in the game I make her MURDER someone? I guide her into embracing her hatred, anger, bloodlust, and she MURDERS someone? But then says some rediculous crap like, "No! No, that was wrong... ahem. Shall we be on our way?" And on the same note... I hope they don't make everyone so stupid as they did in KOTOR1. As someone said.. the facial change.. Nobody noticed this? Alright, maybe none knew that that particular look meant Darkside.. uhh ok, but when I'm doing the family fued quest and I intentionally do the bad thing... ending by saying "Kill them! Kill them all!" And Bastila says, "Nooooo!!" Then "SHouldn't we be moving now?" There is something wrong... I was LMAO from the great scene and then the hilarious reaction from NPCs. Just lame.


And PLEASE Obsidian... don't let Lucas Art force this into a PG game. Remember Fallout and taking a minigun to a childs head and watching it shreaded into bloody pulp? You guys know what we want :p OK maybe not that extent in KOTOR 2, but IE I do the Romance with Bastila and FINALLY we get to the kissing and... ahh ehh... UMMM... HUH?! Fades to black!? BS. And then she is a cold cast iron B^*ch through the rest of the game. Very disapointing. At LEAST show us kissing her. I mean Luke was sucking down Leia's tongue in the original Star Wars. Getting it on with his own sister. Han always has his hands all over her and plenty of sexual comments not to mention he kisses her.


Wait a minute.. now that I think of the new movies I think Bioware was directed by George Lucas himself. I mean Anakin goes and kills the Men.. the WOMEN... tHe ChIlDrEn! And is totally grinning like a malevolent bastard all while telling Amidalla and she just says some idiotic consolation nonesense like we all have our bad days... then pats his head.


Lastly please do NOT keep the Pazaak card game. Give us something else. Or if you insist on keeping that hidious game don't force us to go first. Personally I can't stand that game OR the swoop racing. The card game is simply tedious. Especially playing on the Yavin station. Oh my god... And the swoop racing. Don't bail on it like Bioware apprently did. The dialogue about upgrading it then there is nothing anywhere to actually upgrade it? Add that if you keep that monotonous game. Swoop racing wasn't too horrible. Just bland. The card game however... my god in heaven. I wanted to thrown myself in front of a bus.

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Forgot to mention the biggest flaw in the game. I know it's 10 times more work to implement, but can you guys PLEASE allow people to recognize that I am darkside earlier? It was plainly laziness on Biowares part that only at the end did anyone know I was evil. It made the entire game seem ludicrous. Personally I was really excited once I learned about the Sith Academy, then knowing in the end that nothing changed, it was really a letdown. I always expected a good or bad choice which was GREAT. Even Fallout seemed to have some situations where you didn't have much of a evil option. But a more defined evil path would have been great too. Not just recognition.


And my last complaint... I know it makes development 100 times more difficult.. the same as above, but please let use kill who we want. PLEASE :). Or maybe with Pazaak if we have mental domination "You WILL lose to me" *waves hand*. Sure, we can then kill the wrong guy that breaks the game but Morrowind (Which I hate overall) was done the best IMO in that it tells you that killing so and so breaks the game. Warnings about saving. Sure there are morons in the world. But give us alittle credit. That system is acceptable for most of us. If not this, give us more people to victimize.

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  • 2 weeks later...


" I want to be able to have my companions dark too (or light of course). "


I want my companions to have their own personality. I'd rather they leave the team if their morality clashes too much with mine.

"When is this out. I can't wait to play it so I can talk at length about how bad it is." - Gorgon.

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