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What you did today


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Spent most of the last two days in the dentists chair. My choppers are now gleaming, and ready to go. I intend to spend the next week eating biltong and raw granola.



"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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that michele and i aren't talking, or that we made it 9 years? ;)


wanting to chase the missus around the house is why we aren't talking, btw. what was i thinking, expecting something fun on our anniversary. silly me.




ps: tonight is pool night. the liquored up part begins around 5:30. :shifty:

Edited by taks

comrade taks... just because.

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so one of the managers here at work had her last day yesterday, so we all went out for drinks when we finished


one drink let to another... and another.... and another...


then there was karaoke :lol:


so now this morning at work i am very hungover, and have a sore throat from singing too damn much

when your mind works against you - fight back with substance abuse!

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oh.my.garage. karaoke: the ultimate evil. well, it is second only the the "s" one in my book. :lol:


the bar i used to manage did karaoke on thursday nights. the problem was that it was my decision to do it. i also had a line dance instructor coming in on tuesday for happy hour. the two things about the bar business i hate the most. at least the line dance instructor was a good <censored>.



comrade taks... just because.

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sure, sure, that's how it always starts. next thing you know you're trying to chew your arm off to get out of the predicament you've gotten into, and even if you manage to escape with that arm, it's probably useless as an appendage any more.



comrade taks... just because.

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I took a walk around the island today, got up on the of one of the hills if you can call them like that and took couple of pictures.


DSC01290__1024x768_.JPG DSC01321__1024x768_.JPG

Some beautyful views you've got there ;)

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Not caring one inch about AFL, I've checked my stock of old Cognac (and it looks good) and browsed through my DVD collection for things I haven't seen for long time. "Galaxy Quest" and "Firefly" it is tonight I think. A number of my old movies are going to be phased out and replaced with Blu-Rays. The old and most time worn ones first. Time to order "The Fifth Element" and the new deluxe compilation bunch of all things "Bladerunner".

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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^ Might want to check the viability of Blu-Ray, first. It seems to be going the way of Betamax in a market that says "enough is enough: normal DVDs are fine".


Of course, if you don't care about compatibility for the future, then there's nothing inherently wrong with either Blu-Ray or HD-DVD.


Although now that you mention Galaxy Quest, I think it's time I dug it up again for a good laugh.

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Worked from 0730 to 1930 yesterday. Got absolutely masses done. Feelingmuch more bullish since we had good results from my mothers last cancer screen. No new cancer in the last two months. She also beat back one or two tumors. Awesome.


For my next trick I intend to make Sand Czar of all the Russias.

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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^ Might want to check the viability of Blu-Ray, first. It seems to be going the way of Betamax in a market that says "enough is enough: normal DVDs are fine".


Of course, if you don't care about compatibility for the future, then there's nothing inherently wrong with either Blu-Ray or HD-DVD.


Although now that you mention Galaxy Quest, I think it's time I dug it up again for a good laugh.


HD-DVD lost the battle, so all the major studios are shifting to Blu-Ray. Blu-Ray is a pretty safe bet for the future, I'd say. It's just a matter of time. HDTV's get cheaper every day.

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^ Might want to check the viability of Blu-Ray, first. It seems to be going the way of Betamax in a market that says "enough is enough: normal DVDs are fine".


Of course, if you don't care about compatibility for the future, then there's nothing inherently wrong with either Blu-Ray or HD-DVD.


Although now that you mention Galaxy Quest, I think it's time I dug it up again for a good laugh.


HD-DVD lost the battle, so all the major studios are shifting to Blu-Ray. Blu-Ray is a pretty safe bet for the future, I'd say. It's just a matter of time. HDTV's get cheaper every day.


Nah, both Blu-Ray and HD-DVD lost. Blu-Ray is seeing poor sales in stores even though it supposedly 'won' the format war. They're trying to do gimmicks like sell Blu-Ray discs with magazines.


Maybe they should be packing Blu-Ray players with the mags instead.






It's not like Blu-Ray and HD-DVD were the best choice anyway. There are formats that run the whole gamut up to terabyte capacity discs. It's all a matter of quality, size, cost, and luck. Turns out the good old normal definition DVDs have the winning combination on that front.

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Yay, I miss that. Now I'm totally out of practice :)


Today, I played some Psychonauts. Top game :ermm: I dislike gametap however, so I'll probably just buy it. Then I watched Forever Remain once again. The last 6 hours or so I spent coding. Python is fun o:)

Citizen of a country with a racist, hypocritical majority

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It's not like Blu-Ray and HD-DVD were the best choice anyway. There are formats that run the whole gamut up to terabyte capacity discs. It's all a matter of quality, size, cost, and luck. Turns out the good old normal definition DVDs have the winning combination on that front.
Last but not least, the DRM sucks: It's totally demanding for the hardware and requires several encoding/decoding-steps, and depending on your exact hardware/software-combination, what you get in the end isn't HD (i.e. high res picture, uncompressed sound, fluid moving pictures)...

Citizen of a country with a racist, hypocritical majority

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Local RPG convention is being held this weekend. I played Battletech all day today. Also got a game of Aerotech in at the very end with made for a really nice finish. Got some pictures of the board for that one.


post-3491-1222586241_thumb.jpg post-3491-1222586250_thumb.jpg post-3491-1222586257_thumb.jpg


The first picture shows the two of us on the second last turn. We ran straight at each other and both nailed the other with a bunch of weapons. I hit him with an AC20 and he hit me with a PPC. The black die indicates current velocity (ie, how far you can move), while the red shows current altitude (on a scale of 0-11 with 0 being the ground, and 11 being in space). We were both pretty high up. I lost initiative on the last turn so I had to move first. I dropped down three levels to level 5 (gaining one velocity) and adding another 5 velocity with my thrusters so I shot out underneath and past him like a rocket.


You may notice in the second picture that I'm not at level 5 like I said I was. That's because whenever you drop three levels in a single move, you must make a piloting skill check. I happened to fail that check (I missed getting 6 or better on 2D6 :)). If you fail a piloting skill check in a fighter you immediately drop 1D6 levels. I rolled a four indicating that I managed to pull up just in time to avoid slamming into the ground and taking 2D6*10*6 damage on a ship that only has 200 armour before it get's shot to pieces.


Here comes the fun bit. Each vertical level counts as two hexes for the purpose of firing ranges. My opponent attempted to join me by diving down to level three, but he also failed his piloting check (Second 6 or better check missed in a row between the two of us). The big black and red die in the final picture shows what he rolled to determine how many levels he fell for the failed check. He smashed into the ground going nearly 800MPH. We rolled the die for fun, to see just how badly his fighter got shmucked. Hi's fighter with 60 armour left got hit for over 300 points of damage on impact. Needless to say, there wasn't much left of that fighter. :shifty:

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Sounds like great fun :)


I took a walk into the city, not intending to do any more than getting some fresh air and a bit of window shopping. Walked past one of the DVD stores and let curiosity get the better of me, just one peek, who knows, maybe they had Battlestar Galactica Season 4?


Yeah, I know, I could look it up on the internet and check release dates, but where is the fun in that. It's like looking up the answers to a test :shifty:


Anyway, didn't find any BSG S4, but I did find Rome Season 2 which I hadn't seen yet (I loved season 1) and a boxed set with all 47 episodes of Monty Python's Flying Circus at a bargain price :)

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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