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The sexiest preview ever.

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It's unlikely this actually represents the tone of the game.


Glance to the column on the left side of the article:


Hmm.... what could this possibly mean?


The whole "crazy chick wants you to assassinate some guy in return for sex" thing is weird, but as you will not be forced to do so, I am fine with it. In a way, the idea feels like one of those "evil options that actually feels evil" (you know, unlike the "kick orphans down staircases" kind that make you feel like you're in a cartoon). You're assassinating some perfectly good person just to get laid. Only a complete sociopath would do such a thing.

Edited by Cycloneman
I don't post if I don't have anything to say, which I guess makes me better than the rest of your so-called "community." 8)
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However, this is an AP developer speaking, stressing the sexual content and describing in-game females in a less than flattering manner. I'm sure guys find it all exciting, but trust me, most females would be insulted by games in which an entire gender is portreyed as nothing more than stereotyped sex objects.
They are portrayed in a less than flattering manner because they take a liberal approach to their sexuality? Heh, okay.


As ever, if the roles were reversed, this debate would be meaningless because it's "expected" from males to behave like that. Hell, I haven't seen you object to the game featuring the possibility of playing Thorton as a chauvinist pig. No, instead you take offense at women being portrayed as "easy".


While you are entitled to your right to feel insulted by that (sad as it is), please don't extend that alleged offense to "most" women. Let each decide on their own. And while you're at it, lay off the patronizing remarks, m'kay?

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You have a little light on your back that tells you if you are safe or not, and you are apparently safe in just about any shadow even if it's clearly not very dark. The sliding light meter was a lot more informative than the stupid red light/green light system.


I disliked that too, but I still enjoyed the game overall. Prefer CT.


I LOVED the idea of the trust meter, the key choices, and the multiple endings, though. However, I am probably still a little bitter about the choice you have to make regarding Lambert...also from what I've read they expand upon the plot in the X-Box version way more, especially the relationship between Sam and Enrica. I honestly still need to pick up the X-Box version, but I just think that Chaos Theory had much better gameplay mechanics than Next-Gen DA. And I think the Montreal team's work is consistently better than the Shanghai team's.


I wouldn't say the old gen version expands on the story, as it's actually very different in places, which makes me wonder which verison they will follow for the sequel. Regarding Erica, in current gen

Erica can live or die, but either way Fisher doesn't seem particularly interested in her

whereas in old gen

Fisher definitely has a thing for her, but in the ending cinematic she is killed by another Third Echelon agent who is then killed by Sam, who's rather cut up about losing her.



Also, old gen SC:DA has the exact same gameplay of CT, but it's also more linear levels than CT.


Also, the mission where you have to bug a meeting, and then go kill/save Hisham, just didn't feel right. It felt more like an action game. Sam Fisher feels a lot less believable when he's running through battlefields in the day-time.


I didn't mind the daylight missions. I also liked the missions sneaking around the terrorist compound, which apparently loads of people hated.

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However, this is an AP developer speaking, stressing the sexual content and describing in-game females in a less than flattering manner. I'm sure guys find it all exciting, but trust me, most females would be insulted by games in which an entire gender is portreyed as nothing more than stereotyped sex objects.


How is your "I'm sure guys find it all exciting" bit any less a stereotype of all males than what you're objecting to? Oh, a guy must struggle to get women in real life, if he defends a feature where your PC can have sex with multiple women to get information out of them. How's that any less insulting than what you object to?


For the record, I couldn't care less if Obsidian axed any and all opportunities to have sex with NPC females. It isn't a selling point for me, nor does it "excite" me. Depending on how it's implemented, I might even skip over it when I play, if it does come across as too cheesy. But one minor feature, no matter how silly I may end up thinking it is, won't scare me away from the game. And that's all it is, a minor feature that probably amounts to about 5% of the total options in the game.

Edited by GhostofAnakin

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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I wouldn't say the old gen version expands on the story, as it's actually very different in places, which makes me wonder which verison they will follow for the sequel. Regarding Erica, in current gen

Erica can live or die, but either way Fisher doesn't seem particularly interested in her

whereas in old gen

Fisher definitely has a thing for her, but in the ending cinematic she is killed by another Third Echelon agent who is then killed by Sam, who's rather cut up about losing her.



Also, old gen SC:DA has the exact same gameplay of CT, but it's also more linear levels than CT.


Yeah, I read about the differences in the ending on Wikipedia. And when I refer to expanding the storyline, I'm mainly talking about the way they handled Enrica in the 360 version. Sam gets to hit on her a few times, she clearly shows resentment toward Emile, and if she's still alive at the end she helps you out, but there's just nothing outside of that. I just think I'd much prefer the more developed relationship there in the X-Box version. Plus I'm simply annoyed with how the 360 version handled

Lambert. Having him just snooping around the JBA base and getting caught seemed a little weird. I don't remember if he even had any sort of cover in the 360 version. Though the choice of how to handle that situation was hard to make, which is a good thing. However, I'm really hoping that for the


next game they use a version where he is still alive, because the series just wouldn't feel right without him. But then again watching the ending cinematic of the last-gen version where Sam murders another agent in a fit of rage just feels...wrong.



I didn't mind the daylight missions. I also liked the missions sneaking around the terrorist compound, which apparently loads of people hated.


I didn't mind the daylight, and I liked the missions in the JBA compound, but I just didn't really enjoy sneaking around a battleground in broad daylight to find Hisham. In general I'd say Chaos Theory has the best gameplay. I mainly want to play the last-gen version of DA just because I need more Splinter Cell. But if the 360 version had simply kept the same light-meter mechanics as previous versions, it would have been a much better game. Just anything besides the red light/green light crap. I'd suspect terrorists would prefer to do their missions at night, but...oh well. But the JBA headquarters missions were excellent. And the scene where you end up in Enrica's bedroom and end up going for it so that you don't blow your cover was great.


Now...back on topic.


The whole "crazy chick wants you to assassinate some guy in return for sex" thing is weird, but as you will not be forced to do so, I am fine with it. In a way, the idea feels like one of those "evil options that actually feels evil" (you know, unlike the "kick orphans down staircases" kind that make you feel like you're in a cartoon). You're assassinating some perfectly good person just to get laid. Only a complete sociopath would do such a thing.


I certainly wouldn't be surprised if there are no truly evil options in this game. I mean, maybe there will be, but I expect it to be more along the lines of turning on some due that you had been doing some missions for, who isn't exactly a good guy. Probably closer to "Renegade" options than really evil options, but hopefully much more complex than that in that we'll have several factions to balance.


I sincerely hope that you're given more motivation to kill some guy beyond "Well, this hot chick wants him dead, and she's really hot, so..." in that you'll actually be aligning yourself with the hot girl's faction rather than merely doing what she wants so that you can keep banging her. So I sincerely hope that implication was mostly a joke. I mean, maybe a shallow player will do what she wants for that very reason, but I suspect she'll make some effort in convincing you that it's the right thing to do. I mean, sure, I don't expect her to not use her seductive charms while trying to convince you, but I still expect to be given some reason.


I don't really want evil options in this game unless they are really going to commit to giving us a different end-game for being evil. And I certainly don't expect them to actually let you do something like assassinate the president or decide to help someone unleash a bio-weapon on US soil. Sega and the ESRB would have fits. So, I expect that no matter what happens, we're going to have a mission to do and we're going to have to complete it. And I don't mind that. I'm certainly more interested in aligning myself with different parties in some grand power struggle than I am in having the option to do something completely evil. I mean, I don't want there to be thing like invincible NPCs or anything, but I think there should be game-ending consequences if you ever do anything truly evil. It certainly never broke immersion for me when I killed some Chinese soldiers in Splinter Cell and got chewed out by Lambert, told to prepare for WW3, and had the mission aborted. Or having Gorion just murder you in Baldur's Gate if you deserved it. Or endless battles with the Flaming Fist in Baldur's Gate.

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Just put a sticker on the box saying, "For Males Only". Sure, you'll lose like 5 female sales, but noone's going to be surprised or disappointed at least.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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... And while you're at it, lay off the patronizing remarks, m'kay?


Right back atcha, bucko. Next time, try reading my entire post in full context instead of yanking out a sentence so you can have yet another go at me.

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It's unlikely this actually represents the tone of the game.


I agree that it's unlikely. It's just that one of the developers to be using that "nail 'em all" concept as a marketing tool took me back a bit, and made me nervous. I don't mind games pushing the sexual envelope. In fact, I like it. It's that very mindless "nail 'em all" thing that I disapprove of in games that are clearly targeted at young males. Obsidian has always shown strong, capable (if not always chaste!) females in their gamess. I'd be shocked if they didn't continue that... so yeah, the interview really surprised me.


The whole "crazy chick wants you to assassinate some guy in return for sex" thing is weird, but as you will not be forced to do so, I am fine with it. In a way, the idea feels like one of those "evil options that actually feels evil" (you know, unlike the "kick orphans down staircases" kind that make you feel like you're in a cartoon). You're assassinating some perfectly good person just to get laid. Only a complete sociopath would do such a thing.


Agreed. Yet that is how it was described by the developer... kind of a head-scratcher since it doesn't bear resemblance to the style and substance of Obsidian's other games. Clearly this isn't going to be like KOTOR2 or NWN2, though, so perhaps the option of a sociopathic protagonist is something that will be available. It wouldn't be the path I would choose as a player, but I know a lot of gamers love having "evil" options. Something to consider, I suppose.

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Next time, try reading my entire post in full context instead of yanking out a sentence so you can have yet another go at me.
Not only have I read the full post, but also many others - on this forum and others. That's why I replied. If I quoted that particular part of the post it was merely for convenience; I could just as easily have quoted the whole post. The holier-than-thou attitude that drips from your posts whenever the discussion is on how sexuality is portrayed in games isn't just anecdotal. You do it every time you get a chance, seemingly.


As I said, you are perfectly welcome to have your opinions and voice them. But refrain from making moral judgements and spicing up your posts with patronizing drivel in the vein of "I'm sure males will be thrilled by it" and "it's clearly targeted for teenagers".


How about if, instead of readily jumping into your victim routine, you try to be a wee bit less condescending and judgmental?

Edited by random n00b
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hay guys does anyone remember fallout 2

Never played it.


What's the relevance?







Do it




How can it be a no ob build. It has PROVEN effective. I dare you to show your builds and I will tear you apart in an arugment about how these builds will won them.

- OverPowered Godzilla (OPG)



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hay guys does anyone remember fallout 2


Is this a hint that Thorton will be able to become a porn star?





Besides, Thompson is out for the next couple of years anyway :p

How can it be a no ob build. It has PROVEN effective. I dare you to show your builds and I will tear you apart in an arugment about how these builds will won them.

- OverPowered Godzilla (OPG)



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Do it




Eh, I don't really like games where I feel like I need a strategy guide to get the full experience, which is precisely what I felt when playing Fallout 1. Unless Fallout 2 is very different, it's unlikely I'd enjoy it either.
I don't post if I don't have anything to say, which I guess makes me better than the rest of your so-called "community." 8)
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Okay, I'm officially not interested now. If my PC can't cry, then my entire reason for playing is gone.

Even Marcus Fenix cries.


Sacrilege. Blashphemy. I can;t think of anything strong enough to describe how singularly wrong this is. :p

In 7th grade, I teach the students how Chuck Norris took down the Roman Empire, so it is good that you are starting early on this curriculum.



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Okay, I'm officially not interested now. If my PC can't cry, then my entire reason for playing is gone.

Even Marcus Fenix cries.


Sacrilege. Blashphemy. I can;t think of anything strong enough to describe how singularly wrong this is. :p


Supposedly we'll be looking for Dom's wife for half of Gears 2. Dom will cry. Marcus will comfort him.

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Next time, try reading my entire post in full context instead of yanking out a sentence so you can have yet another go at me.
Not only have I read the full post, but also many others - on this forum and others. That's why I replied. If I quoted that particular part of the post it was merely for convenience; I could just as easily have quoted the whole post. The holier-than-thou attitude that drips from your posts whenever the discussion is on how sexuality is portrayed in games isn't just anecdotal. You do it every time you get a chance, seemingly.


As I said, you are perfectly welcome to have your opinions and voice them. But refrain from making moral judgements and spicing up your posts with patronizing drivel in the vein of "I'm sure males will be thrilled by it" and "it's clearly targeted for teenagers".


How about if, instead of readily jumping into your victim routine, you try to be a wee bit less condescending and judgmental?


Enough. I'm discussing the game, the interview and the topic of this thread. You immediately leaped into discussing me personally, in very insulting terms. Stop it.

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I think everyone has had enough, guys. If you believe another poster to be of a certain attitude, I strongly encourage you to act more prudently and assume the best of them. While I know some of us are more inclined to call 'em as we see 'em, I would hope that none of us are so literally 'dense' as to not realise theres a time and place for everything. If you have further grievances, PM me or any mod instead. And ask yourself if you really can't just let it be. That applies to everyone.


Now, about that sex I hear, eh.


I can't help but wonder whether, like the 3-JBs comparison that was very prominent only a few months ago, this emphasis on shag-em-all might be retuned as the PR campaign progresses. It all depends on the kind of feedback of course, but I can quite easily imagine people thinking that it seems rather excessive (even if it is, or isn't, or is wonderful, in-game).


Personally, I wouldn't mind too much, but I am worried about any game that contributes to this kind of sexualisation of the medium. I don't mean in the sense of sex=bad, and I dont' mean that games weren't as sexual as the rest of our culture before... rather I mean the trend where sex and shag-em-all is used as a tool to hype your game, and it works; and for the sake of seemingly valid arguments such as realism and player freedom, it works itself into every RPG. I won't go into a big rant at the moment (yeah, you're so disappointed) but I can't see it being a positive thing.


A-yup, I'm being negative, quelle surprise. But I do admit that I don't think I can draw a clear picture of the feature from the original article, and all of the above is provisional (and slightly panicky).

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Do it




Eh, I don't really like games where I feel like I need a strategy guide to get the full experience, which is precisely what I felt when playing Fallout 1. Unless Fallout 2 is very different, it's unlikely I'd enjoy it either.


Thing is you can't get "full experience" in one playthrough in Fallouts anyway.


And you certainly don't need strategy guide either



ermmm, carry on

How can it be a no ob build. It has PROVEN effective. I dare you to show your builds and I will tear you apart in an arugment about how these builds will won them.

- OverPowered Godzilla (OPG)



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Sacrilege. Blashphemy. I can;t think of anything strong enough to describe how singularly wrong this is. :lol:

It's the truth.



He wasn

In 7th grade, I teach the students how Chuck Norris took down the Roman Empire, so it is good that you are starting early on this curriculum.



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