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Well, if Microsoft stopped supporting XP, I wouldn't really notice. I only download OS updates when I actually need them.

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The only reason people moan about vista is the cost of upgrading, I swear there isn't a damn thing wrong with the OS, and frankly from my own experience it's been infinately more stable than XP. Sure you have a perf hit with some stuff, but then again there isn't actually much of a notable cost.


What can I say? Bunch of fracking whinerz.

Any operating system is OK as long as you don't try to do anything fancy with it. I'm not touching Vista with a 10m pole until one year after SP2 deployment.






P. S.

Some Vista "features":


A few weeks ago a poster with the handle dloneranger reported in the 2CPU forums that he experienced reduced network throughput on his Vista system when he played audio or video. Other posters chimed in with similar results, and in the last week attention has been drawn to the behavior by other sites, including Slashdot and Zdnet blogger Adrian Kingsley-Hughes.


Many people have correctly surmised that the degradation in network performance during multimedia playback is directly connected with mechanisms employed by the Multimedia Class Scheduler Service (MMCSS), a feature new to Windows Vista that I covered in my three-part TechNet Magazine article series on Windows Vista kernel changes.




The throttling rate Vista uses was derived from experiments that reliably achieved glitch-resistant playback on systems with one CPU on 100Mb networks with high packet receive rates. The hard-coded limit was short-sighted with respect to today

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The only reason people moan about vista is the cost of upgrading, I swear there isn't a damn thing wrong with the OS, and frankly from my own experience it's been infinately more stable than XP. Sure you have a perf hit with some stuff, but then again there isn't actually much of a notable cost.


What can I say? Bunch of fracking whinerz.

Any operating system is OK as long as you don't try to do anything fancy with it. I'm not touching Vista with a 10m pole until one year after SP2 deployment.






P. S.

Some Vista "features":


A few weeks ago a poster with the handle dloneranger reported in the 2CPU forums that he experienced reduced network throughput on his Vista system when he played audio or video. Other posters chimed in with similar results, and in the last week attention has been drawn to the behavior by other sites, including Slashdot and Zdnet blogger Adrian Kingsley-Hughes.


Many people have correctly surmised that the degradation in network performance during multimedia playback is directly connected with mechanisms employed by the Multimedia Class Scheduler Service (MMCSS), a feature new to Windows Vista that I covered in my three-part TechNet Magazine article series on Windows Vista kernel changes.




The throttling rate Vista uses was derived from experiments that reliably achieved glitch-resistant playback on systems with one CPU on 100Mb networks with high packet receive rates. The hard-coded limit was short-sighted with respect to today



"I'm a programmer at a games company... REET GOOD!" - Me

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We, if the rumour mill and hints that MS have been giving out about Windows 7, the successor to Vista, then they got the point and are going for a lean and fast OS instead of a huge bloated mess.

DISCLAIMER: Do not take what I write seriously unless it is clearly and in no uncertain terms, declared by me to be meant in a serious and non-humoristic manner. If there is no clear indication, asume the post is written in jest. This notification is meant very seriously and its purpouse is to avoid misunderstandings and the consequences thereof. Furthermore; I can not be held accountable for anything I write on these forums since the idea of taking serious responsability for my unserious actions, is an oxymoron in itself.


Important: as the following sentence contains many naughty words I warn you not to read it under any circumstances; botty, knickers, wee, erogenous zone, psychiatrist, clitoris, stockings, bosom, poetry reading, dentist, fellatio and the department of agriculture.


"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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That's really all I want from Microsoft: a cut down version of their OS. I mean, they have the skill to make it fast, reliable and secure.. and not demand a super computer just to run the OS! Slimmed down and with only the basic functions built in. I can get my own WinRAR, Irfanview, Firefox, Paint.NET, ImgBurn, etc., thank you very much.


Guess I'm sticking with XP until we see what Windows 7 is all about.

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I would be surprised. I mean, the first thing they are hyping about it is the touch-screen. I don't think their idea of 'lean and fast' is the same as our idea of 'lean and fast'. I think by 'lean and fast', they are going for an extremely streamlined and opaque OS where if you, say, touch 'Word' it will do everything it can to bring it up quickly and have a selection of things available to you, but customisation within particular selections or major fiddling with the OS will not be appreciated (if anything, for 'security'). That might overall increase compatibility, at least, but it depends on whether they approach the entire Windows architecture with a very different philosophy than they have in the last ten years.


Certainly it's XP for me until Vista becomes useable.

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Certainly it's XP for me until Vista becomes useable.


Considering Windows 7 will likely be superior to Vista, and you won't be switching in the next couple of years (because you said when it becomes usable), so 7 will be out, I guess that means you'll never use Vista. :D

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Certainly it's XP for me until Vista becomes useable.
(because you said when it becomes usable)

What kind of freaky otherworldly definition of usable are you guys running on? You guys can argue that it is bloated or that it doesn't bring anything new to the table, but arguing that it isn't usable is stretching the fabric of existence.


Some interesting Vista links:

Vista finds rootkit. Mating season, experts explain.

Vista faster than XP. Capitalist nonsense according to slashdot commentator.

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Nice to know if I ever want to play a game of File Copy :shifty:


Sometimes I really miss the "Good" old days of Unix and X11 >_


I am afraid that I might have to get Vista within a year. The next PC is going to be requiring x64, so not much point in trying to go out and buy an XP 64 bit, as Windows 7 will most likely be around before getting any decent value for money out of that investment.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Bloatware and Vista. I don't want that garbage, I would never use it any way. The next OS they can have a bare bones system and if you want the bloatware buy it as separate software.

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That's really all I want from Microsoft: a cut down version of their OS.

Actually I think that soon you may get what you want. There is a new market for low-cost laptops (Asus Eee PC, XO) which are usually underpowered compared to dekstop computers and "normal" laptops. Usually, the vendors of such hardware go with a Linux-based OS, but lately Microsoft was making a push for a lightweight XP on these platforms in order to prevent Linux from completely overtaking this market segment.

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Sorry moat, I mean useable for me , in the sense that right now, any computer that is powerful enough to make Vista's increased resource hogging negligible, is too expensive for my student's budget.

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Sometimes I really miss the "Good" old days of Unix and X11 :shifty:


I am afraid that I might have to get Vista within a year. The next PC is going to be requiring x64, so not much point in trying to go out and buy an XP 64 bit, as Windows 7 will most likely be around before getting any decent value for money out of that investment.

There are quite a few very good 64bit *nixes around, you know? What's keeping you from using them, and if it's gaming and Microsoft programs, why not setting up a dual boot machine?

Citizen of a country with a racist, hypocritical majority

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Sometimes I really miss the "Good" old days of Unix and X11 ;)


I am afraid that I might have to get Vista within a year. The next PC is going to be requiring x64, so not much point in trying to go out and buy an XP 64 bit, as Windows 7 will most likely be around before getting any decent value for money out of that investment.

There are quite a few very good 64bit *nixes around, you know? What's keeping you from using them, and if it's gaming and Microsoft programs, why not setting up a dual boot machine?

/agree. Ubuntu is freaking incredible. You can do everything you could in Unix + X11, plus you have access to all the source code, plus Compiz will give you eye candy that shames Aero and Mac. I use it for pretty much everything except MS Office and games (for which I use XP).

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Sometimes I really miss the "Good" old days of Unix and X11 ;)


I am afraid that I might have to get Vista within a year. The next PC is going to be requiring x64, so not much point in trying to go out and buy an XP 64 bit, as Windows 7 will most likely be around before getting any decent value for money out of that investment.

There are quite a few very good 64bit *nixes around, you know? What's keeping you from using them, and if it's gaming and Microsoft programs, why not setting up a dual boot machine?

/agree. Ubuntu is freaking incredible. You can do everything you could in Unix + X11, plus you have access to all the source code, plus Compiz will give you eye candy that shames Aero and Mac. I use it for pretty much everything except MS Office and games (for which I use XP).

I did consider it for a while, but there is little of the stuff I use that comes in *nix flavours (a few of them come in Mac versions but that is about it). It is going to be used for both play and work.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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OCZ just started making 3gb ram sets for those of you interested in maxing out your 32bit ram without waisting the other 1 gig of ram by getting a 4 gig set.


I expect to see more (multiple of) 3GB sets in the near future. Nehalem supports triple channel RAM.

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What's the connection between 3GB modules/kits and triple channel ram?



Oops, ok, ic now. Three ram-slots --> 3*xGB Ram ;)

Edited by samm

Citizen of a country with a racist, hypocritical majority

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