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Ottawa grabbed Jason Smith. 2 year contract for $5.2 million total.


Jason Smith plays with heart and holds his teammates accountable. That being said, he's also lost a step, and has a hard time skating with the youngsters. He should be a decent 5-6 defenceman for Ottawa.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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what the heck, when did you come back?


anyway, yeah I agree with Hossa+Crosby magic, but they had to worry about inking Malkin into a 43 million, 5 year contract, and keeping him out of Russia's league (he was offered like 12.5 million there)

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I logged in tonight. Amazingly, my PC still had my log in details saved from the "remember me" tab.


I don't think it was a case of money, though. Hossa cost Detroit very little, relatively speaking. He could've got over 8 million elsewhere.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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It sounds like Hossa thought Detroit had a better shot at the Cup then the Pens. I'm not as convinced, I think the Pens will make the finals a couple more times over the next dozen years. The East right now is easier to come out of. It's not as physical. I'm not saying Detroit won't win, I just think his chances aren't all that much different.


I guess if you are putting it all on next year, the Wings are a better choice.

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A lot of players take less money to play in Detroit. Used to be they would take a pay cut to play under Scotty Bowman. Now they take a hit on their bazillion dollar salaries because they know Detroit will be competitive year in and year out.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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It's all about team owneership/management. Detroit has that in spades. Edmonton does not. And, the Pens are so good now because their management/team was horrid for so many years they got all the top picks. L0L

Edited by Volourn


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Detroit is an amazingly well run team. Every year they're supposed to not do as good because of key players leaving or whatever, but they just keep on giving 'er.


Some excellent drafting certainly didn't hurt either.

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Detroit is an amazingly well run team. Every year they're supposed to not do as good because of key players leaving or whatever, but they just keep on giving 'er.


Some excellent drafting certainly didn't hurt either.

I think that's really what helps them. They have drafted extremely well for the last 10 years. Granted Scotty Bowman and a cup or 2 got them noteriety to the point of being able to attract free agents for lower prices, but they built from the ground up better than any other team IMO.

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What do you guys think of Toews being named the captain of the Blackhawks next year?


Wow, really? That might be a really bad idea. He's a very talented kid, but that's a lot of pressure for a sophomore. They should give it to Campbell or somebody with a few more years.


I know it worked for Crosby, but that's a very different situation. Crosby is already in a tremendous limelight, he has been for a long time. That fact that he hasn't cracked shows he's an exception, not a rule.

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The best player should be captain. if that's Toews, give it to him. If he can handle the pressure it has nothing too do with age. If he can't, it has nothing to do with age. Campbell is new to the team and is is not the Blackhawks' best player, and therefore he is not worthy of being captain. Simple as that.


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Captain is a leadership position. What exactly do you mean by "best" player? Does that mean the one who scores the most goals or assists? Is it the goalie, since he arguably has the most important position? Why isn't Brodeur captain then?


I handle pressure better than I did when I was 20. I would say age has a lot to do with how you handle pressure. Sure, there are always exceptions, but generally with maturity comes wisdom, and the ability to cope with pressure better.

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"Captain is a leadership position. What exactly do you mean by "best" player? Does that mean the one who scores the most goals or assists? Is it the goalie, since he arguably has the most important position? Why isn't Brodeur captain then?"


I mean the best player. It doesn't neccessarily player whos cores the most points. I think the player most important to the teams' success should be the captain. The guy you'd want - if possible - to be on the ice all the time if you could. And, don't get me started on the lame idea that goalies can't/shouldn't be captain. Martin Brodeur is a fine example of that. He should be the Devils' C. Putting on goalie pads doesn't stop youf rom being a leader.




"I would say age has a lot to do with how you handle pressure. Sure, there are always exceptions, but generally with maturity comes wisdom, and the ability to cope with pressure better."


Contrary to popular belief; age does not equal maturity. There ar eplenty of old geezers who are horribly immatrure and plenty of young whippsnappers who are icons of great leaderhsip, and matuirty.


Experience means nothing if you don't learn from it, and using your experiences is the true sign of maturity.


Age is/can be a contributing factor to maturity but it is not the be all. All age means is you've lived longer than other. Not really all that impressive. Everybody has a birth day every year. Big deal.

Edited by Volourn


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Experience means nothing if you don't learn from it, and using your experiences is the true sign of maturity.



Thank you for proving my point. Toews lacks experience, so it's very unlikely that he will be able to "use" it to be an effective captain. Sidney Crosby, on the other hand, has been under a microscope since he was in his early teens. He hasn't cracked, so it was a safer bet to put him in the role at a young age. So despite being about the same age, one has experience to learn from and one doesn't.


There is a big difference between being the best player on the team and being the leader. I know, I've been the best player on most teams I've been on. I've been a captain and had terrible experiences with it. My production dropped. But give that job to someone else and I suddenly become much better. I may not be playing pro hockey, but that's the thing, the pressure is a lot less and I still saw it as a distraction. I want to focus on scoring goals and winning hockey games. Someone else can handle the leadership reigns. I learned that about myself at around age 23.

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"Toews lacks experience, so it's very unlikely that he will be able to "use" it to be an effective captain"


Wrong. He doesn't lack expeirence. I don't know his past history; but I'm gonna wager a guess that since he amde it to the NHL, he's been playing hockey and doing so in an organized way. That kinda experience (even in so called low pressure pee wee hockey) is invaluable.


Being a captain isn't always about how much time you've been on this planet but skill, personality, drive to win, and so forth.


And, oh, if being made Captain hurt your play that much, perhaps you simply weren't a good enough hockey player. Yeah, that's harsh, but it's true. The best shoudl rise to the top, and the top position on a team is Captain. if you cna't handle being captain, you weren't the best player no matter how many goals you scored, or how fast you can skate.


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This is weird Volourn, because you are saying the exact same thing that I'm saying, and then calling me wrong.


"if you cna't handle being captain, you weren't the best player no matter how many goals you scored, or how fast you can skate."


See, Toews is the probably the best goal scorer and maybe even the best skater on the Blackhawks. But yeah, that doesn't mean he can handle the captain position. Which is what you are saying, and what I said originally, and what you keep arguing with me over.


I'm not trying to be a bully, I'm just confused why you argue with me when we have the same opinion on the matter.

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"See, Toews is the probably the best goal scorer and maybe even the best skater on the Blackhawks. But yeah, that doesn't mean he can handle the captain position. Which is what you are saying, and what I said originally, and what you keep arguing with me over."


because youa r emaking the assumption that he is not good enough to be Captain simply because of his age. That's despite the fact you acknowledge Sidney Croisby's success in that role. Not to mention, there's enough examples of young players flurishing in a row.


My point is that Toew's ability to be successful as a captain has very little if anythiong to do with age.


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You are arguing with me over the use of "age" instead of "experience". All I'm saying is at his "age" he's had less time to accumulate "experience". I'm not sure why you are being so argumentative about it, I hope the kid succeed in the role.

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I think the real question surrounding Toews leadership is whether or not the veterans will be on board and listen to the youngster. Being a captain in junior is not quite the same as being one at the NHL level, methinks.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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"You are arguing with me over the use of "age" instead of "experience"."


because age is not the same as experience. Like I said, he's played many years of hockey already and - once again - Sideny crosby is evidence you don't need to be 30 years old to be worthy of captaincy.


You got to start somewhere, and his worthiness of being captain has zero to do with age, and only a small percentage to do with experience. Just like on ice pure skills; a lot of beinga captain is alrgely based on one's ego, personality, not just how many years on this planet or how much one may have experience... but, again, he's likely been playing 10+ years of competitive hockey on his way up to the NHL. *shrug* And, as someone of his calibre, I'd be surprised if he wans't a captain at some level before...


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You really are repeating what I've been saying using different words. I agree with you wholeheartedly. It's ok to share an opinion with someone.


You see, we both agree there is a glass, and in that glass is water. You are very sure that the glass is half full. I commend that attitude, it is positive and full of hope. I'm being more skeptical. I'm not saying it's half empty, I'm just choosing to sit on the fence in the matter. But there is no need to argue about it. It's just a matter of perspective.

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