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"Jagr's point totals have dwindled, so perhaps teams were hesitant to give him a long term contract because he is over 35 years old, so if he retires, the team is on the hook for the entire contract still from a cap hit perspective. It's something you see with every player that is 35 and over."


3 years isn't that long. And, at 38 he's still relatively young consideirng some of the old geezers playing in the league. He's still fast, skilled with the puck, and dominates games. And, while 70 or so points isn't classic Jagr numbers; it's still better than many players. the thing is, he is the best player on the team.


I seriously doubt that within e years he'd be considered completely useless. Jagr, is also pretty durable for the most part too so injuries aren't a big thread since he's barely missed a game with the Rangers (sadly, some fo thsoe games wer eversus NJ after some cheap shots).


Three years isn't asking too much - espicially since the Rangers opted to give the broken down Markus Naslund 2 years (IIRC), and Markus Naslund is no Jaromir Jagr.


And, face it your GM is as dumb as my Gm for letting Jagr slip through his fingers over a couple of season. You say Oilers have a couple of young players needing contracts soon. Guess what? 3 years is not that long from now. It's not like he was aksing for a 10 year contratc or even 5. 3. Small number for one of the best players in the league. Well.. used to be before he had little choice to 3.


Jagr's motivation for asking for 3 years was logical too - he wnated another 3 seasons in the NHL without having to worry about the whirlwind of free agency the next two off seasons before heading back home.


I say give it to him. And, the Rangers espicially, have no real excuse for not doing so. Stupid unloyal, and pathetic teams.


And, Markus Naslund is are replacement?




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"Is are replacement?"





Anyway, sucks for the Rangers as Jagr was their most talented player, but they sure didn't lose any leadership (Jagr was probably one of the laziest captains in the league, or at least in his last season). At least you still have Gomez (that you stole from my Devils), who will probably have a better season next year, even without Jagr.

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Gomez is a punk. Way overpaid just like Drury.


Jagr is an AWESOME captain. He's anything but lazy. One of the hardest working players in the league. Period. If we have a good year it's gonna be because of Lundqvist along with our actual improved defensive unti (which was already good and underrated last year). Not our loser 'offense'.


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"Jagr's point totals have dwindled, so perhaps teams were hesitant to give him a long term contract because he is over 35 years old, so if he retires, the team is on the hook for the entire contract still from a cap hit perspective. It's something you see with every player that is 35 and over."


3 years isn't that long. And, at 38 he's still relatively young consideirng some of the old geezers playing in the league. He's still fast, skilled with the puck, and dominates games. And, while 70 or so points isn't classic Jagr numbers; it's still better than many players. the thing is, he is the best player on the team.


I seriously doubt that within e years he'd be considered completely useless. Jagr, is also pretty durable for the most part too so injuries aren't a big thread since he's barely missed a game with the Rangers (sadly, some fo thsoe games wer eversus NJ after some cheap shots).


3 years is a long time. And in that time, Jagr has gone 123 points, 96 points, 71 points.


And while there are some old geezers still playing in the league, playing at a high quality over 38 IS less common. Jagr is an all-world talent and stands a good chance to contribute at a high level, but we'll never know now.



Three years isn't asking too much - espicially since the Rangers opted to give the broken down Markus Naslund 2 years (IIRC), and Markus Naslund is no Jaromir Jagr.


3 years is asking a lot, especially if the GM doesn't feel he'll be worth the contract.


And, face it your GM is as dumb as my Gm for letting Jagr slip through his fingers over a couple of season. You say Oilers have a couple of young players needing contracts soon. Guess what? 3 years is not that long from now. It's not like he was aksing for a 10 year contratc or even 5. 3. Small number for one of the best players in the league. Well.. used to be before he had little choice to 3.


BS, 3 years is still a long time. Obviously long enough that NO TEAM in the NHL felt it was worth it. Are all 30 NHL GM's stupid?

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Leafs locked up Stajan for 2 years, further solidifying their 3rd and 4th lines. Hmm... now how about some offense, plz.

Also, Bertuzzi lands in Calgary for one year.

I took this job because I thought you were just a legend. Just a story. A story to scare little kids. But you're the real deal. The demon who dares to challenge God.

So what the hell do you want? Don't seem to me like you're out to make this stinkin' world a better place. Why you gotta kill all my men? Why you gotta kill me?

Nothing personal. It's just revenge.

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Gomez is a punk. Way overpaid just like Drury.


Jagr is an AWESOME captain. He's anything but lazy. One of the hardest working players in the league. Period. If we have a good year it's gonna be because of Lundqvist along with our actual improved defensive unti (which was already good and underrated last year). Not our loser 'offense'.


He's the last one to the defensive zone every game, every shift. He doesn't hustle unless the puck is within 10 feet of him, doesn't make him a bad player but he definetly isn't playing like he was when he was younger (because he's 35 now --- which could be why they didn't give him the 3 year contract if he isn't showing any desire to play defense).

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And, no, not all GMs are stupid. But, GMs don't always make the right call. Oilers wnated Jagr bad enough to offer him upwards of 8 mil; but wouldn't give him 2 extra years? give me a break


That is the difference between 8 million and 24 million dollars. In the Oilers situation especially, it is easier to sign him for a one year deal for a large chunk of change because then he's no longer a salary cap hit. It's much less risky. Exactly why players tend to prefer long term contracts because it's guaranteed money...that is less risky for them. Fortunately Jagr himself acknowledged that the way the CBA is right now, players over 35 are seen as a risk due to the possibility of retirement.




Not all GMs pursued them because obviously not all teams could afford him.


And clearly no team could afford him for the length of term he wanted. It was obviously seen as too much of a risk, lest he'd still be playing in the NHL by some team. Any team really. The team would move capspace to fit him in if they felt he was worth it.

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Bettman slaps wrists.


And I'm too lazy to go back and read the old threads, but I remember being wowed by Jagr actually stepping up defensively at one point during the season. Of course, I only saw it in one game... :x


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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"players over 35 are seen as a risk due to the possibility of retirement."


Except, that's why he wanted a 3 year contract. He wnated to retire in 3 seasons time to go home. He just didn't want to go through the hassle of free agency again.



"Of course, I only saw it in one game..."


How many Ranger games did you exactly watch? I saw quite a few, and again, while he's not gonna win an award for it, he's no slouch on defense.


P.S. Bettman can, and should shut the hell up. Gah, what a scumbag. I call him The Twelve Million Dollar Man. His lockout was a work of art.

Edited by Volourn


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Except, that's why he wanted a 3 year contract. He wnated to retire in 3 seasons time to go home. He just didn't want to go through the hassle of free agency again.


I understand Jagr's desires and it makes sense. I also understand concerns the teams are going to have. If he has a rough season for whatever reason and ends up retiring after only one, then that is tough luck for the team.




Jagr as a player is unfairly criticized for his play. "Lazy" players don't become the top point getters in the league, they become Jason Bonsignore. Jagr might not be the best defensive player in the game, but the guy still outscores the competition on a regular basis, and that's how you win hockey games.



As for Bettman, some people wondered if Lowe's response was also calling the league out to intervene. Other conspiracy theories include the league letting it go on because it creates news for the league, and any news is good news.

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This is simply false. Do you even watch Jagr play? Espicially this season. He backchecked a LOT. He may not be a Frank J. Selke contender; but he's far from poor defensively. He's ALL OVER THE ICE.


To be honest, I probably watched more of Jagr than you did this season. Living in the New York area I have access to every Ranger game.

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"To be honest, I probably watched more of Jagr than you did this season. Living in the New York area I have access to every Ranger game."


Then, "to be honest', you should know Jagr is *anything* *but* *lazy*.


P.S. It should be noted that the Wild of all teams had sign Owen Nolan of all people to a 5.5/2 YEAR DEAL yet Jagr - who isninfitely better and not broken down isn't worth 3 year out of fear of he'll retired when he has loudly an dpublically stated he planned to play 3 more seasons?


Absolutely disgusting. Absolutely moronic. Absolutely pathetic.


The 'new' NHL are pieces of crap.


Them, and their near 60 mil salarcy cap where players cna get paid more then ever before. Where Mats Sundin is actually valued at about 10 mil depsite treading water in Leaf Land for years.



Edited by Volourn


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NEWSFLASH: Jagr is a supeior player. He' stsilla superstar and is one of the best hockey player sin the world. He should get paid more. Besdies, once again, money per year was not the reason he's not in the NHL anymore. :ermm:


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He's turning into Brodeur...Past his prime and unable to carry a team anymore (in both cases -- the playoffs this year). Only difference is the Devils have Brodeur signed for a few more years (i think).

Edited by Krookie
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Not carry a team anymore? Jokin' right? Brodeur won ANOTHER Vezina this season. In fact, one could make the argument he's only getting better with age since he's won more Vezinas in the last few years than earlier on. *shrug*


And, I'm no Brodeur supporter after his crying in the playoffs. L0L


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Again, I still can't think of any scoring superstars that manage to keep up a decent point pace into their 40's. Defensemen and goalies play a very different game. I'm wracking my brain for one.


What kind of points did Gordie Howe put up at 40?


Oh, and Volourn I know Jagr is superior to Nolan, you don't need to be snippity. Heck, I've been agreeing with you on most points here, but I just see positives in the fact Jagr signed with the Russian club.

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I'm impressed with Broduer and his ability, but I've always thought his success was tied to the stringent defensive system in New Jersey. Vezina,Scmezina. Aside from the scoring award the rest of it is a popularity contest.


And I'm interested to see how the whole Bertuzzi-is-a-Flamer-now experiment works out. I have had nightmares of he, Iginla and Langkow running over the Oilers since I read he signed in Cowtown. Hopefully he still sucks!


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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"Again, I still can't think of any scoring superstars that manage to keep up a decent point pace into their 40's. Defensemen and goalies play a very different game. I'm wracking my brain for one."


It's true. jagr is not the same player who made scoring 100 points look easy back in the 90s; but nor is he expected to be. But, he is still one of the biggst threats in the league, and as shown in the playoffs he still has the ability to dominate and control games. Only a handful of player can do that. To me, I just don't feel signing someone like Jagr to 3 years (instead of 1) is an unbreakable risk. All contracts can be risky; but if you wnat to win you have to be bold.


That's why I think Oilers screwed up. Theya re desperate to get a star player to Edmonton; and were willing to spend $8 mil on Jagr but 2 years is a no go? Come on, now.


Again, anyone who seriously thinks that within a couple of years Jagr's skill would detoriate to nothing hasn't watched his career.


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