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Sakic scored to tie the game with five seconds left, then the Oilers lost in the shootout. But hey, we're still two points out of eighth spot with roughly the same number of wins as the teams we're chasing. Stranger things have happened.


And nice to see one Tuommo Ruutu have a decent game against the Thrashers.


I'll be rooting for San Jose in the west once Vancouver gets bounced in the first round. That's if they actually make it.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Sakic scored to tie the game with five seconds left, then the Oilers lost in the shootout. But hey, we're still two points out of eighth spot with roughly the same number of wins as the teams we're chasing. Stranger things have happened.


And nice to see one Tuommo Ruutu have a decent game against the Thrashers.


I'll be rooting for San Jose in the west once Vancouver gets bounced in the first round. That's if they actually make it.


Not rooting for Calgary? :grin:

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Hahaha, not even if they play Jersey in the finals!


My older brother has been to like one Flames game, and now he's their biggest fan. In the world. But I don't mind, I'm just happy that Steve Brian Burkle doesn't get a lottery pick from us this year.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Hahaha, not even if they play Jersey in the finals!


My older brother has been to like one Flames game, and now he's their biggest fan. In the world. But I don't mind, I'm just happy that Steve Brian Burkle doesn't get a lottery pick from us this year.

Heh. One of my new friends from Uni is a fan of both the Leafs and the Flames. I was hoping to be able to laugh at him when my Habs eliminated the Leafs from the playoffs on Saturday, but nooooo, they had to get beaten by the Bruins. :grin:


Also, it must be some kind of obscure NHL record to have four players on one team all score their thirteenth goals in one game? o:)


Creepy. :p

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Manomanoman this stretch drive is entertaining. After being completely schooled by Colorado in the shootout last night ol' man Roloson pulls a great game out of his ass.


Edmonton seriously needs Nashville to implode.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Really now, why can't the NHL schedule more than two games for a monday night? They do realize the NFL season ended a little while back, right?


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Because they're too poor to shell out the televison rights monies? I tend to avoid TSN games simply due to the fact that they always seem to have Pierre MacGuire on them. Then again, he's been showing up on a few more telecasts from the states as well. Thank jebus and my satellite provider for Center Ice!



edit:the above post does not endorse TSN, Center Ice, print media, Bob Probert, leather pants and/or requiring proof of id for credit cards.

Edited by Kor Qel Droma


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Until he hops on the benches in between whistles. Is Chris Cuthbert still the goto guy for them? Damn shame how the CBC played that one out... :(


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Chris Cuthbert does play-by-play for the NHL and apparently the CFL broadcasts on TSN.


I actually didn't know about the CBC thing until I looked it up after you mentioned it. That did indeed suck. :sad:

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"More important is why TSN has had such crappy games on for the last two weeks of the season."


L0L Ranger game = THA awesome. Otherwise, the games suck. HAHAHAA!


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"More important is why TSN has had such crappy games on for the last two weeks of the season."


L0L Ranger game = THA awesome. Otherwise, the games suck. HAHAHAA!


3 of the last 4 games have been Pittsburgh and so is the next one. I'm tired of watching Pittsburgh. >_<

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I understand the need for ratings, but does Crosby really give that much of a spike? Since the viewing audience in the states for hockey is non-existent, does it really mean all that much if the market share goes from .001 to .0011? Just playe a decent variety of games, so we can at least see most teams.

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I wouldn't mind seeing more of Ovechkin either. The Penguins/Capitals game they showed on Versus earlier this year was the best game of the season (to me). And that was without Crosby, just Malkin and Ovechkin shadowing each other with goals.

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I can't speak for anyone else, but I'm really proud of the way that my team rebounded for the stretch drive. Hopefully next season we'll quit coughing up third period leads and not be in the same situation come Match.


Go San Jose!


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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I can't speak for anyone else, but I'm really proud of the way that my team rebounded for the stretch drive. Hopefully next season we'll quit coughing up third period leads and not be in the same situation come Match.


Go San Jose!


TSN mentioned something about Edmonton having the third best record in the league from early February I believe.

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