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KotoR 3: Ideas, Suggestions, Discussion, Part 24

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I like to see the different forms really be different in movements.

Mayby a part of the age of conan combat system would do here.

You know combo's by clicking on the right arrows, could deliver some great moves :sorcerer:


and if you choose to be Jedi Weapon master/Sitm Marauder mayby dmaking your own style would be cool.

i mean officialy you have to desing your own Form to be a weapon master so sjould fit in to the story. :brows:

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i only really bothered to change it if i was a weaponmaster/marauder and could get Juyo (for the extra attack per round) or a mster/sith lord for the force potency (or whichever one it was that increased force power damage)

when your mind works against you - fight back with substance abuse!

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So am I the only person who *never* touched the forms button?

I feel bad for you... Did you play on easy mode? Anyways.. I dont think Palpatines style should be use just because of its over agression. If that style happens to be used.. then your asking for its light counterpart... Yoda. The second prestige classes were pretty awesome but they didnt add a signifigant avantage. And Juyo is one of the most effective forms of fighting, just because it hits twice for ataru's once.

Edited by Bass-GameMaster


""Savior, conqueror, hero, villain. You are all things, Revan

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So am I the only person who *never* touched the forms button?


Initially you don't have to "touch" it, you just have to press the up and down arrow.

Sidious: Are you threatening me Master Jedi?

Windu: The Senate will decide your fate.

Sidious: I AM THE SENATE!!!!

Windu: Not yet.

Sidious: It's treason, then.

View the action:

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So am I the only person who *never* touched the forms button?

I feel bad for you... Did you play on easy mode? Anyways.. I dont think Palpatines style should be use just because of its over agression. If that style happens to be used.. then your asking for its light counterpart... Yoda. The second prestige classes were pretty awesome but they didnt add a signifigant avantage. And Juyo is one of the most effective forms of fighting, just because it hits twice for ataru's once.


lol, the hardest part of the game is that damned battle on the surface of telos and that's only because of the AI of the party members constantly running off and getting into new groups of enemies... I don't remember having many forms to choose from there...


After that, the whole game is a cakewalk... though I've never messed with the difficulty settings... so maybe I was playing on easy mode the whole time... which is fine with me.

Anybody here catch that? All I understood was 'very'.

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Also to add I hope if there is a KOTOR III that it will run well on Windows XP and older video cards. I hate how more and more PC games now are requiring newer video cards. I bought my computer in 04' and it came with a ATI Radeon X300.


P.S PLEASE don't make it a MMO!

Edited by For The Republic
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Sorry if I sound like an a hole but the only time I didnt beat the game on expert was my first play through. ANd yes I agree the battle on telos surface was so annoying because my allies would run towards the turrets and get raped, while I was mopping up the mercs who challenged your char. And Darth__Revan1990, dont you hate how Windu died?


OK that was off topic. I think that Obsidian will be creating the III kotor just because Bioware is EA and EA are not exactly on the same page as Lucas Arts.. But I wont dwell there long.. Obsidian should brainstorm off of the ideas on this very forum, I liked a few of the ideas including drifting in space longer on trips to add more dialogue and "real" feel to the game.


1. There must be a new protaganist, that is imminent.

2. New planets, or just more exploration on the previous ones

3. the return of most of Exiles party, because they are all jedi now.

4. the droids must be incorparated in some wierd way.

5. use oblivions character creation

6. Some new Dark Lord or some Big bad boss

7. Revan must be shown, or added into the plot (or people will storm the stores and kill everybody, Revans just that awesome)

8. new animations for different classes

9. Use the same combat system >:teehee:

10. Epics battles...

11. More lost mandos to reunite with Canderous

12. Add different races to the character creation

13. Major Dialogue and Romance ( I like what bio did with mass effect.. that was great romance)

14. Dont rush it...

15. add more mini games or just add on to them more, Swoop,Pazaakk, etc...

16. Customizable sabers... of course

17. Really make certain parts have a huge decision to be made by the main character, a decision that effects everything, Actually add a couple of those..

18. a meditation command,in which your char sits down and meditates...

19. some new jedi to fight with you

20. party members dying and gaining new ones..



Feel free to add on.

Edited by Bass-GameMaster


""Savior, conqueror, hero, villain. You are all things, Revan

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You dont know the time elapse, which is why Im just shooting ideas. There could be time to set up a rag tag council, or just some get together of force wielders...


Any comments on my ideas??

Edited by Bass-GameMaster


""Savior, conqueror, hero, villain. You are all things, Revan

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just going to say that if they could I'd LOVE it if they added a Suikoden esque political plot (looks carefully at the first parts of suikoden V).


Just the idea that you can't just run in willy nilly and slaughter the sith because of politcal constraints would be nice.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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That happen, look at number one. IF you tried the dialogue to kill the sith they say you would be fried by the lasers from the sentries around the city on the water planet Manaan

Edited by Bass-GameMaster


""Savior, conqueror, hero, villain. You are all things, Revan

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That was a rhetorical question. :)


O RLY? :lol:


Yes. :lol:




Revan, you wouldn't appear half as stupid if you admitted "fine I didn't know this and acted a bit stupid" instead of "lolol im just joking man tis was rhetorical question roofles"


NO I'M NOT YOU LITTLE :fdevil:!! :bat:


O RLY? UR PROOF? :lol:

"Geez. It's like we lost some sort of bet and ended up saddled with a bunch of terrible new posters on this forum."




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Ok.. So I don't wanna read ALL 40 pages, so I'll just make a list over my thougts after what I've read.


1. Obsidian and Bioware both make good games and storylines, so why not LA, obsidian, and Bioware.. And since I'm a NWN player, Bioware makes good storylines=o)


2. Why not make you create a char that has NO connection to the force what so ever, ends up in a war, and gets taken under the wings of Revan and/or the exile?

Would be cool to make the game long, and make you choose to train to be a jedi, or not.. That's what I liked 'bout KotOR 1, when you created the char., you could choose what his "base" Class, and choose when you're lvl 10 or 20 what his next class should be.. Try to get the gamer to choose diferent types of classes and then Multi class at lvl 10 for example.. and then as you reach lvl 20 - 25, you get to choose the next prestige class.. Just a thougt=o)


3. My thougt is a SP with a POSSIBLE MP RPG. Like Hellgate: London.. Unless that would be too much stress for the Devs..


Either way, I trust that the next KotOR will be a REALY good game.. I mean. KotOR 1 and 2 are good games, so the third WILL be as good either way who the Devs will be=o)


And may the force be with Y'all^^

"Commentary: How would YOU like to be the wholy-owned servant to an organic meatbag? It's demeaning if.... uh.. you weren't one yourself i mean..." - HK-47

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And since I'm a NWN player, Bioware makes good storylines





Oh, and that 40 paeges should be more like 1000 pages remembering this is Part 24

How can it be a no ob build. It has PROVEN effective. I dare you to show your builds and I will tear you apart in an arugment about how these builds will won them.

- OverPowered Godzilla (OPG)



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What kind of political restraints are we talking about? It's been done already on Manaan as game master said, and I don't see what would be holding you back otherwise, seeing as how you're going to be in a war...

Political restraints aren't necessairly Mannan esque. For example you can't go to a planet you need to because one of the high ranking members of the galactic senate has... interests on that planet that he doesn't want you to know so he does everything possible except for killing you or outright barring you from going, but throws EVERY TRICK in the book at you to get you to stop.


Another thing would be having to deal with infighting between members of your own faction. Sure they all came together to stop the big bad menace but that doesn't necessairly mean that they like eachother. The Mandalorians could deny the Echani supplies during a thrust into enemy space so that the Echani take more casualties than they should and thus loose favor with the warleader.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Lucasarts just laid off 100 employees. One employee is reporting that they had KOTOR 3 in the pipeline.



Also Battlefront 3. Keep in mind that this is as publisher or developer, so who knows how it's effected. Also note the MMO comment, but that sounds like Kotaku's speculation and not information from the sacked employees.

Edited by Tale
"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Lucasarts just laid off 100 employees. One employee is reporting that they had KOTOR 3 in the pipeline.



Also Battlefront 3. Keep in mind that this is as publisher or developer, so who knows how it's effected. Also note the MMO comment, but that sounds like Kotaku's speculation and not information from the sacked employees.


I'm going to discount this admitted rumor on the basis that it refers to the next KotOR game as an MMO and a joint project by LA and Bioware, which LA has already denied - I may not always find IGN highly credible, but when LA admits to IGN that they are working on a project with Bioware, but that it has nothing to do with KotOR, but it seems pretty clear, since LA is otherwise flat out lying to the public.



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That bit came from KOTAKU'S STAFF, not from the employees


I find that to be very beliavable

How can it be a no ob build. It has PROVEN effective. I dare you to show your builds and I will tear you apart in an arugment about how these builds will won them.

- OverPowered Godzilla (OPG)



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