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Devil May Cry 4

J.E. Sawyer

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  • 3 weeks later...
How was DMC3 in terms of difficulty compared to NG?


/can of worms

Parts were harder, parts were easier. The shmoes in DMC3 weren't too tough, but the bosses could be very rough.


I just beat DMC4 on Human mode. It's pretty damned easy. If you want a challenge, go straight to Devil Hunter. I have to say I enjoy playing Nero more than Dante. I never really make full use of Dante's styles. His weapons + Swordmaster pretty much get the job done.

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is DMC enjoyable even to someone who hates anime?

DISCLAIMER: Do not take what I write seriously unless it is clearly and in no uncertain terms, declared by me to be meant in a serious and non-humoristic manner. If there is no clear indication, asume the post is written in jest. This notification is meant very seriously and its purpouse is to avoid misunderstandings and the consequences thereof. Furthermore; I can not be held accountable for anything I write on these forums since the idea of taking serious responsability for my unserious actions, is an oxymoron in itself.


Important: as the following sentence contains many naughty words I warn you not to read it under any circumstances; botty, knickers, wee, erogenous zone, psychiatrist, clitoris, stockings, bosom, poetry reading, dentist, fellatio and the department of agriculture.


"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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is DMC enjoyable even to someone who hates anime?

I would think so. Other than Dante and Nero having white hair and all of the characters wearing wacky outfits (e.g. Lady and Trish), it doesn't really look like anime. The story is standard anime-fare, but I think that has more to do with Japan than anime itself. The characters are pretty entertaining, with the exception of Kyrie in the role of the Japanese-style personality-less young woman.

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Dante Must Die difficulty.



The enemy is a Blitz, which causes damage every time you hit it, right after the hit frame. The player is in Dante's Royal Guard style using Gilgamesh (boots and gauntlets). The player attacks and then immediately guard cancels to block the electrical damage, shooting his style meter up to Atomic. He then Beast Uppercuts the Blitz repeatedly, while toggling Devil Trigger to increase his style even more. While the Blitz is dying, he taunts, switches to Lucifer, and throws a rose at it.



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is DMC enjoyable even to someone who hates anime?

I would think so. Other than Dante and Nero having white hair and all of the characters wearing wacky outfits (e.g. Lady and Trish), it doesn't really look like anime. The story is standard anime-fare, but I think that has more to do with Japan than anime itself. The characters are pretty entertaining, with the exception of Kyrie in the role of the Japanese-style personality-less young woman.

For Kaftan.

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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The demo was nice in terms of my first real exposure to the series. Too easy, but I don't expect the real game to be so.


My main concerns is in terms of what players have been saying re: backtracking through the same areas multiple times, and some awkward platforming/puzzle elements. How much does that suck?


(Approved by Fio, so feel free to use it)

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The demo was nice in terms of my first real exposure to the series. Too easy, but I don't expect the real game to be so.


My main concerns is in terms of what players have been saying re: backtracking through the same areas multiple times, and some awkward platforming/puzzle elements. How much does that suck?

It is kind of sucky, to be honest. But not enough to ruin the game for me.

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The demo was nice in terms of my first real exposure to the series. Too easy, but I don't expect the real game to be so.


My main concerns is in terms of what players have been saying re: backtracking through the same areas multiple times, and some awkward platforming/puzzle elements. How much does that suck?

It is kind of sucky, to be honest. But not enough to ruin the game for me.


I can live with the backtracking if it involves fun combat along the way. What about the platforming? Does it even dwell within the realm of frustration?


Some of NG's platforming was just horrid, especially given the 3D camera.


(Approved by Fio, so feel free to use it)

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The demo was nice in terms of my first real exposure to the series. Too easy, but I don't expect the real game to be so.


My main concerns is in terms of what players have been saying re: backtracking through the same areas multiple times, and some awkward platforming/puzzle elements. How much does that suck?

It is kind of sucky, to be honest. But not enough to ruin the game for me.

Some of NG's platforming was just horrid, especially given the 3D camera.

I hate hate hate the Crypt level, just before sacrificial chamber. And Military Depot isn't much better.


I hope they streamline it out of NG 2. I mean, let me use the freaking chain staff already! Who gives a heck over bunnyhopping?

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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The demo was nice in terms of my first real exposure to the series. Too easy, but I don't expect the real game to be so.


My main concerns is in terms of what players have been saying re: backtracking through the same areas multiple times, and some awkward platforming/puzzle elements. How much does that suck?

It is kind of sucky, to be honest. But not enough to ruin the game for me.


I can live with the backtracking if it involves fun combat along the way. What about the platforming? Does it even dwell within the realm of frustration?


Some of NG's platforming was just horrid, especially given the 3D camera.

The platforming borders on nonexistant.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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is DMC enjoyable even to someone who hates anime?

I would think so. Other than Dante and Nero having white hair and all of the characters wearing wacky outfits (e.g. Lady and Trish), it doesn't really look like anime. The story is standard anime-fare, but I think that has more to do with Japan than anime itself. The characters are pretty entertaining, with the exception of Kyrie in the role of the Japanese-style personality-less young woman.


okie dokie, maybe it's just me, but i really don't see how that picture of Trish is wacky... :)


in fact, my ex had an outfit just like that, only without the arm thingies

when your mind works against you - fight back with substance abuse!

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is DMC enjoyable even to someone who hates anime?

I would think so. Other than Dante and Nero having white hair and all of the characters wearing wacky outfits (e.g. Lady and Trish), it doesn't really look like anime. The story is standard anime-fare, but I think that has more to do with Japan than anime itself. The characters are pretty entertaining, with the exception of Kyrie in the role of the Japanese-style personality-less young woman.


okie dokie, maybe it's just me, but i really don't see how that picture of Trish is wacky... :ermm:



It's not just you, I also know a few people with outfits like that :)

Just because you're a bit thinner than your even fatter mum it doesn't mean you're in excellent physical shape, if you could fit through the door and view the normal people you'd notice that cheeseburger boy. Squid suck.

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The game is awesome. Everyone should play and enjoy, or you know, not be happy...whatever you want to do.


Exactly. Well said sir, well said.

Boss: You're fired.

Me: Ummm will you let me have my job if I dance for you?

Boss: No, I don't think so-



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is DMC enjoyable even to someone who hates anime?

I would think so. Other than Dante and Nero having white hair and all of the characters wearing wacky outfits (e.g. Lady and Trish), it doesn't really look like anime. The story is standard anime-fare, but I think that has more to do with Japan than anime itself. The characters are pretty entertaining, with the exception of Kyrie in the role of the Japanese-style personality-less young woman.


okie dokie, maybe it's just me, but i really don't see how that picture of Trish is wacky... :ermm:



It's not just you, I also know a few people with outfits like that ;)


maybe we're just the weird ones on this board haha


i mean, you with your piercings, me with my odd fascination with body mods :)

when your mind works against you - fight back with substance abuse!

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  • 1 month later...

So I picked up the game not too long ago for 360.


I'm playing on Devil Hunter or whatever, made it past the jungle mission. So far, it's pretty nice. The combat system is getting better as I unlock new moves. It felt a bit simplistic at first. Doing combos is nice. I wish the game was more challenging. Perhaps why I'm favoring Ninja Gaiden over it so far, though they're pretty different, so I'm not even sure why I'm making the comparison. The platforming/puzzles have been a non-issue so far. The board game was so trivially irrelevant that it didn't bother me at all; if that's the most frustrating the game is supposed to be, I'm not the least bit bothered.


The bosses have been the highlight. Despite the relative ease of the rest of the game, they've posed a pretty decent challenge, killing me a few times. The 4 bosses so far have been pretty unique and fun to fight. The 1st one is the demo, so no surprise. The 2nd and 4th were very cool. 3rd one was nice conceptually as well, but fairly easy in execution.


So far, I like the game. If subsequent difficulty levels are more challenging while also providing a more extensive moveset, I'm looking forward to those.


(Approved by Fio, so feel free to use it)

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