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Sabahattin Dere

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--As the mighty fanfare reverberates aroud the hall, the mighty yellow roll-up begins to fade into the vast reaches of the sea of stars--





Attack of the Clone-Threads


It is a dark time for the FANS.

Although a new TRAILER has

recently been released, new topics of

discussion have rapidly withered;

leaving the members aimlessly

musing on effete questions.


NEW MEMBERS, with the aid of

Older Ones under the clutches of

BOREDOM, resurrect worn-out topics

that result in frustrating

CLONE-THREADS. Famine is spreading

throughout the Galaxy, the only

remaining source of nutrition being

the bread-crust Akari is sprinkling

before Sparrow-like Fans.


It is about time that OBSIDIAN

releases a bit of new information

on THE MASKED GUY, or a party

member, so that the FANS do not

perish, of boredom......

Zwangvolle Plage!


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Attack of the Clone-Threads


It is a dark time for the FANS.

Although a new TRAILER has

recently been released, new topics of

discussion have rapidly withered;

leaving the members aimlessly

musing on effete questions.


NEW MEMBERS, with the aid of

Older Ones under the clutches of

BOREDOM, resurrect worn-out topics

that result in frustrating

CLONE-THREADS. Famine is spreading

throughout the Galaxy, the only

remaining source of nutrition being

the bread-crust Akari is sprinkling

before Sparrow-like Fans.


It is about time that OBSIDIAN

releases a bit of new information

on THE MASKED GUY, or a party

member, so that the FANS do not

perish, of boredom......


So true! Join me Sabahattin Dere and we will crush these mindless upstarts and bring order to the Obsidian TSL forum galaxy! I think there is much to discuss especially since this game takes place in the old Republic. I have a worthy topic for this thread! Will we see finally the lightsaber staff ala Exar Kun or will we be stuck with the double bladed lightsaber ala Darth Maul?



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Er... no the continuation of the movie is as follows:


S.D.'s escape pod lands on Dantooine, among a herd of wild Kath Hounds. S.D. Ignites his Lightsaber, and cuts them down, simultaneously roasting their flesh for a fine dinner.


The world-weary Jedi then proceeds to the Matale grounds and applies for a job: He is granted the position of Janitor, and lives happily thereafter.

Zwangvolle Plage!


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Er... no the continuation of the movie is as follows:


S.D.'s escape pod lands on Dantooine, among a herd of wild Kath Hounds. S.D. Ignites his Lightsaber, and cuts them down, simultaneously roasting their flesh for a fine dinner.


The world-weary Jedi then proceeds to the Matale grounds and applies for a job: He is granted the position of Janitor, and lives happily thereafter.





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Er... no the continuation of the movie is as follows:


S.D.'s escape pod lands on Dantooine, among a herd of wild Kath Hounds. S.D. Ignites his Lightsaber, and cuts them down, simultaneously roasting their flesh for a fine dinner.


The world-weary Jedi then proceeds to the Matale grounds and applies for a job: He is granted the position of Janitor, and lives happily thereafter.


But one day, strange silhouette emerges from the Jedi Academy and knocks on Matale front door...

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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... and it was just some stupid kid playing a prank.  The end.


...but was it really an end? Suddenly the heavens opens, a beam of light strikes at SD, and divine voice booms:

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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But one day, strange silhouette emerges from the Jedi Academy and knocks on Matale front door...


The Matale father rushes to the door, hoping it is his son who has returned.


--he's startled to see a young girl instead, with Cinnamon Buns at two sides of her head. She says: "Dantooine, they're on Dantooine!"


All of a sudden, a band of wayward Sith troops storm the estate front yard. Their leader, Governor Harlequin, fiercely interrupts: "Liar! On Dantooine are only a yoda clone, senile council members, and women who sexually abuse their droids!"


and they blow up Taris instead


SD watches the entire conflict up from his room. He's amazed how he's screwed his whole last year.

Zwangvolle Plage!


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Chris ran out of ideas. It's going to be <CHARNAME>.


Wrong, it's $SITHGUY


Maybe the Masked sith guy is your twin brother who was seporated from you at birth in order to protect the both of you from your evil father... wait that sounds familiar???


I liked the idea of the Masked Sith Guy being your old master who took you when he went to fight during the mandalorian war.


Or maybe its dustil who is the masked sith guy who was so distraught over carth never making it back to telos that he was consumed by the dark side and became the Masked Sith Guy and thats why they don't want to release his name.

"The only difference between genius and stupidity is genius has its limits!" - Albert Einstein.


"It's better to be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt!"


"You can try to kill me, you'd fail!, but you can try!" - Revan.


"When you have exhausted all other possibilities whatever remains, however improbable must be the truth." - Sherlock Holmes (a.k.a. Sir Arthur Conan Dole)


"A lack of planning on your part, does not constitute an emergency on my part"



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Do your masked guy speculations elsewhere (perhaps after all I should become a footman at Matale's)


Sorry man forgot which thread I was in my misstake there!!

"The only difference between genius and stupidity is genius has its limits!" - Albert Einstein.


"It's better to be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt!"


"You can try to kill me, you'd fail!, but you can try!" - Revan.


"When you have exhausted all other possibilities whatever remains, however improbable must be the truth." - Sherlock Holmes (a.k.a. Sir Arthur Conan Dole)


"A lack of planning on your part, does not constitute an emergency on my part"



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don't worry it's pointless anyway :lol:


Imagine this as a virtual demonstration:


We are the Fans who have chained themselves at the gates of Obsidian


Our chains are made of irrational Kotor adoration


Some of us lose themselves in an Orphic frenzy; dancing around Obsidian headquarters, chanting at the same time: the Masked Guy...W.H.C...other NPCs....


They will not be settled until *substantial* new info. is released. Mind you No one's asking for spoilers here. It's 4 months left and the hype dosage can be increased.

Zwangvolle Plage!


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