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Spore: Delayed again


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Don't know if anyone already posted this but it seems spore has been delayed until 2009. As of now I could really care less considering they suck and are completely unreliable schmucks who don't know how to do anything right. Cool concept and everything but definitely not worth an extra 2 more years tacked on before we can play a game that looked like it was practically finished.




Not a huge surprise IMO. While this game is on my radar I was not expecting it for some time. I mean seriously, how do you expect to make a game thats civ, galactic civ and sim city all on one in just a few years? Just one of those games took several years from design to going gold. Now wright wants to mush them all up in one game?


Is it possible? Sure. But the zots are going to be though the roof. Even bioware took 5 years from design to gold for a game that looked dated out of the box, and thats a SINGLE concept game.


I will be surprised if spore does not suffer one more delay. My guess is summer 2010.


but then we only have less then 2 yrs to play it before the end of the world anyways, so really, its kinda moot. :ermm:/

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Damn right, but by the time it comes out there be Geforce 10


Good games are like guiness.



They're made in Ireland, are black, quite tasty and more expensive than other games?

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