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NWN2: Forumite Impressions


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Ok, I have a pretty stupid question. Im totally lost on how to add the blast shapes to the Eldritch Blast. When I was playing the tutorial it said something about combining a shape to your blast and I just didnt get it. I took the spear and another one (destructive somethingorother)and they are both sitting on my warlocks quickbar. So, in battle, I just click the Eldritch Spear button and it fires. Is that the way Im supposed to be combining a shape to the blast or do you have to "assign" a shape to you blast some way?

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I really can't get, why people at Bioware forums are bitching about the camera controls. Controls are good and almost same as NWN's controls.


From what I've gathered the complaints are about the zooming in when you get near a building or something. Never really had a problem with it myself. Some people seem to complain about having to use the arrow keys to move the camera and that makes a really awkward situation for right handed mouse users, although they all seem to overlook the fact that you can remap the camera controls.


I think if they altered it so that buildings would fade out like the trees do then that would instantly solve about 50% of the camera complaints. :ermm:

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I really can't get, why people at Bioware forums are bitching about the camera controls. Controls are good and almost same as NWN's controls.


From what I've gathered the complaints are about the zooming in when you get near a building or something. Never really had a problem with it myself. Some people seem to complain about having to use the arrow keys to move the camera and that makes a really awkward situation for right handed mouse users, although they all seem to overlook the fact that you can remap the camera controls.


I think if they altered it so that buildings would fade out like the trees do then that would instantly solve about 50% of the camera complaints. :ermm:


Why use the arrow keys or edge scrolling at all? Middle mouse button works as well.

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I really can't get, why people at Bioware forums are bitching about the camera controls. Controls are good and almost same as NWN's controls.


From what I've gathered the complaints are about the zooming in when you get near a building or something. Never really had a problem with it myself. Some people seem to complain about having to use the arrow keys to move the camera and that makes a really awkward situation for right handed mouse users, although they all seem to overlook the fact that you can remap the camera controls.


I think if they altered it so that buildings would fade out like the trees do then that would instantly solve about 50% of the camera complaints. :ermm:


Why use the arrow keys or edge scrolling at all? Middle mouse button works as well.


Because I never remember about the middle mouse button? :"> I was paused so often anyway that it never bothered me to take an addition second or two to rotate the camera. :-

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I really can't get, why people at Bioware forums are bitching about the camera controls. Controls are good and almost same as NWN's controls.


From what I've gathered the complaints are about the zooming in when you get near a building or something. Never really had a problem with it myself. Some people seem to complain about having to use the arrow keys to move the camera and that makes a really awkward situation for right handed mouse users, although they all seem to overlook the fact that you can remap the camera controls.


I think if they altered it so that buildings would fade out like the trees do then that would instantly solve about 50% of the camera complaints. :ermm:


Why use the arrow keys or edge scrolling at all? Middle mouse button works as well.


Because I never remember about the middle mouse button? :"> I was paused so often anyway that it never bothered me to take an addition second or two to rotate the camera. :-


Sorry, wasn't clear in my post. Wasn't referring to you, but to the complainers. It's like people who are complaining that you have to drag and drop to equip anything, when double-clicking works just as well.

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Sorry, wasn't clear in my post.  Wasn't referring to you, but to the complainers.  It's like people who are complaining that you have to drag and drop to equip anything, when double-clicking works just as well.


*Didn't know that either* :">


That's okay :ermm: I didn't see you complaining about it, so it didn't bother me.

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I think if they altered it so that buildings would fade out like the trees do then that would instantly solve about 50% of the camera complaints. :ermm:

yes, it would. probably most actually. otherwise, it is an improvement over NWN1 in my opinion simply because you have full mouse-look (er, of sorts, "mouse-look" is usually a first-person term).



comrade taks... just because.

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i wish they had put in a count capability for purchasing stackables. i hated that in NWN1 and likewise with NWN2. early on, there are not many cure potions above moderate, so you have to buy 10 or 20 for each of your combat buddies. takes a while in the store...



comrade taks... just because.

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- Interestingly, i'm getting much better FPSs at outdoor than indoor.

- Game is quite playable with my old machine. (9600pro, 512ram, P4 3 Ghz)

- Level progression is a bit fast for my tastes.

- Bevil looks like Carth Onasi acts like Atton.

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outdoor is definitely better. i commented in the other thread that maybe it is because of the level of detail with interiors, all the furniture, paintings, etc. dunno... definitely the opposite of most FPS-style graphics crpgs.



comrade taks... just because.

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Woohoo~ Got the game a few days ago. I've had none of the technical problems some people seem to have. My system is on the low end of things, with a P4 2.4, 1G of RAM, and Radeon X800 VFX card.


I'm running it at 1024 resolution, with high resolution textures and low water, shadow and lighting effects and runs great indoors and out. No crashes or lock-ups whatsoever.


I was annoyed with the camera at first, but after I adjusted how fast it moved and zoomed, I'm pretty satisfied with it.


I like the gameplay a lot so far. I'm not a PnP D&D player by any means and the most contact I've had with the D&D rules are the various IE games, so I have just a passing knowledge of the rules, but that hasn't hampered my enjoyment.


As usual, I like going through the game as a honorable fighter/weaponmaster the first time around. I still wish they'd include a kensai sub-class. I miss the BG2 kensai class. :aiee: A weaponmaster just doesn't have the same feel to it.


The one thing that bothers me is the party control. Is there an option to make it possible to select the character you wish to control just by clicking on their character avatar and not the portrait? I've gotten used to doing this in all the IE games, so its pretty annoying when I think I've issued orders only to have someone else execute them after the unpause.


I also wish they'd added in better total party control. The addition of formations would have been nice, like the IE games. I miss having my party form up to engage in battles and travel around for those unexpected encounters. Right now everyone just runs in a line, following the leader. Not the greatest situation when trying to coordinate an attack. I also keep trying to drag a box to select multiple party members, which I can't do. haha


But, other than that, I'm having a lot of fun. I actually restarted after seeing the monkey grip feat. HEHE. Dual wielding greataxe/greatsword fighter here I come! I can't wait to get off work and go play again.


Thanks Obsidian! :dancing:

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The one thing that bothers me is the party control. Is there an option to make it possible to select the character you wish to control just by clicking on their character avatar and not the portrait? I've gotten used to doing this in all the IE games, so its pretty annoying when I think I've issued orders only to have someone else execute them after the unpause.

Not sure what problem you are having, because I can queue commands and jump to other party members and do the same to them.


If you are really having kittens, then change the behaviour of the worst offenders to "Puppet" mode, which will make them automata that won't do anything without direct control.


I have been getting some d




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I've just purchased the DVD version and, having reclaimed at least a little of my life, I plan on installing and playing it soon.

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you shall quickly lose what little life you reclaimed if you don't run into the issues some are having.


the character selection thing is not embedded into my brain yet, either, so it causes grief on occasion. i select my dude, then go to cast and it's still on the other dude, who is now running to strike up a conversation with the one i wanted control over. it'll take a while.



comrade taks... just because.

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After meeting


and NOT selecting him, I had a problem with the character I had replaced him in the party with, namely

the Druid

, she tends to not follow the party around at all. Which was kinda handy in

the troll cave

, because I could just switch to controlling her and exit the cave. But I was not upset to replace her with

the Paladin

shortly thereafter.




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There is an option that lets you select your party members by left-clicking on them. Right now it only targets them, but you can change that. Look for it in the bottom right of General Options.


ATIXP 2.6Ghz, 1gb ram, Radeon 9600 Pro.. ran pretty horribly at ~10fps until I disabled ATIWorkAroundForPointLightShadow or something in the .ini. Now I'm on mostly medium settings, ~30fps outdoors, ~15fps indoors. I do think it has something to do with the lights.


For anyone complaining that camera zoom speed is too slow, just go to the .ini and you can artificially set it higher than the in-game options allow... I *think*. Haven't tested it properly yet. My real complaint is that in Free Cam mode, left and right rotates cam, but up and down changes zoom (or was it angle), so that you can't actually have free cam. Can't seem to change it in Controls menu, either.


In low settings you can definitely see the square blocks in spell effects and they don't look very good so far, but we will see. It's not like i know which settings exactly influence spell effects. :/

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I don't like that it's installing all sorts of .NET stuff on my system. Not that I mind it in particular, but why? I guess I'll find out.


Wow, it's already installing an 87MB patch. haha. I actually take that as a good sign, however. It's like when Diablo 2 had a patch available before the release date. It shows a conscientious approach to the consumer.


Ah, I see, they're actually mods. Wonderful. That's great. It's taking a while to install all the updates, but I don't mind. I'm just glad to have time to spend on the boards for a while while I wait.

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Remembering tarna, Phosphor, Metadigital, and Visceris.  Drink mead heartily in the halls of Valhalla, my friends!

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thanks tigranes. i did not realize that was an option. so many things to learn, so few remaining brain cells. it would help if i actually READ the manual, probably. hehe, i treat it like a VCR or DVD player...



comrade taks... just because.

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I never look in the manual either. First thing I do with any game is fiddle with every single setting on the in-game settings... then the .ini. ;)


Which did mean, of course, that it took me 20 minutes to find the Quickcast menu.


And I'm playing Wizard.

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