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A new crisis on the horisont


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Actually I heard the same thing. The Danes were remarkable in spiriting away virtually all their jews from under the noses of the jackbootees. Their king also gave the Nazis the finger. Good on them.


But I'd forgive them anyway for giving us Victor Borge.

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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Victor Borge?


Only discovered him recently myself. He's like your funniest uncle ever. Plus very very talented on the piano.

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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Just a very nice man. If you like Garrison Keillor you'd love it.

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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Oh, ok. I've heard different views on that, but I take the word of a native. ;)


Look, I'm not trying to associate Denmark with anything, but you'd do well to consider how much half a decade of politics can change a nation. People forget.

Make no mistake though, it is not a very popular party, it's the party that most doesn't want to admit they've ever voted for, because it is not exactly the most PC way to vote. :">

You can vote for communists and get applause all you want, but if you vote for the far right wing, you'll be booed from here to Stockholm, which brings me to my second point; Was it a swede who'd given you that different view by chance? Because some of those guys really loves to demonize our right wing.


Oh and what did we forget? I can't remember. :(


Edit: Yeah Wals, Victor was brilliant, he's sorely missed here.

Edited by Lucius



It appears that I have not yet found a sig to replace the one about me not being banned... interesting.

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Just a thought: The west stops drawing rude pictures of Mohammed when the East stops burning effigies of GWB and Tony. Or indeed when our newspapers stop drawing GW as a chimp.


Yeah, because that's the mature way to deal with the situation.


I mean many in the Mulsim world consider the way our women dress to be offensive. Should we change that?


Maybe if western women start dressing with the purpose of annoying Muslims, sure. Of course it'll never happen because it's incredibly silly.

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Oh okay, we'll just take it up the ass by the muslim world then, because that's the mature thing to do, I guess.



It appears that I have not yet found a sig to replace the one about me not being banned... interesting.

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Of course, because refraining from drawing pictures we know will piss of those in the Muslim world would be taking "it up the ass by the muslim world".


But no, you're right, we can't give in! In fact we should start making derogatory cartoons featuring Blacks and Jews as well. Afterall, we can't have the **** and kikes stopping our freedom of speech and expression.

Edited by Hell Kitty
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Oh okay, we'll just take it up the ass by the muslim world then, because that's the mature thing to do, I guess.


I don't think the muslim world would like that very much. ;)


Maybe you are thinking of some other religious group. :("

As dark is the absence of light, so evil is the absence of good.

If you would destroy evil, do good.


Evil cannot be perfected. Thank God.

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I'm sure that hasn't stopped you from making fun, on numerous occations I'm sure, of the US president, christian right wingers and the likes. Which I think is fine!


But just because we're dealing with a religion here, we're supposed to duck and hide. No chance in hell.



It appears that I have not yet found a sig to replace the one about me not being banned... interesting.

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Oh okay, we'll just take it up the ass by the muslim world then, because that's the mature thing to do, I guess.


I don't think the muslim world would like that very much. ;)


Maybe you are thinking of some other religious group. :("

A religion that frowns upon homosexuality but often happens to be quite fond of sodomy in secret... I wonder what that could be!!! ;)

Edited by Lucius



It appears that I have not yet found a sig to replace the one about me not being banned... interesting.

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Yep.. you are a DF-man .. no doubt! :(


But we'll know how seriously this situation is tommorow after the friday prayer!


and Lucius - you said that the DFU party was a private party? it was payed by their parent political party (with tax-money) and members of a public political party attended .. a party which everyone can join (and be kicked out of if you critisize the top) .. that's not private!


and they didn't mock to send a message .. they were doing it in spite! I mean why step on someones toes just because you can? if it serves absolutely no purpose.. why do it?


The drawings in JP served a purpose, so therefore I support them.. maybe they were stupid and narrowminded - but they were made to facilitate a discussion not to provoke! unlike the images drawn by DFU ..


that said - the Middle East really should stop taking things so seriously!

Fortune favors the bald.

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It's been 5? years since I voted for them, so I'm not that much of a DF man, I just defend them at times when all others wanna stab them in the back. Plus I get attention :(


Whatever the outcome, our foreign minister has already said he won't condemn the video, for which I'm pleased.


Very well, it may not have been so private, these are new details I haven't heard about. But AFAIK they were still drunk, so whether it was meant as a message or as spite really doesn't matter, because as I said before (and I'm confident you're as guilty as me here) young people do stupid things when they drink, yes stupid, and I do think it was exactly that. BUT, at least they didn't go throw molotow****tails at muslim embassy buildings, ever stop to think about that? ;)


I'd like to add, in vino veritas. ;)

Edited by Lucius



It appears that I have not yet found a sig to replace the one about me not being banned... interesting.

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I'm sure Bacchus would agree.. but I still think that direct spite is not acceptable, even if you are under the influence of alcohol (my blunders included!)


But you are the only only to vote for DF in here .. who else can I direct my "galde" at? :">


But we'll see how this plays out .. Pia and her party has now published a cartoon potraying The Prophet as a pedophile (and are refusing to pull it off their website)...I'm sure the Muslims are gonna be really happy about that!! :lol:

Fortune favors the bald.

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Hey, I have a brother who votes for the communists, and he has me as his only brother and two parents who vote right wing as well... guess how the family debates turn out :p


Nevertheless, I just heard that Radical youths have made drawings as well (and for all you non danes here, the Radicals are a left-of-center elitist political party which is very pro-immigration), now that was something I never would have expected. :D


This is gonna be a barn burner! :lol:



It appears that I have not yet found a sig to replace the one about me not being banned... interesting.

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Not to mention that one of their top politicians is a muslim! :lol:


(I will refer to my avatar as an indication of how I feel about this)

Edited by Rosbjerg

Fortune favors the bald.

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Poor Khader, I like him, he's the sort of immigrant many of those criminals I grew up around should aspire to be like. But this stuff doesn't make it easy for him, in his own party no less.



It appears that I have not yet found a sig to replace the one about me not being banned... interesting.

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What can I say. Never cared much for danish politics. Only ever voted once (a personal vote for Kirsten Jacobsen). Apart from that, the only thing I took part in were the EU referendums, which I took great pleasure in voting 'No' to everything :(

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Yes, I think the world should make rude drawings and insulting cartoons about Americans in general, Bush in particular, toss in a few Jesus and Christian insults, then entire countries should hold contests to see how vile they can be in portraying Israelis... oh wait, that's already been done. In fact, it's all already been done, and is basically being done on an almost daily basis around the world, from ridiculing cartoons and comedy skits to truly hateful commentaries and mean-spirited movies, and everything in between. Nobody cares about pissing off America, Israel, Christians, politicians of every hue, Europeans, hell, nobody much cares about pissing off anyone on the planet... except Muslims. They and they alone have the apparent inalienable right to not be pissed off.


Well, it pisses me off no end that while much of the globe feels quite justified in hurling insults and ridicule rather routinely those listed above, among others, and expects all those folks to merely suck up the insult as the "mature" thing to do. Meanwhile, Muslims manage to riot, burn and even kill when they feel insulted, but that's okay because people should have known better than to violate their Islamic sensitivities? I don't think so.


Another example of global double standards, in my opinion... and no, I don't buy the "held to a higher standard because we are better than them" rationale, which is nothing more than a platitude to justify why it's supposedly okay to expect more from one group of people that we expect from another group.

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Yes, I think the world should make rude drawings and insulting cartoons about Americans in general, Bush in particular, toss in a few Jesus and Christian insults, then entire countries should hold contests to see how vile they can be in portraying Israelis... oh wait, that's already been done.  In fact, it's all already been done, and is basically being done on an almost daily basis around the world, from ridiculing cartoons and comedy skits to truly hateful commentaries and mean-spirited movies, and everything in between.  Nobody cares about pissing off America, Israel, Christians, politicians of every hue, Europeans, hell, nobody much cares about pissing off anyone on the planet... except Muslims.  They and they alone have the apparent inalienable right to not be pissed off.


Well, it pisses me off no end that while much of the globe feels quite justified in hurling insults and ridicule rather routinely those listed above, among others, and expects all those folks to merely suck up the insult as the "mature" thing to do.  Meanwhile, Muslims manage to riot, burn and even kill when they feel insulted, but that's okay because people should have known better than to violate their Islamic sensitivities?  I don't think so.


Another example of global double standards, in my opinion... and no, I don't buy the "held to a higher standard because we are better than them" rationale, which is nothing more than a platitude to justify why it's supposedly okay to expect more from one group of people that we expect from another group.


I have yet to meet five Christians or five Jews who give a damn about insulting Muslims.


I have certainly met plenty of Christians who care alot about insulting Christians and plenty of Jews who care alot about insulting Jews.


I've even met some Christians who care about insulting Jews.


But I haven't met any Jews who care about insulting Christians - although those I know tend to do it in Jiddish or Hebrew so that Goyim like me don't realize. After all the Goyim have a bad reputation for being very unforgiving and vindictive.


I think we are right on track to repeat our past excesses with a whole new population of victims.


By the way - in New Jersey USA - the Jews here beat the crap out of the Nazis and their sympathizers when they gathered to spread their antisemetic hate and enlist new supporters in the 30s and the 40s. Sadly, fear is a proven restraint for hatespeach.


So it is not just Muslims who act out when treated badly.


I need to find a small population of Christians that acted out. Isn't there a population like that in Africa. Ahhh. But they are black. Anyone know a white population of Christians that flew off the handle when criticised or abused or made fun of?


Please excuse raging sarcasm. I am so sick of this hateful trash and yet I am starting to do it myself. Bah!

As dark is the absence of light, so evil is the absence of good.

If you would destroy evil, do good.


Evil cannot be perfected. Thank God.

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By the way - in New Jersey USA - the Jews here beat the crap out of the Nazis and their  sympathizers when they gathered to spread their antisemetic hate and enlist new supporters in the 30s and the 40s. Sadly, fear is a proven restraint for hatespeach.


So it is not just Muslims who act out when treated badly.

The Nazi's weren't drawing cartoons. They were gathering support for an initiative to wipe out the Jewish people.


The Jewish people didn't start a deluge of death threats, and then proceed to act on them. They didn't throw bombs into the Nazi's embassy. They didn't go on killing sprees because of a ****ing drawing.


I don't know where you got your meaning for "acting out" but judging by this statement I'm pretty sure it's just a tad bit off base.


Di's got a strong point, which I happen to agree with. They can make fun of the western world, piss on its idols, and kill our people...but a drawing...a line has been crossed! Heaven forbid an insulting drawing was made of a warlord from the ancient world who created a religion based on the other major religions at the time...which were derived from others, and so on and so forth. We should line up to die for such an affront!


FFS. They can shut the hell up and take it. It's a god damned drawing and not worth the blood of ANYONE, regardless of their religion or descent.

I had thought that some of nature's journeymen had made men and not made them well, for they imitated humanity so abominably. - Book of Counted Sorrows


'Cause I won't know the man that kills me

and I don't know these men I kill

but we all wind up on the same side

'cause ain't none of us doin' god's will.

- Everlast

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Unsurprisingly, I think both Di and Lonewolf have good points.


And I do think comparing the Final Solution of the Jews to a few mockings of Muhammed, to be stretching it just a tiny bit.


I know that what we see in the news doesn't represent all muslims, I know that it's probably the extremists and/or fundamentalists in particular whom we've pissed off, which I personally don't mind, since they wouldn't think twice about having us, in the west, mass murdered in the name of their twisted version of islam.



It appears that I have not yet found a sig to replace the one about me not being banned... interesting.

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