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Unkillable enemies discussion

Judge Hades

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Did I say the flamethrower would kill the werewolf easily?  Nope.  I said it would damage the werewolf but still be a very very very difficult and tough opponent.  Just not invincible.



Would you have preferred it if the werewolf actually took damage, even though it had so many hitpoints it was essentially unkillable?

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Yeah, and you should know that all Helsinkians, including Kiro-kun, are vampires.


And drunken vampires at best! I just got home from a bar. Luckily no werewolves this night.


I got invited to birthday party next weekend.

Leena-chan: "Vilma said it

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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Did I say the flamethrower would kill the werewolf easily?  Nope.  I said it would damage the werewolf but still be a very very very difficult and tough opponent.  Just not invincible.



Would you have preferred it if the werewolf actually took damage, even though it had so many hitpoints it was essentially unkillable?

With luck and fortune you would eventually wear down those hit points.


Hades was the life of the party. RIP You'll be missed.

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Would you have preferred it if the werewolf actually took damage, even though it had so many hitpoints it was essentially unkillable?


No. Having it killable should be in the realm of possibility for a combat oriented vampire but it should take a lot of effort regardless of weapons used, though should be slightly easier if one used silver.

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Don't do that, just don't. Or else I'm forced to e-stave you out of jealousy.


Really, no need. Only girl from that group that I was interested in got a boyfriend.


The very one I "proposed". :D

Edited by kirottu

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Geeze :unsure:


My poor thread has turned into a constant back and forth of......


The werewolf should be killable.

It is!

It isn't!

It is!

Not in a really real way!

How many werewolves have you killed in real life to know this?!


....kind of argument...



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It still a pretty much a killing machine but those who have the stronger weapons, such as the uber machine guns and flamethrowers, can kill it in a sustained fight.  Now the ammo usage will most probably make this not a cost effective option but nonetheless the option is there.


I think this would cheapen the weerewolf too much. Machine guns and flamethrowers shouldn't cut it against werewolves. They're tougher than that. Bring silver or stay at home.


(or at least some sort of magical weaponry)


As for what weaponry is available, I'm pretty sure you can have the flamethrower by that time. Still shouldn't be enough imo.



That or you're a Gangrel. Gangrels are the only vampys that really take down Werewolves in WoD. That's what Warform+aggdamage is for.



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The point is ultimately moot anyway, since any kind of challenging battle requiring reflexes would just get Hades killed. The end result is the same.


Here I am trying to have a serious and calm discussion and all you seem to want to do is flame and attack me. CONSTANTLY.


Well, what can I expect from a person who has his head up his ass all the time.

Edited by Judge Hades
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serious and calm discussion


"The wherewolf should not be invernable; just impossible to kill normally due to




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


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It has already been shown that it is invincible.  For an attack that was pretty lame.


Been shown; where? In the game; in the code?


I seem to have missed it.


And don't get me started on "for an attack it was pretty lame" or I am forced to place a example list of 15 miles long of other games where this happens (including RPG's...)




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


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Formerly known as BattleWookiee/BattleCookiee

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Do you even think through what you say?


And no other enemy is the Sheriff, and no other enemy is La Croix, and no other enemy is the asian vampire woman, and no other enemy...


Your point being?


Those are all vampires. Different enemies have different stats. You play games so it really shouldn

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Hades would you honestly have been able to kill him with the standard weapons if he was killable? I mean, you couldn't even outrun him. How do you think you would have fared trying to run and gun at the same time?

Edited by Fenghuang



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