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Really bad sign for games coming from Atari


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IS CP added during the mastering process?  Or does it actually reside in the game code?  I'm not at all familair with the process.



It is added during the last staages of development and the mastering process. One part which installs itself in your computer like a rootkit comes with the installer and the active "control" part which checks that youre using an original disc is added to the main *.exe file.


What you do when you crack a CP is remove the installer so you wont install the rootkit using your cracked disc, and then you try to separate the CP code from the program code in the *.exe file which is the trickiest part. There can also be other CP code hidden within the program in other places than the *.exe file



Inbroad terms..

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"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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Being a copy-protection n00blet, why is it asking you to turn off your firewall? Is that a part of the new cp tech, that they send off little packets of info to verify something? Do you have to turn the firewall off-off, or can you work around it another way, with port settings or whatever? Does such only affect software firewalls or hardware ones as well?

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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I did some checking and it's possible that in addition to Securom, AoW:HT uses a hidden copy protection called Tages. Tages adds a lot of ingame checks to keep checking if the copy is legit, so even if Securom says the game is ok at startup, Tages will keep checking.


This copy protection has been known to cause games to malfunction a lot though. Darkstar One uses it and that game was rendered virtually unplayable for a lot of people with legit copies.


(the way Tages work is by modifying in-game stuff, the game will likely still run, but it'll be so heavily modified it may as well not, like equipment costing one million a piece instead of a few thousand in DSOne)


In the case of Darkstar One, Ascaron released a patch within five days of the UK release to take care of that problem.

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"I don't see why publishers even bother with copy protection. Its going to be broken by those who are determined to do so and it more often than not penalizes legitiment users. "


As in everything, there is such thing as 'casual pirates'. These ar epeople who would only pirate if things were made so they were easy to steal.


Afterall, we could argue, why use locks? if someone really wants to break into your house.. they will... lock, or no lock. They'll break a window, break the door down, etc., etc.


This is the kinda behaviour Kanadians used to have. And, it explains why we had such a higher rate of 'break and enter' crimes than most coutnries including the US. Not sure now; the statistics may have changed..



......... oo.. off topic.. kinda...



P.S. On topic, Atari cna use anything they wnat. If potential customers don't like it they have two legit choices - suck it up, or don't buy it.


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Copy Protection aren't there to prevent Piracy. They're there to delay it. Most of a games sales are made within the first few weeks and if a cracked copy doesn't turn up until after that, then it's considered a huge win for the publisher.

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Copy Protection aren't there to prevent Piracy. They're there to delay it. Most of a games sales are made within the first few weeks and if a cracked copy doesn't turn up until after that, then it's considered a huge win for the publisher.


People are going to pirate a game anyway. If they like it they will buy it. If not they will uninstall it. If the publisher makes it a pain for legit users to play the game then they are just going to lose sales because they would end up pirating the game just so they don't have to deal with the issues of copy protection.

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