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Posted (edited)

In one of my files i picked Kriea through the whole game with someone else ehre and there, unless i had no choice but to do solo of course. i got funny results from Kriea when i chose certain dialog outcomes, either they were DS or LS responses.

Edited by Dark Romeo
  Dark Romeo said:
In one of my files i picked Kriea through the whole game with someone else ehre and there, unless i had no choice but to do solo of course. i got funny results from Kriea when i chose certain dialog outcomes, either they were DS or LS responses.



I would typically retain Atton for his proficiency with a Blaster and Kriea for Jedi Support.


True, because of the bond she can heal both u and her. Atton would be a cool choice i will probally do that next time around.


wow...okay...well...as female....

dantooine...disciple and bao dur....

nar shadaa....atton and visas

dxun....disciple and bao dur

korriban....visas and disciple

onderon....kreia and visas



dantooine....handmaiden and bao dur

nar shadaa...handmaiden and atton

dxun...visas and handmaiden

korriban....visas and handmaiden

onderon....mira and kreia



now if i play darkside it gets changed around because i like HK-47 and mandalore in my party to gain influence...i do switch them around at times if i need influence with certain characters....and i do use mira more if i do nar shadaa earlier in the game....it depends...sorry if i spelled any names wrong...


in kotor 1 bastila and jolee kotor 2 i keep handmaden and atton

"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both." Benjamin Franklin


" Revan was power and it was like staring into the heart of the force."


Atton and Mira.


Handmaiden if using male PC.

Deep from within...


Victims live a life of fantasy.


Some see salvation as an act of God, a few look within for it.




mira and visas> yeh mira is a good sniper...and visas is good at force storm. what bout the droids? (G0-T0 is my fav., only cause he has a stealth unit and floats) i never used them in the same party


Whomever i've Jedified gets to be on my crew, got no spesific preference, but Jedi's generelly clean up a place alot quicker than somebody with blasters, so i try to keep my crew jedi-only. In Kotor1 you had to use HK47 alot, because of the sand people, and you didn't get an excess of jedi, which means you got to hear all his funny and sarcastic lines... In Kotor2 however, he's basically useless, as you normally have atleast 3 jedi on the team before HK47's put back together, so i hardly ever use him... Even though it'd like to use him more...


Oh well...


I use Handmaiden and Visa mostly...Although I have been known to throw in HK-47 and Canderous for a quirk here or there.

Guest The Architect

It's difficult to say really, I wanted to gain a high influence with all of my companions and felt that I needed to give each member some time in the party not only to gain influence with them (because with some companions you can gain most influence through dialogue anyway, so you don't really have to take them out) but also to see if a particular character changes in terms of behaviour, actions and personality according to his/her alignment which unfortunately didn't happen, and that's what needs to change in KOTOR III (if it is made). For example, if HK-47 is LS, then I want to see him act LS, not continue to act DS, which was the case in KOTOR II. I'd have to say though, Mandalore and HK-47 spent more time than any other party member, but like I've said, every party member got a decent amount of time for me, I rotated my party members frequently (where possible), yep, even GO-TO and T3-M4 got some action...


Yeah, influence system was broken in that way. It really annoyed me when I converted Handmaiden to DS and he was still acting as LS

How can it be a no ob build. It has PROVEN effective. I dare you to show your builds and I will tear you apart in an arugment about how these builds will won them.

- OverPowered Godzilla (OPG)



Posted (edited)

Almost any character might have been ok, but I would generally include at least a female character within my party. Hardly used G0T0. Somehow, find his droid feats a bit weird.

Edited by vaxen83

Deep from within...


Victims live a life of fantasy.


Some see salvation as an act of God, a few look within for it.




Generally, I just kept Atton in my party, and Visas. Once Atton becomes a Jedi, they're pretty good. I like to keep my redeemed Sith close at hand.

And I don't really like G0-T0 either. The whole 'looks just like the torture droid from the first Star Wars movie' thing gives me the heebie-jeebies somethin' awful.

Posted (edited)
  Dark Romeo said:
In one of my files i picked Kriea through the whole game with someone else ehre and there, unless i had no choice but to do solo of course. i got funny results from Kriea when i chose certain dialog outcomes, either they were DS or LS responses.

atton (when jedi) or handmaiden (when jedi) if I need a blaster handy I pick mandolore. its ether that or solo.

oh and how do you get mira I allways get the dum wookie I NEED the wrist rocket I love that thing :)

Edited by chos echo

In all my playthroughs I kept Kreia whenever possible due to the extra xp and the jedi support. When DS I always had Hanharr. Before I got him I kept Bao-Dur. LS male I keep Bao-Dur and Kreia. LS female I keep Kreia and Mical.

  chos echo said:
  Dark Romeo said:
In one of my files i picked Kriea through the whole game with someone else ehre and there, unless i had no choice but to do solo of course. i got funny results from Kriea when i chose certain dialog outcomes, either they were DS or LS responses.

atton (when jedi) or handmaiden (when jedi) if I need a blaster handy I pick mandolore. its ether that or solo.

oh and how do you get mira I allways get the dum wookie I NEED the wrist rocket I love that thing :(


Mira - If your PC is LS

Hanharr - If your PC is DS

Deep from within...


Victims live a life of fantasy.


Some see salvation as an act of God, a few look within for it.




Mira and either HK-47 or Atton




  Coach C said:
Dawes ain't too bright. Hitting rock bottom is when you leave 2 tickets on the dash of your car, leave it unlocked hoping someone will steal them & when you come back, there are 4 tickets on your dashboard.

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