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Hitman: Blood Money

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I didn't using first person really, only if I had to place really accurate shots with my silenced pistol.


Oh and by all means chew away Grommie, will be sight worth the wait! :devil:)



It appears that I have not yet found a sig to replace the one about me not being banned... interesting.

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1.2 patch makes first person mode bright, it's a weird bug, I hate it. :devil:


And for a another challenge, try doing suit only. It's possible but you have to memorize the guard patrol paths, and when to make a sneak. Getting SA however would take a godly effort I'd imagine.

Edited by Bokishi
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I didn't using first person really, only if I had to place really accurate shots with my silenced pistol.


Oh and by all means chew away Grommie, will be sight worth the wait! :devil:)



maybe one named lucius does not understand...


if Gromnir would prefer an unpleasant activity such as chewing aluminum foil to playing hitman with wasd, then why would you thinks Gromnir would choose either the chewing or the playing options?




we will have to visit denmark... no doubt we could fleece your entire country in a couple of days.


HA! Good Fun!

"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

"Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)

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Oh do come by, we'll have a room prepared for you at a mental asylum :))



It appears that I have not yet found a sig to replace the one about me not being banned... interesting.

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Playing on Pro is extremely irritating.


For example, I managed to get professional rather than silent assassin on the playboy mission even though I had no witnesses, no camera, all accidents, and one shot that broke the bottom of the pool.

That's probably why you got Professional. Next time try only killing your marks.



No, they count as accidents. I've gotten SA doing that.



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Need to figure out a new way to do the Shamal mission, doesn't seem to like the way I catch everyone in the elevators and then snipe the Sheik on Pro.


EDIT: Bok stealth posted in between my reply to Nartwak. Yes shooting out the bottom of the Jacuzzi works. I'm not sure if I did it the way everyone else is though. For me it was

walk over to the guad post, sneak in and punch the button turning the laser grid off when the guard goes to the vending machine, run around the corner out of sight past the beams, run over to the elevator when he realizes they're off and goes back to turn them on. Once I'm on the staff level (still in suit) sneak into the wine room where the VIP Guard's sitting in the chair getting pissed. Sedate him, drag him behind the shelf of wine. Take his clothes and pistol, walk out the glass double doors to the staff balcony. Shoot out the bottom of the pool. Walk in to the stairs off to the side of the rec room, go halfway up them and exit at the kitchen. Poison a sausage, steal it. Take a knife for good measure. Get back on the stairs and go all the way up. Locate the camera room, wait until the guard's alone and on the side opposite the cameras. Hit the lights, he'll walk further away to turn them back on, take the tape. Now head up to the Studio level. Give the puppy the sausage, follow Lorne out to his balcony when he goes to smoke his pipe, shove him off. Walk back inside, locate the wine room, grab your suit and run like hell from the guards (you can't escape past the lasers anymore, and the one in front of the TV never moves, so your only option is to run through here or through the VIP section of the mansion, it's easier to dash down up the stairwell) run through the kitchen, get on the main elevator down to the pier, leave on the yacht.


It should be noted that killing the female assassin brought me down to Professional, so I always choose to just ignore her entire area instead.



Doing it this way you have all accidents, no kills and Silent Assassin.


My last run through Death of the Crows was funny.



Followed the dude with the suitcase, drugged him, stole his clothes and suitcase, dumped him. Went to the crow building with it, left it on the table. Ignored the guard who told me to get lost and waited for him to leave to room. Poisoned the clone while he stood on the balcony yakking on his cellphone. Took his gun, the walkie talkie, and dumped him all before the guard got back. Grabbed the case after the guard left again and tossed it off the balcony. Grabbed the case, crossed the street to the alley behind the music shop and scaled the buildings until I was able to plant a bomb on the Piano Winch. Smashed the pretty little birdie and took her gun. Now I was ready to find her boyfriend but I needed a costume first. Went to the courtyard with teh pipe up and stole it from the sleeping waiter. Walked through the Rock Bar and picked the lock on the back door when nobody was looking. Walked up and prepared to push him off the balcony. Picked the lock on his apartment door, so far so good. He opened the door and saw me! :x There was nothing to do at this point but rush him. So I run up at him, he gets one shot off at me, I disarm him and shoot him in the shoulder. He makes a run for it and I give chase, thinking for sure I've botched the mission by now. Not so, the noise from the crowd covered the gunfight. I find him cowering halfway down the stairs and I pull out his girlfriend's gun and shoot him in the head. Feathers everywhere. Nobody came running for me yet so I went to get the briefcase back from where I'd left it on the ledge above the pipe. Still nobody coming for me so I went and got my suit. Escaped via the marking on my map.


This actually ended up being cleaner than pushing him over the railing because there were no cops storming the building afterwards. I doubt I could duplicate my results though because of the chaotic nature of the hit. Ended up with Silent Assassin.


Edited by Fenghuang



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I just sedate the photographer, drag him between waterfalls, and take his clothes. Then I pistol grab the bodyguard in the VIP area and walk him to the waterfall, knock him out, and take his clothes. Then I run to the kitchen and grab a sausage. I inject the sausage with tranq, go into the old feller's room, and drop the sausage in the dog's path. When the old feller comes in, I push him over the rail. Then I run down the stairs and shoot a hole in the bottom of the pool. Like I said, no witnesses, but it seems I did something to botch the mission. Next time, I'll try to find some other way to smite the kid. I don't like him much anyhow.

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Remembering tarna, Phosphor, Metadigital, and Visceris.  Drink mead heartily in the halls of Valhalla, my friends!

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Ah, come on, Lucius, you can rate better than Skip. I've seen your picture. I don't find any of the targets on that ship appealing. In fact, the only looker I can recall from any of the missions is the girl at the wedding. If she didn't look so trashy, I suppose the "angel" at the heaven/hell party would be pretty. She is, however, hot. For a cartoon.

Fionavar's Holliday Wishes to all members of our online community:  Happy Holidays


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Remembering tarna, Phosphor, Metadigital, and Visceris.  Drink mead heartily in the halls of Valhalla, my friends!

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Ah, come on, Lucius, you can rate better than Skip.  I've seen your picture.  I don't find any of the targets on that ship appealing.  In fact, the only looker I can recall from any of the missions is the girl at the wedding.  If she didn't look so trashy, I suppose the "angel" at the heaven/hell party would be pretty.  She is, however, hot.  For a cartoon.

Haha, well Mr. 47 wouldn't be a bad pick, had he not been a coldblooded killer clone with a barcode in the back of his head... :)

You know, playing a game like this really brings up the evil side of me (is it just me btw? :o) I often load for reasons as petty as not having placed the shots neatly enough, or if I think there's a lack of splatter on the wall. :-"


By the way, that Angel girl, yeah well I killed her with a meat cleaver, chopped in the head from behind... my most brutal kill so far. o:)



It appears that I have not yet found a sig to replace the one about me not being banned... interesting.

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Direct2Drive PC version. How do you normally work the elevators Jim? I have to face certain directions until the floor I want appears highlighted next to the "e" key.

or... hold down the e key and it'll pop up with a small menu of places you can go...

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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